• Jello Jigglers

    The girls had a lot of fun making Jello Jigglers after school to share with their friends who were coming over after dinner.  We had a great time doing this treat together while talking about memories, the girls day at school, and the fun we were anticipating having with our friends that evening.

    I remember making Jello Jigglers when I was a little girl with my Great Grandma Vi so this activity brought back a lot of sweet memories of my Grandma Viola.   It is wonderful being able to carry on this fun tradition with my girls too.

    The girls had a wide variety of shapes and animals from birds, flowers, Mickey Mouse, hearts, bears, rabbits, and more.  They had a blast choosing the cookie cutters and getting this special treat together to share with their friends.  I would say it was a big hit because there were only a couple “jigglers” left by the end of the night.  🙂

  • Guest “Welcome” Basket

    Welcome Basket

    Occasionally we have missionaries, family, or friends staying with us that have been or will be traveling.  When they stop by for a few days or weeks we try to make sure to have a “welcome” letter and basket full of goodies for them to use.  They can go through the basket and pick out any items that their family can use or take with them.  If there are some items that they won’t use they can give them away or leave them.

    One of the best parts about shopping the sales and using coupons is you have an opportunity to be a blessing to people that you meet.  I love being able to pack a basket full of products for our guests to pick out what they want or need.  It saves them a little cash plus they don’t need to make that extra trip to the store.

    Here are some of the items in the basket pictured above that was beside the guest bed for a family earlier this year:

    • Women’s Deodorant
    • Men’s Deodorant
    • Breathe Right Strips
    • Finger Nail Polish
    • Trident Gum
    • Adult Mouthwash
    • Kids Mouthwash
    • Floss – Adult & Kids
    • Sheets Energy Strips
    • Men’s Shaving Foam
    • Men’s Razors
    • Women’s Shaving Cream
    • Women’s Razors
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • New Toothbrushes (for adults & kids)
    • Antibacterial Bandaids
    • Eye Drops
    • Women’s Body Wash
    • Men’s Body Wash
    • Kids Kool Fever Busters
    • Chapstick
    • Lotion
    • Cologne
    • Perfume
    • Women’s Body Spray
    • Men’s Body Spray
    • Feminine Products
    • Adult Toothpaste
    • Kids Toothpaste
    • Contact Cleaning & Rinse Solution
    • Pens / Pencils
    • Paper
    • Kid’s Medicine
    • Adult Medicine
    • And More!!!!!

    Our family doesn’t have everything money can buy, but we have been richly blessed with many items so it is a real treat being able to share what we have with others.  If there is something specific I know a guest enjoys (food, products, or other items) I do my best to make sure it is available for them when they arrive.  I don’t always remember (or get it right) but I think it helps make your guests feel welcome when you have something to welcome them into your home.  If I don’t have a basket ready for them I try to put out a note or something little on the bed or in the guest bathroom for them.  How do you make your guests feel welcome when they come to stay in your home?

  • Organized Chaos: Re-Organized Pantry

    Kitchen Pantry

    I had some motivation to clean out our white kitchen pantry recently…..we had company coming!  It was time to clean out some of the stuff that was getting close to expiration and re-organize the items that go together.   Plus I wanted to find out what we really had so I could re-stock with items we need before company arrived. I forgot to take a “before” picture but here is the “after” picture:

    • First Shelf – Instant Strawberry & Chocolate Milk, Power Bars, Magic Straws, Raisins and Nuts
    • Second Shelf – Hot Pasta Sides, Cold Pasta Sides, and Regular Pasta Noodles
    • Third Shelf – Lasagna Noodles, Potatoes & Potato Mixes, Rice & Rice Mixes
    • Fourth Shelf – Fruit Chews, Chips, Crackers, and Rice Cakes

    It always makes me happy opening cupboards and seeing them organized.  Somehow the pantry areas have a way of getting messy quickly when everyone is busy cooking (including me, ha!).  One of the best parts about re-organizing is it gives me an opportunity to put the items that are expiring the soonest in front to make sure I use those first.  Next step after getting the cabinets in order is to make a list of items I need at the store!

  • Family Recipe: Nancy’s Banana Bread

    A friend recently gave us banana bread which the girls absolutely loved.  After finishing that loaf I dug out our family recipe to make another loaf.  Grandma Willa shared Nancy’s Banana Bread recipe with us many years ago.  This delicious banana bread is always a super special treat around our house.  It is a wonderful recipe to pull out for a breakfast treat when you have guests staying with you or your hosting a get together for a group of friends.  I love that it is easy to put together too.


    Nancy’s Banana Bread:

    • 2 cups Flour
    • 1 tablespoon Water
    • 1/2 cup shortening
    • 1/4 teaspoon Salt
    • 2 Eggs
    • 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
    • 1 cup Sugar
    • 1/4 cup Walnuts (optional)
    • 3 Bananas, mashed

    Mix all the ingredients together.  Place in greased and floured bread pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

  • Recipe: Confetti Dip for Veggies or Chips

    This is a colorful dip to make for when you have people coming over.  It is good on vegetables, crackers, or chips.  Great appetizer or snack for guests.  I received this recipe from a church friend at my bridal shower Andy Conn.

    Confetti Dip

    • 2 1/2 cups sliced and shredded Beef (lunchmeat)
    • 1 (8 oz) package of Cream Cheese (softened)
    • 1 Tablespoon Green Goddess Dressing or Ranch
    • 1/2 cup Mayonnaise
    • 1/2 cup Green Onion (chopped)
    • 1/2 cup Yellow, Orange or Red Pepper (chopped)

    Mix well and refrigerate.  When ready to serve set out with veggies and crackers.