• Flashback Friday: Growing Up

    Brina thinking about how to get to Daddyc

     Brina trying to figure out how to get across the floor to Daddy!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back 10 years.  The girls were 6 months old and starting to learn so much every week.  They are more mobile and on the go.  They love babbling back and forth to each other and to others.  It is fascinating to watch them explore and learn new things.  Our family is blessed with these to sweethearts.

    Brina is the more mobile one, but Karlie is only a day or two behind her.  Karlie is the more verbal one, but it doesn’t take Brina to catch up.  They challenge each other and neither one wants to get left behind so they do a lot of their fun activities together.

    It is cute to see them working together like a small team.  Some of their jibber jabber we don’t understand, however, they seem to understand all of it and will randomly bust out laughing about some inside joke they share.

    Flashback Friday - Brina playing on the kitchen floorc

     Sweet Brina pausing to say “Hi” to Mommy!

    Give us smile Karliec

    Karlie is always quick to offer a sweet smile which makes my heart happy.

    Say CHEESE, Karlie and Brinac

    It’s only been a month since they started eating rice cereal and “solid” food.  The first time we had a lot of tears because they didn’t like it and wanted their bottles.  Now they are all smiles when they get into their high chairs .  They look forward to meal time (I think they consider it another form of play time only messier)!  Oh, how quickly things change in just a few weeks.

    Silly Brinac

    Having fun with Brina as we get her dressed for bed.  She doesn’t look too thrilled, but puts up with her goofy parents anyway.

    Talk to the Hand (Brina and Karlie)c

    Brina – “Quiet Karlie, it’s my turn to talk now….”

    Flashback Friday - What's so funny Daddy - Karliec

    Karlie – “What are you laughing at Daddy?”  She is all smiles and has no idea she has tape on her forehead!

    Flashback Friday - Brina so proud of being able to stand on her ownc

    Brina so proud of her standing ability.

    Flashback Friday - Cutie Pies, we love you - Karlie and Brinac

    Karlie and Brina, they had such pinchable and kissable cheeks at this age.

    Flashback Friday - Brina - I told you I was good luckc

    Daddy’s unique way of giving Mommy some cash.  Brina wasn’t too sure about this new toy in between her toes.

    Karlie - what Mom, I was just trying to get her to be quietc

    Brina would get very upset if she tipped over and couldn’t get herself back up again.  This time when she fell over I think Karlie was concerned about her crying because she stuck her fingers into Brina’s mouth (maybe to make her be quiet, who knows).

    Flashback Friday - Brina a little unsure about the cow rockerc

    Brina’s first ride on the rocking cow (with pillows on either side and Daddy next to her just in case).

    Good Morning Smiley Karliec

    Sweet Karlie

    Karlie figuring out the rockerc

    Karlie’s first ride on the rocking cow.  They were a little unsure about this moving cow at first, but as they got older it became a popular toy at our house.  They loved it.

    Karlie is ready for a fun dayc

    Happy Karlie girl

    Karlie pretending to drink from her sippy cupc

    They are learning how to use a sippy cup.  Karlie sometimes would “act” like she was drinking or play around instead of actually drinking so we had to make sure she was getting enough water.

    Flashback Friday - Brina does not like falling over, she gets madc

      Brina tipped over Mr. Octopus while playing and couldn’t get back up.  She was not happy!  Once I sat her back up again she was fine and her happy self again.

    Whose got Karliec

    Surprised Karlie woke up to a massive stuffed animal on the swing with her.   Where did this come from?!  “Butch” was a large stuffed dog I got as a kid from Grandpa CE and Grandma Willa.  The girls loved to roll around, climb, and play with it when they were little.

    Karlie happy to be hanging out with Daddyc

    Life is good – Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Brina - come close so I can touch youc

    Brina is fascinated with the new toy which we called “Giggles”.  It would giggle and move around the room.  She loved to followed it around the room and knock it over so it wouldn’t run away.

    Karlie concerned because it is getting closerc

    Karlie on the other hand was a little suspicious about a laughing and moving toy.  She was fine with it at a distant, but the first time it bumped into her arm she was hysterically screaming like it attacked her.  After watching it a few more times she eventually got used to it and enjoyed it.

