Menu Planning,  Organization

Organized Chaos: Re-Organized Pantry

Kitchen Pantry

I had some motivation to clean out our white kitchen pantry recently…..we had company coming!  It was time to clean out some of the stuff that was getting close to expiration and re-organize the items that go together.   Plus I wanted to find out what we really had so I could re-stock with items we need before company arrived. I forgot to take a “before” picture but here is the “after” picture:

  • First Shelf – Instant Strawberry & Chocolate Milk, Power Bars, Magic Straws, Raisins and Nuts
  • Second Shelf – Hot Pasta Sides, Cold Pasta Sides, and Regular Pasta Noodles
  • Third Shelf – Lasagna Noodles, Potatoes & Potato Mixes, Rice & Rice Mixes
  • Fourth Shelf – Fruit Chews, Chips, Crackers, and Rice Cakes

It always makes me happy opening cupboards and seeing them organized.  Somehow the pantry areas have a way of getting messy quickly when everyone is busy cooking (including me, ha!).  One of the best parts about re-organizing is it gives me an opportunity to put the items that are expiring the soonest in front to make sure I use those first.  Next step after getting the cabinets in order is to make a list of items I need at the store!