
  • Thames & Kosmos Air + Water Power

    Science Experiments

    The girls are fascinated and focused on their first experiment with their Thames & Kosmos Air & Water Power Kit.

    It was successful! 🙂

    Brina and Karlie have been enjoying doing various science experiments, robotics, and more science fun.  Grandpa and Grandma gave the girls a Thames & Kosmos Air + Water Power set for Christmas.  The girls have really enjoyed putting it together and making it work.  They are super excited to check out all the cool things they can build and run with air and water power.  They are  thrilled to learn about the law of physics and how air + water can power various items.

    With this kit they can learn about Pneumatic Hydraulic Engines by building their own models which are powered by air and water pressure.  They can build items with engines powered both by water jet propelled cars and hydro pneumo (air pressure + water pressure).  There are 15 models including a cutting machine, truck, excavator, radar car, tank, antique car, helicopter, motorbike, backhoe, rocket car, forklift, roadster, propeller plane, and grinder.

    Thames & Kosmos Air + Water Power


  • Christmas Tree Ornaments


    Thanks to my sweet cousin Renelle the girls got a cool Christmas Ornament craft this year.  Renelle sent glass ornaments and some paint so the girls could make their own Christmas tree ornaments.  They had a blast making these ornaments!  The ornaments turned out beautifully too!

    The ornaments have a tie die and swirl mix of several colors.  Brina and Karlie were so excited to have these hanging on the tree.  Both girls agree that they want  to do more of these or another Christmas tree ornament next year!

    P1070553cKarlie squeezing paint into her ornament

    Take the glass ornaments and slowly squeeze paint into them.  Add at least 2 or more colors and swirl around until the glass ornament is coated on the inside.

    P1070563cBrina making sure the paint is covering the entire glass

    After adding paint rotate the ornament around until the paint has coated the entire inside of the ornament.  The colors will start to blend as you do this which is very fascinating for the kids to watch.

    P1070558cKarlie swirling and coating the inside of her glass ornament with paint

    The colors blend together and look pretty neat together.


    Turn the ornament upside down in a styrofoam cup or muffin pan so the extra paint can drain.


    Every few hours flip the glass ornament the opposite direction so the paint will dry evenly inside the bulb


    One of the glass bulbs hanging on the trees


    Beautiful ornament made by the girls hanging on the tree


    The girls did a fabulous job making these ornaments.


    Colorful and looking great on the Christmas tree


    The colors merged beautifully on their glass ornaments


    Thanks Renelle for an amazing craft!  The girls had a craft and they turned out beautifully!

  • Raising Multiples: Favoritism in Twins (Multiples / Siblings)


    Favoritism is a hard topic for any parent to think about not to mention speak about, no matter how many kids you have or their ages.  The other day I was talking with a friend when she asked if I ever had to deal with favoritism with the kids and if I had any suggestions on handling that type situation.  Not an easy question or answer.

    I have debated back and forth whether or not to to post about this topic as it is a tough issue. I could feel this Mom’s pain as as she shared her heart. How do I answer a question like that well and at the same time encourage my friend?  There is no simple one-size-fits-all answer.

    It is really difficult as a parent to see one child getting extra attention from a grandparent, family member, or friend.  If the child is small they may not notice, but as they get older they may pick up on those actions. I completely understand that it is normal for people to be drawn to those with similar personalities or are closer to some. Unfortunately, it can be a little too much and happens more often than we want to admit so we need to be prepared to know how to encourage our children if this does happens.

    As parents it is our responsibility to love and protect our children as much as we can, however, it is important to guide them through life knowing that it isn’t always fair.  While it can be a valuable lesson, it can also be very upsetting when the child realizes it.  We cannot shelter them from everything so if this happens we need to prayerfully consider how to best encourage the child that has been hurt.