    Brina on the hungry hippo, sitting by herselfc

    Brina riding the “Hungry Hippo”!  They could ride on the hippo and as it moved it would pick up block and other toys off the floor and put them into a storage bin under the seat.  It made “clean up” more fun for the kids.  They both loved riding on it or being pushed around the house picking up scattered toys.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie playing on Mr. Clownc

    Playing together on “Mr. Clown” mat.  They initially would both fit (with all their toys) and stay on the clown mat now they are getting older they never stop moving so even though they might start there they don’t stay very long.

    Karlie happy playing the pianoc

    Karlie is happy to play music for the rest of us.

    Brina showing off her belly button while Karlie waits for the picturec

    Brina talking and showing off her belly button while Karlie sits there nicely for the picture.

    Karlie - here let me check out your eye; Brina let me check out your mouthc

     They loved talking (or babbling) to each other.  This was one time while I was getting them dressed.  Karlie was talking away so I sat Brina up on the changing table with her and they talked back and forth for several minutes.  Who knows what they were saying, but they were having fun.  They were fascinated by the words and noises coming out of each others mouths and would stick their hands inside the others mouth trying to figure out how it all worked.  Loved these little interactions and the cute gibberish they made.

    Karlie curious about the hat and waking up in a strange placec

    Daddy let Karlie borrow his hat.  He was concerned about her getting a sunburn.

    Karlie cutiec

     Karlie sitting quietly, but not entirely sure about this thing on her head.

    Looks like a cute baby in the laundry basket - BrinacA whole lot of Brina mischief was found in my laundry basket.  They used to love playing in our laundry baskets.  Once they were older they made it a game to climb in and out, wonder how that started?  Sweet Brina is distracted me from doing the laundry, but hey that can wait until tomorrow, right!?

  • Organized Chaos: Health & Beauty Supplies


    Health & Beauty Supplies

    We have a tall narrow closet in the master bedroom where we store regularly used Healthy & Beauty Supplies.  When we find something that it is on sale and we know we will use in the next 1 to 6 months we pick it up and put it in the appropriate container.  The containers hold plenty for our family for the next few months so we never get more than what the container can hold.  If the container is empty or running low we put that item on our shopping list for the next trip to the store.

    As the kids get older I have noticed they are starting to go through more of the Health & Beauty items.  Since we try to get these items when they are at a good price we haven’t noticed too much of an increase in use.  I anticipate as they get older the use will continue to go up and they may start getting more specific about what they like (or don’t like), but for now they are content with just pulling out something from the container that we have on hand.

    It helps having everything organized and available so when an object is needed already we have it.  There are a couple items that technically are not Health & Beauty that we keep stored in this area as well such as the Air Fresheners and Small Gifts, otherwise it is all health and beauty items.

    Once again you can see that I used the small clear containers with a white lid from the Dollar Tree.  These fit perfectly in so many of our smaller closets and help us keep supplies in order.  They are easy to see into, pull out, open up, and refill.  Anyone in the family can easily get the items they need without assistance.  We have not replaced the original wooden closet shelves in this closet because it is such a different sized closet the wooden shelves work for it.  The closet is not wide enough to fit 2 of the plastic containers side-by-side so I used a narrow box to slide in next to the containers which contains some of the slightly bigger items we try to keep on hand.


    Top Shelf of the Health & Beauty Closet Contains:

    • Air Fresheners & Refills
    • New Make Up
    • Q-Tips & Cotton Balls
    • Box of Small Gifts (I try to have a handful of small gifts on hand for last minute parties, teacher gifts, hostess gifts, or something else.  Couple examples of what I keep in this box are candles, decorative hand soaps, and more.  These items have come in handy when we don’t have time to run to the store, but need something to give someone.)


    Middle Shelf of the Health & Beauty Closet Contains:

    • Female Deodorant (which now we have 3 people in our household using)
    • Male Deodorant (we always have at least 2 of his deodorants out at a time – 1 for everyday home use and 1 packed in a toiletry bag for when my husband travels for work.  There have been times when he has had to leave at the last minute so having this already packed and ready helps us make sure he has everything he needs to travel and allows us to get him out the door more quickly.)
    • Chapstick / Lipstick
    • Box of Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, & Mouthwash (since these are typically longer or taller in size they fit better in the box on the shelf)


    Bottom Shelf of the Health & Beauty Closet Contains:

    • Hand Sanitizer & Sunblock
    • Dental Floss
    • Toothbrushes
    • Box of Lotion & Face Wash


    All the Health & Beauty items are organized and ready to be used!

