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Flashback Friday: Adding More Foods

Flashback Friday - Daddy making bottles, down from making 16 bottles a day to 10c

Jake making the next days bottles!

Today’s flashback Friday is about 10 years ago when the girls were five months old.  Every night right before Jake and I would go to bed we were make the girls bottles for the following day.  At this point when I took the picture of Jake (above) we were down from making 16 bottles a day to 10 bottles a day.  They no longer had to have any caffeine in their bottles and they were sleeping through the night consistently.  Making the bottles the night before helped us be well prepared for the next day when the babies were hungry and ready to be fed.

It was this month after a routine Doctors check up with the girls that they suggested we start introducing them to rice cereal in place of a couple bottles a day.  That was an adventure in itself.  The girls were not too excited about it at first and would rub it all over their faces and heads as well as cry, but eventually they got used to it.

Flashback Friday - Brina ready to go do errandsc

Brina packed up in her carseat and ready to go to the Dr and on errands this morning.

Karlie doesn't care too much about errands as long as she does not miss her napsc

 Karlie doesn’t care if we run errands or go to the Dr as long as she can sleep peacefully in her carseat.

Brina's not enjoying the rice cereal to its fullest tastec

 Brina’s first time trying rice cereal.  She was ready for her bottle and instead got rice cereal.  She NOT happy with me and cried through the whole feeding.

Karlie-ew, what is this stuffc

 Karlie’s first try with the rice cereal.  She was very upset and cried the entire time I fed her too.  This picture was taken right before she burst into tears.  After a couple minutes she closed her eyes and cried as I fed her the last few bites.  Guess, she preferred getting her bottle over the rice cereal.  Such a disappointed baby.

Karlie not cooperatingc

 Later Jake attempted the second rice cereal feeding instead of the bottle.  Karlie was not happy with Daddy either about him giving her rice cereal instead of her bottle.  Poor baby….growing up is hard!

Karlie talking to usc

 After awhile she gave up and began to enjoy it.  In this picture she is babbling away as she gives in and eats the rice cereal for Daddy.  Glad to see her smile starting to come back.

Brina knows how to make a mess with her foodc

 What a mess Brina!  Sometimes we would let them attempt to feed themselves or if we were feeding them they would smear the food all over their faces with their hands.  It never failed during this stage there was always a mess to clean up at the end of meal time.

Flashback Friday - Brina's morning bottlec

 Brina enjoying her morning bottle with Mommy.  Loved holding them and talking with them first thing in the morning as they took their bottle.  They were always great snugglers and gave me many sweet smiles.

Karlie-Mmmm...good stuffc

 Karlie enjoying her morning bottle.  When they first started taking the bottles it would take them over an hour to drink an ounce or two.  At this point they were guzzling down several ounces in a just a few minutes.  How much they have grown.  Loved hearing them drink their morning bottles and sigh with contentment.  It was a great way to get the day started.