Events,  Family,  Goals

Ready or Not 2014 Has Arrived!

Happy New Year 2014

It is always exciting bringing in a New Year!  A new year means a fresh start.  Thoughts of many goals, projects, and activities run through my mind.  Last year, 2013, went by so quickly that I barely blinked and it was gone.  There were many things that I wanted to accomplish yet somehow a ton of other items took my time and attention.  A lot of the activities that took up my time were good and essential, however, like everyone else we only have 365 (or in case of a leap year 366 days that year to accomplish all those goals).  I don’t ever want to look back over a year and feel like it was a waste.  I want to continue making positive progress.  Not every day will be perfect (far from it), but small steps and progress in the right direction over time really do make an impact not only on my life, but on the lives I touch.

Here’s a few of my goals for 2014 (365 days to make progress in the right direction):

  • Daily time in God’s word
  • Regular quiet time set aside to pray
  • Create happy memories with family and friends
  • Scheduled quality time with my handsome man and kids
  • Smile more
  • Count my blessings
  • Laugh often
  • Focus on the good things that come my way and let go of the negative stuff that drags me down
  • Say yes to those activities that bring me closer to where I want to be & “no” (this is a hard one) to those activities that don’t
  • Eat healthier
  • Exercise more
  • Post regularly here on Blessings Multiplied
  • Stick to our family budget
  • Connect more frequently with family and friends
  • Take time to encourage and be a blessing to others (family, friends, and strangers)

That at least gives you an idea of some of the goals I will be working on this year.  There are several more specific goals I have for myself and my family.  What are some of your goals for 2014?  Will we get to the end of this year 365 days from now and be smiling because we at least made process in a positive direction?  I pray that we’ll be able will learn a lot, continue to grow, and create lasting happy memories this year.   Life is short, let’s make the most of the days ahead.