  • Organized Chaos: Household & Party Supplies


    Household and Party / Gift Supplies

    There are certain items our household tends to need or go through on a regular basis.  Since these are items our family uses regularly we try to keep them organized, accessible, and stocked so that when they are needed we can get them quickly.  Also, there are certain party or gift supplies that we keep on hand and organized to use for a variety of different events that we participate in as a family.

    In order to organize our Household and Party Supplies efficiently in our storage room we used these clear small containers with white lids, you can find them for a $1 at Dollar Tree.  We were able to fit all our household and party supplies on one shelf.    Once the items are placed in containers, we put the lid on, and labeled them. We picked up the wire shelving several years ago at Sam’s Club, but you can find it at a number of stores including Walmart, Target, Home Depot, and more.  We have used this system for several years now and it works really well for our family.

    Household & Party Supply labels:

    • Vacuum Attachments
    • New Sponges
    • AAA Batteries
    • AA Batteries
    • D Batteries
    • C & Miscellaneous Batteries
    • Curling Ribbons & Yarn
    • Gift Bag Ribbons
    • Paper Bags (White & Brown)
    • Crepe Paper
    • Ribbons


    When the kids were little it felt like almost every toy had a battery, not sure if we go through any less batteries now that they are older.  Although, they do have more stuff that charges using a wall outlet now!


    The household and party supplies are located on the bottom rack in this picture!  Easy to see, reach, and use when needed!

  • Organized Chaos: Picnic & Travel Supplies


    Our Picnic and Travel Supplies Organized

    Our family loves to be outside and travel!  We keep some of the travel supplies we use regularly on hand for these occasions so that we are prepared.  We don’t always need all these items for each trip or when we go outside, but when it is necessary it is easy to locate so we can use them.

    These small containers with lids that we used for the picnic and travel supplies, you can find for a $1 at Dollar Tree, have been useful in helping our family get and stay organized!  Once the items are placed in containers, we put the lid on, and labeled them. We picked up the shelving a long time ago at Sam’s Club, but you can find it at a number of stores including Walmart, Target, Home Depot, and more.

    Picnic & Travel Supply label ideas to get you started:

    • Sunblock
    • Bug Repellent Bands
    • Hand Sanitizer / Wet Wipes
    • Disposable Forks
    • Disposable Spoons
    • Disposable Knives
    • Disposable Utensil Sets
    • Decorative Tape
    • Candy Gifts

    Most of these items probably make sense to you, except maybe the Decorative Tape and the Candy Gifts.  Well, let me explain why those are in this section as well and on the shelf with the other travel items.  The decorative tape is used usually before we travel to make or decorate a special surprise for the kids (especially if it is a long trip).  Sometimes we have actually brought a roll with us as we travel for various fun activities during the travel.   We do use the decorative tape for other occasions as well, but for the most part it used before traveling adventures.  The candy gifts are in the travel section because when we go on long road trips, usually 5 hours or longer, we try to pack special treats for the kids to enjoy along the way.  This helps break up the trip for them.  I usually get the treats a various times throughout the year as I find great deals and put them into the container.  As we prepare to leave for an upcoming trip I pull out a couple items and we are good to go.


     Disposable utensils, decorative tape, and candy gifts!  Ready for the next road trip adventure!


    The Picnic & Travel Supplies are organized on the middle shelf in this picture!

  • Organized Chaos: Organizing Our Arts & Crafts Supplies


      General Craft Supplies

    Our kids love to do crafts! In the summer months, on the weekends, or evenings when the kids have some extra free time they like to do crafts.  Throughout the school year they have to do various projects for school so our art and craft supplies come in handy for those tasks as well.

    The general arts and crafts supplies are stored in our storage closet on one of our shelves in individual containers labeled with what is inside each one.  Whenever the kids want to do a craft or need something specific all they have to do is get the container out, use whatever item they need, and put the container back once they are finished.  If they use up all of one particular item they write that item on the grocery / shopping list (or tell us if we are nearby so we can add it).

    When the kids were younger we had a lot more containers of art and crafts supplies.  Now we have narrowed it down to the supplies they use the most and will fit on one shelf in the storage room.  We still have a couple drawers and other containers on the very bottom shelf for specialty or specific items that do not fit into these categories, but they are easy to access when they need them as well.   Also, the girls have crafts that were give to them in their own rooms, Organized Chaos: Kids Crafts & Activities.

