• Flashback Friday: Celebrating & Fun with Family

    Flashback Friday - Brina reaching for Rachel's cakec

     Brina trying to steal a piece of Rachel’s birthday cake!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to September 2005 when the girls were eight months old.  We celebrated my brother Lee’s birthday with several of our cousins who were still going to college in town.  The girls learned how hold their bottles on their own.  They loved being silly and playing together.  They could easily make each other laugh.

    Brina watching Uncle Lee playing with her toyc

     Brina hanging out with cousins Rachel, Alecia, and Jordan.

    Everyone enjoying a game of Cranium at Lee's Birthday Partyc

     Playing a game….fun times!

    Karlie liking the cool whipc

     Daddy gave Karlie a bite of Uncle Lee’s birthday cake.  He let her lick off one of the candles.

    Opps, Karlie has cool whip on her nosec

     Ummm….Karlie….I think you might have some frosting on your nose.

    Flashback Friday - They think they are so funny - Brina and Karliec

     They think they are so funny…silly girls playing around before drinking their bottles – Brina & Karlie

    Brina loving her treasurec

     Brina happy and playing on the floor

    Karlie smiling for the camerac

    Karlie smiling at all the fun toys around her

    Flashback Friday - Brina checking out the walls, Karlie still trying to figure out what's going onc

     Two babies in a bucket, they were ok with this until Jake spun them around.  Then both Brina and Karlie didn’t like it.

    Brina with her feet up on Karlie's walkerc

    Brina in the Johnny Jump Up with her feet on Karlie’s walker tray.  They thought they were so funny in this position!

    Flashback Friday - Karlie thinks she is funny with the bull's eye stuck on her nosec

    Karlie you have a bulls eye target stuck to your nose.  She didn’t care.

    Flashback Friday - Brina so proud of herselfc

    Brina laughing and making some noise.

    Brina thought she was so funnyc

     Silly Brina it’s time to get dressed not time for playing!

    Morning bottles - Brina and Karliec

    This was a big moment for them.  They officially can hold their own bottles.  It was an exciting and sad day for Mommy.  I was glad they could do it and it saved me a lot of extra time, but I did miss some of the morning snuggles with them.    I was able to squeeze in plenty throughout the day though.

    Karlie really enjoying the book Guess How Much I Love Youc

    Daddy and Karlie reading a book together.  Karlie LOVED reading books!

    Flashback Friday - Brina so pleased with her slick blue ballc

     Brina was thrilled to find the blue ball and that she could pick it up and throw it by herself.

  • Flashback Friday: Adding More Foods

    Flashback Friday - Daddy making bottles, down from making 16 bottles a day to 10c

    Jake making the next days bottles!

    Today’s flashback Friday is about 10 years ago when the girls were five months old.  Every night right before Jake and I would go to bed we were make the girls bottles for the following day.  At this point when I took the picture of Jake (above) we were down from making 16 bottles a day to 10 bottles a day.  They no longer had to have any caffeine in their bottles and they were sleeping through the night consistently.  Making the bottles the night before helped us be well prepared for the next day when the babies were hungry and ready to be fed.

    It was this month after a routine Doctors check up with the girls that they suggested we start introducing them to rice cereal in place of a couple bottles a day.  That was an adventure in itself.  The girls were not too excited about it at first and would rub it all over their faces and heads as well as cry, but eventually they got used to it.

    Flashback Friday - Brina ready to go do errandsc

    Brina packed up in her carseat and ready to go to the Dr and on errands this morning.

    Karlie doesn't care too much about errands as long as she does not miss her napsc

     Karlie doesn’t care if we run errands or go to the Dr as long as she can sleep peacefully in her carseat.

    Brina's not enjoying the rice cereal to its fullest tastec

     Brina’s first time trying rice cereal.  She was ready for her bottle and instead got rice cereal.  She NOT happy with me and cried through the whole feeding.

    Karlie-ew, what is this stuffc

     Karlie’s first try with the rice cereal.  She was very upset and cried the entire time I fed her too.  This picture was taken right before she burst into tears.  After a couple minutes she closed her eyes and cried as I fed her the last few bites.  Guess, she preferred getting her bottle over the rice cereal.  Such a disappointed baby.

    Karlie not cooperatingc

     Later Jake attempted the second rice cereal feeding instead of the bottle.  Karlie was not happy with Daddy either about him giving her rice cereal instead of her bottle.  Poor baby….growing up is hard!

    Karlie talking to usc

     After awhile she gave up and began to enjoy it.  In this picture she is babbling away as she gives in and eats the rice cereal for Daddy.  Glad to see her smile starting to come back.

    Brina knows how to make a mess with her foodc

     What a mess Brina!  Sometimes we would let them attempt to feed themselves or if we were feeding them they would smear the food all over their faces with their hands.  It never failed during this stage there was always a mess to clean up at the end of meal time.