    Here are a few ways that may help:

    • A LOT of prayer.
    • If it is a rare situation try to not make a huge deal out of it, but encourage each child and compliment them on their strengths and positive qualities.
    • If it happens often, you may need to speak to respectfully to the friend or family member letting them know that it has come to your attention and try to set some type of guidelines (for example – Please do not bring a gift specifically for one child and not the other child. / If you take the one to a special event we request that you find a time to do something special with the other child as well.)
    • Take your kids on “Date Nights”, especially when you have twins or triplets that have spent their entire life together. Jake goes with one and I go with the other one and then we switch the next month. This helps each child to have fun, quality time, and your undivided attention for several hours. Just doing this once a month has opened so many doors into our daughters lives and hearts. They will share things with you that you never knew they struggled with as well as cherish the Parent and Daughter memories they have made with you.
    • Have a heart to heart talk with them were you truly listen without judging or trying to fix the problem(s).  You cannot force people to change, but when they know they can share anything with you and you will love them unconditionally the sting of the favoritism or other hurt (whether real or perceived) is minimized.
    • Look up verses and encouraging quotes to memorize together.  The heart of a child is tender and we want to guide them to truth, love, and forgiveness even when they are hurt.  You do not want that child to hold a grudge, get bitter, or act disrespectful towards a person because that can have a long term ripple effect in so many other areas of their lives.
    • A few extra hugs, a shared joke, or hearty laughter can go a long way to lift the spirits of a child who feels hurt.

    I hope and pray that you never have to see your child get hurt, however, we live in the broken and sinful world.  Sometimes people (yes, even family members and friends – although usually unintentionally are mean).  Feelings will get hurt.  Words are said at times that cannot be taken back.

    If you are facing this situation in your family my heart and prayers go out to you.  Hang in there!  Remember to cherish those you love.  Let’s all guard our tongues and actions so we do not hurt those around us.

  • A Treat for My Errand Buddies

    Karlie's QT Treat

    I LOVED having my girls home for the Christmas Holiday.  My only complaint is the time went by way too fast.  We had several days when we had to run errands.  On our last day of appointments and errands we ended with a special treat from QT.  The girls each got to pick out what they wanted from QuikTrip.  Karlie picked out a peppermint donut.  Brina picked out a hot peppermint vanilla cupcake drink.  They were very pleased with their special treats.

    It has been so much fun running my errands with the girls.  We had a blast giggling, exploring, playing, random silly games, and activities throughout our adventures.  It won’t be nearly as exciting running around without my little buddies!

    Brina's QT Treat

  • Planet & Star Gazing

    Our Little Karlie Fox Checking Out Jupiter and its MoonOur Little Karlie Fox Checking Out Jupiter and its Moons

    The best evening the entire Christmas break to look at the stars was when it was 20 degrees outside!  All of us went out on the back deck to check out the beautiful night lights in our big sky.  We were able to see Jupiter and its moons!  So BEAUTIFUL!!!  It’s amazing that you can use a telescope to see so very far away.

    Karlie was so excited to see the moon, clusters of stars as well as Jupiter and its moons.  Brina looked for awhile but got chilly so went inside and wrapped in a blanket next to the fire.  Thankful for a chance to gaze at the stars with the family even if it was very chilly outside.

    Star GazingPlanet & star gazing on the back porch

  • Love My Family

    Jake Reading to the Girls

    My Handsome man reading to the girls.  Love listening to Jake reading to the girls.  Jake and the girls love history.  He was reading a book about the Christmas when Winston Churchill stayed in the White House.  The girls love reading and enjoy those moments when we can read to them.  Thankful for my family and seeing Jake reading with the girls warms my heart.

  • Ready or Not 2014 Has Arrived!

