• Organized Chaos: Clean Pantry

    Organizing the Large Kitchen Pantry

    Since I cleaned out the white pantry cabinet it is time for the large pantry to be cleaned out.  It is wonderful having a large pantry in the kitchen but when it gets all disorganized it makes it difficult to find the items that you need.  Thankfully I have a system where the different types of food go but there are times when they don’t get put away in the right place so it becomes a little crazy over time.

    Organizing the left side of the pantry

    • First Shelf (from the top) – Flour and Sugar
    • Second Shelf – Granulated Sugar, Brown Sugar & Powdered Sugar
    • Third Shelf – Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Chicken, Mushrooms
    • Fourth Shelf – Tomatoes (Diced, Whole, Paste, Sauce)
    • Fifth Shelf – Pasta & Spaghetti Sauces
    • Bottom Shelf – Pasta & Spaghetti Sauces, Oatmeal, Oils

    The middle shelves hold a lot of other food items from soup, pickles, olives, salsa, tuna fish, jam, jelly, frosting, and more!  It is nice having it all organized.  Now I know exactly what items I need to pick up at the store and which ones I have plenty of in the pantry.

    Organizing the back right side of the pantry

    I didn’t get a picture of the full right back side of the pantry.  The first two shelves have boxed items from desserts to pancakes to muffins and more.

    • Third Shelf – Boxed Food Items
    • Fourth Shelf – Canned Fruit
    • Fifth Shelf – Canned Vegetables
    • Bottom Shelf – Canned Beans

    It makes me happy having a clean and organized pantry!  Let’s hope it stays somewhat organized for at least a few months (who am I kidding maybe a few weeks) with both of us and the kids going in and out of it!   Although I am thankful for a husband and kids who enjoy helping out in the kitchen.

  • Organized Chaos: Re-Organized Pantry

    Kitchen Pantry

    I had some motivation to clean out our white kitchen pantry recently…..we had company coming!  It was time to clean out some of the stuff that was getting close to expiration and re-organize the items that go together.   Plus I wanted to find out what we really had so I could re-stock with items we need before company arrived. I forgot to take a “before” picture but here is the “after” picture:

    • First Shelf – Instant Strawberry & Chocolate Milk, Power Bars, Magic Straws, Raisins and Nuts
    • Second Shelf – Hot Pasta Sides, Cold Pasta Sides, and Regular Pasta Noodles
    • Third Shelf – Lasagna Noodles, Potatoes & Potato Mixes, Rice & Rice Mixes
    • Fourth Shelf – Fruit Chews, Chips, Crackers, and Rice Cakes

    It always makes me happy opening cupboards and seeing them organized.  Somehow the pantry areas have a way of getting messy quickly when everyone is busy cooking (including me, ha!).  One of the best parts about re-organizing is it gives me an opportunity to put the items that are expiring the soonest in front to make sure I use those first.  Next step after getting the cabinets in order is to make a list of items I need at the store!