    Flashback Friday - Brina's morning bottlec

     Brina enjoying her morning bottle with Mommy.  Loved holding them and talking with them first thing in the morning as they took their bottle.  They were always great snugglers and gave me many sweet smiles.

    Karlie-Mmmm...good stuffc

     Karlie enjoying her morning bottle.  When they first started taking the bottles it would take them over an hour to drink an ounce or two.  At this point they were guzzling down several ounces in a just a few minutes.  How much they have grown.  Loved hearing them drink their morning bottles and sigh with contentment.  It was a great way to get the day started.

  • Organized Chaos: Keeping Track of Water Bottles

    Organized Chaos - Water Bottles - P1410648c

    Labeled Water Bottles

    Since we have two kids the same age and gender they have several items that are identical.  A common identical item that both kids have are their water bottles.  Like the blue water bottles with the owls on the outside pictured above.  A few months ago we had some issues with everybody using whatever water bottle they wanted (even if it was their sister’s), however, during the course of the school day their sister’s water bottle would get dropped, dented, scratched, broken, or misplaced. The next time that sister wanted to use her water bottle it was gone or had additional marks on it.

    I know it seems crazy, but there have been some serious discussions between the two kids in our house over damaged or lost special water bottles.  I am pretty sure no other household has these types of discussions in their home, but there were a few times I had to intervene in these conversations.  Although, items will get dropped or damaged the more they are used I had to find a solution so that these discussions would not be happening on a regular basis in our house. Prior to this year neither child cared which water bottle they took, but the older they get the more they want their items to look good and last longer.  I am happy they they want to take good care of their items we just had to find a method to track which water bottle belonged to who.

    My initial solution to the problem super easy, took only a couple seconds, and was very inexpensive.  I wrote their names on the special water bottles with a permanent black sharpie.  The names were written on the bottoms and / or sides of the water bottles so that each kid could easily see if it was theirs before taking it out of the drawer.  It was amazing how quickly the issue was resolved, however, after a several washings the permanent marker would wear off making it harder to tell whose water bottle it was again. Now I use several different methods to identify or keep track of the special water bottles:

    • Write the Names on the Water Bottles with Black Permanent Marker (easy and inexpensive, but washes off over time)
    • Use a washable Label with their Individual Names Printer on it – My personal favorite are the thin Lovable Labels ones because they stay on through MANY washes (anywhere from a few months to years as long as your kids don’t try peeling them off)
    • Purchase water bottles with their Names printed or engraved on them (usually more expensive, but works really well). My favorite place to get printed or engraved names on water bottles is Oriental Trading.

    There are several generic water bottles that anybody can use at any time in the drawer, however, the special ones have each child’s name on them.  The special water bottles usually have the child’s name written in permanent sharpie on the bottom and a label (or name printed / engraved) on the side of the water bottle.  Occasionally someone accidentally picks up the wrong water bottle, but for the most part everyone uses their own or a generic one.

    Now if they lose or damage their water bottle then they are the only ones inconvenienced by their actions.  One of our kids tends to be a little rougher on water bottles (clipping or tying them to her book bag which is bumped against everything in its path, dropping, or just forgetting it).  She has gotten a lot better as she is getting older, but I have to smile when she brings home just the water bottle top because I know that means the water bottle itself did not survive it’s nose dive to the concrete floor at school.

  • Amazon Mom: March Savings (Avent, Lamaze Toys, & More)

    For the first few days in March Amazon Mom members only can receive additional discounts on select baby items via coupon codes.  It is free to join Amazon Mom and you can save up to 30% off of diapers, wipes and many other great baby and kid products.  The discount codes up to 15% savings are listed below.  You receive free shipping if you have a Free Amazon Mom Prime Subscription or on orders of $25 or more (otherwise shipping starts at $4.98)  These coupons are only valid on items sold by Amazon.com, for those with an Amazon Mom account.

    Several parenting magazines have been including 20% off and $10 off diaper coupon codes.  Make sure to check the magazines below if you have a subscription for additional savings:

    • BabyTalk – Sign up for a free subscription
    • American Baby – Sign up for a free subscription
    • Parenting – Early Years
    • Parents
    • Fit Pregnancy
    • Mothering
    • And possibly some more!

    What is Amazon Mom?  It’s a FREE program for moms or caregivers of children.  It give you an extra 30% discount on diapers and wipes when you combine the 15% Amazon Mom discount plus the 15% Subscribe & Save discount.  The savings is up to 30% off items that you use everyday such as diapers, wipes, formula and much more.  Amazon Mom members also get a FREE 3-month Amazon Prime membership as well as FREE 2-day shipping on anything that is Prime eligible at Amazon.