• Organized Chaos: Re-Organized Pantry

    Kitchen Pantry

    I had some motivation to clean out our white kitchen pantry recently…..we had company coming!  It was time to clean out some of the stuff that was getting close to expiration and re-organize the items that go together.   Plus I wanted to find out what we really had so I could re-stock with items we need before company arrived. I forgot to take a “before” picture but here is the “after” picture:

    • First Shelf – Instant Strawberry & Chocolate Milk, Power Bars, Magic Straws, Raisins and Nuts
    • Second Shelf – Hot Pasta Sides, Cold Pasta Sides, and Regular Pasta Noodles
    • Third Shelf – Lasagna Noodles, Potatoes & Potato Mixes, Rice & Rice Mixes
    • Fourth Shelf – Fruit Chews, Chips, Crackers, and Rice Cakes

    It always makes me happy opening cupboards and seeing them organized.  Somehow the pantry areas have a way of getting messy quickly when everyone is busy cooking (including me, ha!).  One of the best parts about re-organizing is it gives me an opportunity to put the items that are expiring the soonest in front to make sure I use those first.  Next step after getting the cabinets in order is to make a list of items I need at the store!

  • Recipe: Broccoli Rice Hot Dish

    I made a new recipe this past weekend from one of  Taste of Home’s “Guilt Free Cooking” Cookbooks and the entire family loved it.  I received thumbs up from everyone, several please make this again, and the kids even asked for seconds.  What was leftover of the casserole was eaten the next day so it didn’t go to waste either.  The best part is it was a “healthier” dish and was easy to make. I am not a huge egg person so I had a little hesitation in trying it because I didn’t want something that had a heavy egg flavor.  In the end I was super happy I tried it because I couldn’t even taste the eggs because it had so much flavor in the dish.  As I am trying to eat healthier and cook better food for my family (not that we don’t have a couple of pizza nights a month) I am looking for new, easy, inexpensive and tasty recipes to try.  I bought this cookbook when it was on clearance for $2.50 before Christmas and this weekend as I was sitting on the front porch glider leafing through it while watching the kids play in the yard this recipe jump off the page begging for me to try it out, glad I did too.  It was a hit with the family and it included ingredients that I can easily have on hand.  I used it as our main meal but since it is meatless you could have it as a side as well.

    Broccoli Rice Hot Dish

    • 2 cups hot cooked Rice
    • 3/4 cup shredded reduced fat Cheddar Cheese
    • 1/2 cup Egg Substitute OR (1 egg)
    • 3/4 teaspoon Garlic Salt


    • 1 pkg (10 oz) frozen chopped Broccoli, thawed
    • 4 oz chopped fresh Mushrooms
    • 1/2 cup chopped sweet red pepper (we choose to not add the red pepper)
    • 1/2 medium Onion, chopped
    • 1 cup Egg Substitute OR (2 Eggs)
    • 1/2 cup Fat Free Milk
    • 1/2 teaspoon Onion Salt
    • 1/2 teaspoon Pepper
    • 1 cup (4 oz) shredded reduced fat Cheddar Cheese

    In a large bowl, combine the rice, cheese, egg, and garlic salt.  Press firmly into a 2 quart baking dish coated with nonstick cooking spray.  Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes.

    Meanwhile, place the broccoli, mushrooms, red pepper, onion in a steamer basket over 1 inch of boiling water in a saucepan.  Bring to a boil, cover and steam for 5 minutes or until crisp-tender.

    In a large bowl, combine eggs, milk, onion salt, and pepper; stir in vegetables.  Pour over crust.  Sprinkle with cheese.  Bake, uncovered, at 375 for 25 to 30 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean.

    Do you have easy, inexpensive and tasty recipes to try?  Send me an email and I may post it on my blog or put a link to your blog in your comment.  As a family of 4 with a busy schedule having a stash of great healthy recipes on hand is very beneficial!

    Photo by Taste of Home

  • Rice Krispy Super Bowl Footballs

    In celebration of the Super Bowl event tomorrow our family has put together Football Rice Krispy treats to share with our family and friends.

    Football Rice Krispy Treats with Chocolate Frosting!

    We used an oval football cookie cutter to make footballs in celebration of the Super Bowl weekend.  The chocolate frosting turned out pretty well.  The girls had fun helping us decorate and eating the extra rice krispy corners that were not made into footballs.

    Rainbow Football Rice Krispy Treats for the Super Bowl!

    The girls loved the rainbow colored footballs in celebration of the Super Bowl weekend.  I recommend staying away from the yellow frosting because it doesn’t show up as well.

    Are you doing any special recipes for the Super Bowl festivities?

  • Recipe: Homemade Naan Bread

    We brought dinner to a couple church events this week and decided to do an Indian theme.  We had Biryani, Rice, and Naan but couldn’t find Samosa’s since our favorite Indian store had closed two weeks ago (owners retired).

    Here is a great homemade Naan recipe my cousin shared with me.  We love eating it  with Indian food or plain.

    • 1 – .25 oz package active dry yeast
    • 1 cup warm water
    • 1/4 cup white sugar
    • 3 tablespoons milk
    • 1 egg, beaten
    • 2 teaspoons salt
    • 4 1/2 cups bread flour (you can use either white or whole wheat)
    • 2 teaspoons minced garlic (optional)
    • 1/4 cup melted butter
    1. Dissolve yeast in warm water and let stand about 10 minutes.
    2. Stir in sugar, milk, egg, salt, and enough flour to make a soft dough.
    3. Knead for 6 to 8 minutes on a lightly floured surface.
    4. Place dough in a greased bowl and cover with a damp cloth, then set aside. (Let dough rise for 1 hour, it should double in volume).
    5. Punch down dough and knead in garlic (if you chose to use it).
    6. Pinch off small handfuls of dough about the size of a golf ball.  Roll into ball shapes and place on a tray then cover with a towel and allow to rise until doubled in size (about 30 minutes).
    7. While dough is rising the 2nd time, preheat grill to high heat.  (you can use a griddle if you prefer too).
    8. Roll one ball of dough out into a thin circle and lightly oil grill. Place dough on grill and cook for 2 to 3 minutes (or until puffy and lightly browned).
    9. Brush uncooked side with butter and flip over. Brush cooked side with butter and cook until browned, another 2 to 4 minutes.
    10. Remove from grill and continue the process until all the naan has been prepared.

    Serve the Naan with an Indian dish or really any other meal.   A light bread with great flavor.  It is similar to a pita for those who have not tried Naan.  Enjoy!