Life Simplified,  Organization,  Organized Chaos

Organized Chaos: Health & Beauty Supplies


Health & Beauty Supplies

We have a tall narrow closet in the master bedroom where we store regularly used Healthy & Beauty Supplies.  When we find something that it is on sale and we know we will use in the next 1 to 6 months we pick it up and put it in the appropriate container.  The containers hold plenty for our family for the next few months so we never get more than what the container can hold.  If the container is empty or running low we put that item on our shopping list for the next trip to the store.

As the kids get older I have noticed they are starting to go through more of the Health & Beauty items.  Since we try to get these items when they are at a good price we haven’t noticed too much of an increase in use.  I anticipate as they get older the use will continue to go up and they may start getting more specific about what they like (or don’t like), but for now they are content with just pulling out something from the container that we have on hand.

It helps having everything organized and available so when an object is needed already we have it.  There are a couple items that technically are not Health & Beauty that we keep stored in this area as well such as the Air Fresheners and Small Gifts, otherwise it is all health and beauty items.

Once again you can see that I used the small clear containers with a white lid from the Dollar Tree.  These fit perfectly in so many of our smaller closets and help us keep supplies in order.  They are easy to see into, pull out, open up, and refill.  Anyone in the family can easily get the items they need without assistance.  We have not replaced the original wooden closet shelves in this closet because it is such a different sized closet the wooden shelves work for it.  The closet is not wide enough to fit 2 of the plastic containers side-by-side so I used a narrow box to slide in next to the containers which contains some of the slightly bigger items we try to keep on hand.


Top Shelf of the Health & Beauty Closet Contains:

  • Air Fresheners & Refills
  • New Make Up
  • Q-Tips & Cotton Balls
  • Box of Small Gifts (I try to have a handful of small gifts on hand for last minute parties, teacher gifts, hostess gifts, or something else.  Couple examples of what I keep in this box are candles, decorative hand soaps, and more.  These items have come in handy when we don’t have time to run to the store, but need something to give someone.)


Middle Shelf of the Health & Beauty Closet Contains:

  • Female Deodorant (which now we have 3 people in our household using)
  • Male Deodorant (we always have at least 2 of his deodorants out at a time – 1 for everyday home use and 1 packed in a toiletry bag for when my husband travels for work.  There have been times when he has had to leave at the last minute so having this already packed and ready helps us make sure he has everything he needs to travel and allows us to get him out the door more quickly.)
  • Chapstick / Lipstick
  • Box of Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, & Mouthwash (since these are typically longer or taller in size they fit better in the box on the shelf)


Bottom Shelf of the Health & Beauty Closet Contains:

  • Hand Sanitizer & Sunblock
  • Dental Floss
  • Toothbrushes
  • Box of Lotion & Face Wash


All the Health & Beauty items are organized and ready to be used!