    These small containers with lids that we used for the arts and crafts supplies, you can find for a $1 at Dollar Tree, have been very useful in helping our family get organized!  Once the items are placed in containers, we put the lid on, and label them. We picked up the shelving a long time ago at Sam’s Club, but you can find it at a number of stores including Walmart, KMart, Target, Home DepotLowe’s, and more.

    Here are some of the container labels we used for our arts and crafts supplies to get you started:

    • Stencils
    • Small Crafts
    • Glitter
    • Craft Sticks
    • Modeling Clay
    • Crayons
    • Google Eyes
    • Beads & Necklaces
    • Fuzzy Sticks (pipe cleaners)
    • Water Color Paint / Paint Brushes
    • Finger Paints
    • Stamps
    • Pom Poms


     Our organized storage room – the top shelf in this picture is where the arts & crafts supplies are located!

  • Organized Chaos: Cleaning the Top of Kid’s Dressers


    Messy dresser top

    There comes a point when certain areas start to accumulate too many random items that they need to be cleaned.  For some reason in our house any available flat surface becomes possible game for these types of items – from the kitchen counter tops, dresser tops, table tops, the floor, and more.  I am hoping this is somewhat normal for most houses and if anyone finds an airtight solution to this problem please let me know.  After awhile the little things piling up on flat surfaces really starts to bother me whether it is in the kitchen, bedroom, or somewhere else in the house.  Honestly, I lose track of how many times a week (or a day) I clean off the kitchen counter tops and other places.

    In the bedrooms the big spot for these types of items to accumulate is on the kids dressers.  I want them to be able to keep their treasures, decorate, or show off special items, but at some point it needs to be cleaned and organized.  Sometimes a lot of the clutter items are just things that are not put away in their proper place.  Instead of putting them away they just lay on the dresser top for awhile.  Other times it is some fun trinkets they got at a party, won, or received.  No matter what it is or why it is there the chore of keeping the dresser tops clean, organized, and dusted pops up quite frequently around our house.

    While the kids room is the one I am talking about today I have to admit our dresser tends to get hit with these items as well.  Jake and I are as guilty as the kids in loading up the dresser top with items that do not belong on it.  Even though this area tends to get messy more quickly if you clean it off regularly it won’t take very long before it is looking good again.

    Cleaning off the dresser is quick, easy, and makes the room look so much cleaner:

    1. Take everything off the dresser
    2. Dust the dresser off
    3. Put away the items that did not belong on the dresser
    4. Straightened up the special treasures you decide to keep or that belong on the top of the dresser


    Looking good Karlie!  It always makes me smile to see what special items they specifically choose to keep on top of their dressers.

  • Organized Chaos: Kid’s Bookshelves


     Kids bookshelf

    Our family loves books!  It has always been something we have done together.  When the girls were little we would read to them everyday.  Now we read more chapter books, library books, and special books together as a family.  We do a rotation on who gets to pick out the next chapter book we will read as a family.  Sometimes if Jake is traveling he may miss a chapter or two otherwise we usually do this activity together.

    When the girls were little we barely had any kids books.  We started collecting them, the kids got some as gifts, and they have also bought some with their spending money.  Over the years these books have accumulated.  For one of their gifts a couple years ago Jake made the girls a bookshelf for their room.  They LOVE it!  For the most part they do keep it pretty neat, but every once in awhile it needs a little cleaning and organizing.

    As you can see from the picture above they have books piled on top of the books on the shelf, books leaning all directions, random items that are not books on the bookshelf, and various books out of place.  Since they keep it in decent order it doesn’t take long to freshen up the book shelf, put books away, dust, and we had it looking better in no time.

    We have their books arranged in specific order.  On the top are the kids classics and chapter book series.  The 2nd shelf down we have more chapter books or series.  On the 3rd shelf from the top we have the Golden Classics and soft cover books.  The 4th shelf from the top contains all the kids reference and educational books.  On the 5th shelf from the top we have hard cover books.  The very bottom shelf contains more hard cover books, including some series.


     Bookshelf is all dusted and organized!

    The next big bookshelf project I need to do is to go through all the younger kids books.  Our kids have outgrown a lot of the smaller  books so I need to decide which ones to keep, donate, sell, etc….  I have slowly been starting to do this by giving some of the younger kid books to kids who I know enjoy those types of books.  I love looking into the kids rooms and seeing them reading books either on their own or together.  It makes my heart happy.  The learning to read fluently has been a journey for our family.  Part of my hesitation in going through and getting rid of some of their smaller books means I have to admit my little babies are growing up and to a Momma’s heart it kind of makes me sad.  Not sure if I will ever be truly ready, but I will eventually go through the books and eliminate some more kids ones so that it will make more room for their more advanced reading books, just not today…

  • Flashback Friday: Adding More Foods

    Flashback Friday - Daddy making bottles, down from making 16 bottles a day to 10c

    Jake making the next days bottles!

