• Travel & Vacation: Beautiful Charleston Sunsets (Charleston, SC)

    Travel & Vacation - Charleston - SC - P1350206c

    Beautiful sunset

    There is something peaceful about sitting on a swing next to the ocean watching the sunset.  A light breeze and the sound of the ocean waves hitting the shore.  Some of the parks in Charleston have swings or benches you can sit on and watch the sun set in the sky.  Our family has enjoyed several of the Charleston sunsets.  If you are in Charleston and have the time to relax for a few minutes you may be blessed by a beautiful sunset too.


    Watching the sunset over the dock area where they bring the huge cargo barges.


    This one was taken from under the big Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge.  Our family decided to take a walk after dinner around the park  and were able to catch the sunset.


    The sun has set and the moon is out over Charleston.  You can see the small sliver of the moon between the Palm Trees against the dark blue sky.  This picture was taken at Battery Park.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Planet & Star Gazing

    Our Little Karlie Fox Checking Out Jupiter and its MoonOur Little Karlie Fox Checking Out Jupiter and its Moons

    The best evening the entire Christmas break to look at the stars was when it was 20 degrees outside!  All of us went out on the back deck to check out the beautiful night lights in our big sky.  We were able to see Jupiter and its moons!  So BEAUTIFUL!!!  It’s amazing that you can use a telescope to see so very far away.

    Karlie was so excited to see the moon, clusters of stars as well as Jupiter and its moons.  Brina looked for awhile but got chilly so went inside and wrapped in a blanket next to the fire.  Thankful for a chance to gaze at the stars with the family even if it was very chilly outside.

    Star GazingPlanet & star gazing on the back porch

  • Song: “Starry Night” by Chris August


    This song stands out to me and makes me appreciate our creator.  “The only One who makes the moon reflect the sun…”  In January we had the opportunity to go on a cruise and we got a glance of some of the earth’s amazing treasures.  If you think about it even for a few minutes you will see the beauty of the world we live in.  Take a moment this week to go outside and look at everything we have to be thankful for around us (birds, flowers, starry sky, sun, and so much more).

  • Recipe: Cinnamon Star Cookies

    Recently, I spent a few hours on a Saturday doing a Christmas Baking Day with Ashley from Reflecting on the Simple Things in Life baking treats to give to family, friends, and neighbors.  One of the recipes we made from Favorite Brand Name: Cooking for Kids, Kids’ Party Food was the Cinnamon Stars.  We made Stars, Christmas Trees, Snowmen, Bells, and many more fun shapes with this delicious recipe.  The recipe was easy to do and  delicious!  The girls helped with this one recipe by picking out the shapes and sprinkling the cinnamon and sugar mixture over the top of the cookie cutouts.

    Cinnamon Stars

    • 2 Tablespoons Sugar
    • 3/4 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
    • 3/4 cup Butter or Margarine, softened
    • 2 Egg Yolks
    • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
    • 1 package Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe French Vanilla Cake Mix

    1.  Preheat oven to 375° F. Combine sugar and cinnamon in small bowl.  Set aside.

    2.  Combine butter, egg yolks and vanilla extract in large bowl.  Blend in cake mix gradually.  Roll dough to 1/8 inch thickness on lightly floured surface.  Cut with 2 1/2 inch star cookie cutter.  We used a variety of cookie cutters when we made our cookies.

    3.  Sprinkle cookies with cinnamon-sugar mixture.  Bake at 375° F for 6 to 8 minutes or until edges are light golden brown.  Cool 1 minute on baking sheet.  Remove to cooling rack.  Cool completely.  Store in airtight container.  We put separated ours out into Christmas bags to distribute to family, friends, and neighbors.

    This is a quick and easy recipe you can do with little ones helping.  The recipe makes about 3 to 3 1/2 dozen Star cookies at 2 1/2 inches, however, our recipe made closer to 3 dozen since we used a variety of shapes.  We had plenty to divide out and give as gifts.  If you are looking for an inexpensive and easy recipe for the Holidays you may want to try this one.