    Happy New Year 2014

    It is always exciting bringing in a New Year!  A new year means a fresh start.  Thoughts of many goals, projects, and activities run through my mind.  Last year, 2013, went by so quickly that I barely blinked and it was gone.  There were many things that I wanted to accomplish yet somehow a ton of other items took my time and attention.  A lot of the activities that took up my time were good and essential, however, like everyone else we only have 365 (or in case of a leap year 366 days that year to accomplish all those goals).  I don’t ever want to look back over a year and feel like it was a waste.  I want to continue making positive progress.  Not every day will be perfect (far from it), but small steps and progress in the right direction over time really do make an impact not only on my life, but on the lives I touch.

    Here’s a few of my goals for 2014 (365 days to make progress in the right direction):

    • Daily time in God’s word
    • Regular quiet time set aside to pray
    • Create happy memories with family and friends
    • Scheduled quality time with my handsome man and kids
    • Smile more
    • Count my blessings
    • Laugh often
    • Focus on the good things that come my way and let go of the negative stuff that drags me down
    • Say yes to those activities that bring me closer to where I want to be & “no” (this is a hard one) to those activities that don’t
    • Eat healthier
    • Exercise more
    • Post regularly here on Blessings Multiplied
    • Stick to our family budget
    • Connect more frequently with family and friends
    • Take time to encourage and be a blessing to others (family, friends, and strangers)

    That at least gives you an idea of some of the goals I will be working on this year.  There are several more specific goals I have for myself and my family.  What are some of your goals for 2014?  Will we get to the end of this year 365 days from now and be smiling because we at least made process in a positive direction?  I pray that we’ll be able will learn a lot, continue to grow, and create lasting happy memories this year.   Life is short, let’s make the most of the days ahead.

  • Welcome New Year 2014!


    We had a fun time bringing in the New Year!  It started a little later than we expected because Jake was on call with work, but we were able to pack in a lot of games, snacks, a play, and more exciting activities into the evening.  The girls stayed up until midnight again this year to watch the ball drop and bring in the 2014 New Year!  They were super excited to start the New Year with confetti!

    We talked about all the amazing memories we had in 2013.  All of us agreed that 2013 was an awesome year and we packed in a lot of great memories together as a family.  Several fun trips – a cruise, Vermont, Charleston, Kansas, Atlanta, North Carolina, and more!  We are truly blessed and have so much to be grateful for in our lives.

    We discussed goals and what we are looking forward to in 2014.  The girls decided they wanted to think of at least one goal for 2014.  They took a whole 2 seconds to come up with at least one of their goals.

    Brina’s first goal – “Spend more time outside!  I love playing and being outside!”

    Karlie’s first goal – “Read more books with 400 or more pages!”

    The girls make me smile because in many ways they couldn’t be more different!  One of the themes for 2014 Brina suggested was “Anything Can Happen!”  Thankful for our girls and the opportunity to bring in the New Year with them.  I am looking forward to seeing what God has for our family this upcoming year.

    Happy New Year!

    The confetti was a lot of fun and I am sure it will spread itself through the house even though we tried to sweep it up.

  • Creative Kids: New Hot Pads!

    Karlie’s colorful hot pad she made!

    The other day I was working on several items that needed to be done so the girls took some time to do some crafts.  I wasn’t sure what they were up to, but they were staying busy and being good.  The next morning I was presented with two brand new colorful hot pads!  One that Karlie had made and one from Brina! What a special treat it is to get such a sweet gift first thing in the morning.  Thankful for my thoughtful girls.  I am very blessed and will think of them every time I use their beautiful hot pads.

    Brina’s new hot pad she made for me!

    My beautiful new hot pads!  Love them and especially love the two sweet girls that made them for me.

  • Chef Brina

    Brina loves helping in the kitchen.  The other day she wanted to make blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  She did Christmas shapes and the letters for each family member which was a lot of fun.  The pancakes turned out amazing.  She did an awesome job making breakfast.  Love seeing my girls get excited about helping in the kitchen.  They are growing up fast and learning so much.  I have really been enjoying having my girls home for the Christmas Holiday.

    My snowman pancake made by Brina

    Jake got a candy cane – the red is blended strawberries (love using strawberries on our pancakes!)