    Today’s flashback Friday is about 10 years ago when the girls were five months old.  Every night right before Jake and I would go to bed we were make the girls bottles for the following day.  At this point when I took the picture of Jake (above) we were down from making 16 bottles a day to 10 bottles a day.  They no longer had to have any caffeine in their bottles and they were sleeping through the night consistently.  Making the bottles the night before helped us be well prepared for the next day when the babies were hungry and ready to be fed.

    It was this month after a routine Doctors check up with the girls that they suggested we start introducing them to rice cereal in place of a couple bottles a day.  That was an adventure in itself.  The girls were not too excited about it at first and would rub it all over their faces and heads as well as cry, but eventually they got used to it.

    Flashback Friday - Brina ready to go do errandsc

    Brina packed up in her carseat and ready to go to the Dr and on errands this morning.

    Karlie doesn't care too much about errands as long as she does not miss her napsc

     Karlie doesn’t care if we run errands or go to the Dr as long as she can sleep peacefully in her carseat.

    Brina's not enjoying the rice cereal to its fullest tastec

     Brina’s first time trying rice cereal.  She was ready for her bottle and instead got rice cereal.  She NOT happy with me and cried through the whole feeding.

    Karlie-ew, what is this stuffc

     Karlie’s first try with the rice cereal.  She was very upset and cried the entire time I fed her too.  This picture was taken right before she burst into tears.  After a couple minutes she closed her eyes and cried as I fed her the last few bites.  Guess, she preferred getting her bottle over the rice cereal.  Such a disappointed baby.

    Karlie not cooperatingc

     Later Jake attempted the second rice cereal feeding instead of the bottle.  Karlie was not happy with Daddy either about him giving her rice cereal instead of her bottle.  Poor baby….growing up is hard!

    Karlie talking to usc

     After awhile she gave up and began to enjoy it.  In this picture she is babbling away as she gives in and eats the rice cereal for Daddy.  Glad to see her smile starting to come back.

    Brina knows how to make a mess with her foodc

     What a mess Brina!  Sometimes we would let them attempt to feed themselves or if we were feeding them they would smear the food all over their faces with their hands.  It never failed during this stage there was always a mess to clean up at the end of meal time.

    Flashback Friday - Brina's morning bottlec

     Brina enjoying her morning bottle with Mommy.  Loved holding them and talking with them first thing in the morning as they took their bottle.  They were always great snugglers and gave me many sweet smiles.

    Karlie-Mmmm...good stuffc

     Karlie enjoying her morning bottle.  When they first started taking the bottles it would take them over an hour to drink an ounce or two.  At this point they were guzzling down several ounces in a just a few minutes.  How much they have grown.  Loved hearing them drink their morning bottles and sigh with contentment.  It was a great way to get the day started.

  • Organized Chaos: 3 Simple Steps When Cleaning Out the Kids Toy Cabinet


    White Toy Cabinet

    The white toy cabinet may look clean on the outside…however, that is not the case when you open it up and look inside of it.  It has items placed randomly all around and is in a bit of a disarray.  Today we are going to talk about organizing the toy cabinets.  Our kids love playing, but for some reason the items they play with do not always find the correct homes when it is time for them to be put away.  Despite the fact that most toys have a specific location where they call home.  Whether it is that they are in a hurry, don’t want to take the time, or are not sure where to put it, who knows.  Every once in awhile the white toy cabinet, like everything else in the house, needs a good cleaning.

    Sometimes when you are cleaning out the kids stuff you find little treasures that the kids have kept for a variety of bizarre reasons, a candy wrapper from a friend, a 1 inch scrap of paper they are saving to do a craft, a piece of ribbon, or some other item that they stuffed in the cabinet for later use.  There are times when the cabinet is so full of items and disorganized that it cannot even completely shut.  I often wonder why these instances don’t trigger some thought process that says “Hey time to clean me out, please”!  Maybe it does, but they don’t want to do it at that particular moment in time!  Thankfully, as the kids are getting older I am starting notice more occasions were they will voluntarily notice a mess and clean it  up by themselves.   These precious moments makes my heart happy!


     It’s a mess, not sure where some of that stuff came from in the toy cabinet

    Here are 3 Simple Steps I use when cleaning out the kids toy cabinet:

    1. If it is broken – throw it away

    2. If they no longer play with it – give it away

    3. If it is out of place – put it away


    Much better!  Now they can actually find the toys and items they are looking for in the toy cabinet!

    After going through the cabinet and applying the three simple principles as well as wiping down the inside and outside of the cabinet it is pretty much done.  Sometimes there are a handful of items I am not sure about or want the kids to make the choice about what they want to do with them, but otherwise it is done.

    While these steps sound really easy there have been times especially when the kids were younger and watching me clean out the toy cabinet I hesitated on some items.  They may not have played with it this month, but maybe they will again next month.  In those cases I usually held onto the toy for a little bit longer and if they hadn’t played with it by the time I cleaned the toy cabinet out again it was time for it to find another home.

    I am a sentimental person so I like to keep special items.  The problem is no one has a house large enough to keep everything so while I may hang onto things longer than some people eventually I have to admit when it’s time to let it go.

  • Flashback Friday: Sweet Babies

    Flashback Friday - Karlie and Brina 5 months old (July 2005)c

    Silly sisters 5 months old

     Today’s flashback Friday goes to July 2005 when the girls were 5 months old.  We loved seeing their smiles and hearing their giggles at this age.  They were on the move and starting to get into more stuff.  Thankful for these two blessings.

    Their pinchable cheeks are so cute.  They could make each other laugh or cry.  It was an adventure exploring new toys.  They discovered that they could pull themselves up in the crib and look over the edge at us and the room around them.

    This month the girls were strong enough and growing well we got to take them off the heart & apnea monitors.  It was a blessing having them, but it was sure nice to get rid of all the wires and monitors.  We always had extra stuff to carry anywhere we went whether at home, errands, or anywhere else.  Thankful that they are growing and starting to really take off.

    Brina unsure how to react to Karlie's Cryingc

    Brina is unsure about what to do regarding Karlie’s crying!

    Goodnight Babiesc

    They loved watching their mobile above their crib – Brina and Karlie

    Our Giggling Girlsc

    Brina and Karlie giggles

    Flashback Friday - Brina all smilesc

    Brina relaxing on the couch

    Karlie looking happyc

    Happy Karlie

    Brina talking to Daddyc

    Brina talking with Daddy!

    Flashback Friday - Grandpa Russell, Uncle Lee, Brina and Karlie playingc

    Grandpa Russell swinging Brina as Karlie swings in her swing.

    Karlie chucklingc

    Karlie all smiles!

    Karlie sucks her thumb as Brina laughs awaycHappy Babies

    Karlie sleeping with her feet up on the bassinetc

    Karlie sucking her thumb and napping in the bassinet with her feet up

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie face offc

    Their first bumper cars

    Brina pulling her outfit up and Karlie trying to lean forwardc

    Sweet girls

    Karlie and Brina looking all prettyc

    All dressed up in their silky Sunday dresses!

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie smiling widec

    Laughing – Brina and Karlie

    Brina laughing as she plays with Mr. Octopusc

    Brina laughing and playing with Mr. Octopus

    Karlie-life is goodc

    Karlie having fun!

    Karlie-Hi Mommyc

    Karlie is ready to eat!

    Flashback Friday - Brina thinks it is funny to sit up in the crib, Karlie would just rather sleepc

    We came back in to check on the girls a little while after putting them to bed.  Brina is still wanting to play, but Karlie has crashed.

    Who's got Brina and Karliec

    Having too much fun at bed time.

    Brina hanging loosec

    Brina hanging out on the couch

    Is someone being naughty-Karliec

    Karlie laughing, talking, and giggling when she is suppose to be sleeping

    Karlie and Brina waiting or the monitor peoplec

    The heart apnea monitors are officially going back today!  WooHoo!!!  They are almost 6 months old and no longer need them.  Thankful for the opportunity to have these medical devices home with us for so long as they were growing and getting stronger.  Glad the girls are doing so much better..

    Karlie is all smilesc

    Karlie’s excited and talking away!

    Shhhh....Karlie has a secret to tell Brinac

    Shhh….Karlie has a secret to tell Brina!

    Sit up straight soldier -Brinac

    Sit up straight solider B!