• Organized Chaos: Kid’s Closets

    Organized Chaos - Kids - Closet - Clothes - Room - Shoes - Dresser - Cabinet - Toys - Shoes - Crafts - Organized - Clean - Bookshelf - P1350794c

     What a mess!

    We live in a home with imperfect people.  Life has a way of getting messy.  Over time the busy messiness of life over spills into other areas such as our closets.  It happens to all of us, including our kids.

    On this particular day when I opened the closet I noticed several things out of place – clothes out of their specific baskets, shoes not lined up, headbands askew, and the hair accessories organizer not even hung up, hang up clothes in the wrong spots, crafts all out of sorts, and more disorganization.

    Thankfully with the system we have in place it usually doesn’t take too long to get everything back in shape and looking good again.  The kids are not always “excited” about cleaning out their closets, but they do enjoy it once it is done.  It does look much better to Momma too!

    Here are some closet organizational systems we already have in place that make the closet clean up easier:

    Once all the items listed above are checked, organized, and put back into their proper places there is only one thing left to do.  Make sure all the hanging clothes are properly on the hangers and put them in their correct places.  For our family we switch out cold and hot weather clothes depending on the season.  In South Carolina we typically have a longer warm season then some other places so we are a little heavier on the short sleeve shirts and tank tops than on the heavier winter long sleeves and sweaters.


     I used a picture from the colder season (the long sleeves show the different sections better than pictures with tank tops).  As you can see her long sleeves / vests are on the left side of her closet with her short sleeve shirts in the middle and her dresses on the right side.  In the summer her tank tops would be on the left where her long sleeve shirts / vests are located in this picture.  We do pull out the kids winter dresses and replace them with summer dresses as well.


     Looks so much better with everything put away and organized nicely!

  • Organized Chaos: Kids Crafts & Activities


     Kids crafts

    Our kids love doing a variety of crafts and fun activities.  Anything from artwork to bead work to pottery and so much more!   A lot of times for their birthdays or Christmas they will get some neat crafts and activities gifts to do.

    We wanted to find a convenient place to store them until they had time to do the craft. Originally, we had all the craft items stored together in one general location, but not in their room(s).  As the girls got older we had to start putting names on the boxes or items so each one knew which ones were theirs when they went looking for a craft to do.  Since they are twins it is important as parents to make sure that each child has some items that are specifically for them. We felt like this was something easy to do regarding their crafts and it has worked out well for our family.

    Once the kids moved into their own rooms we decided to put their individual crafts on one of their higher shelves in their closets.  Each kid has their own individual craft or activity shelf so they can pick out their specific item whenever they want to do a craft.  Some of the crafts on their shelves are the same while some are completely different.  They can easily get a chair or step stool when they want to pick out a craft to do, but with the crafts being on a higher shelf it isn’t as accessible so when we have younger kids visiting the crafts stay in place and don’t get all spread out.


     Crafts lined up, visible, and ready to be used.

  • Organized Chaos: Closet Clothes Baskets


    Baskets of clothes in the closet

    On the bottom shelf in the kids closets we have 3 baskets of clothes.  Each of these baskets contain specific items.  The clothes are easy to access for the kids.  The baskets make good use of the space between the the hanging clothes and the bottom rack.

    The 3 Baskets contain:

    1. Basket of Blue Jeans and Pants
    2. Basket of Shorts and Skirts
    3. Basket of Outside Play Clothes

    In the Spring  and Summer the short and skirt basket will be in the center with the jeans / pants as well as the outside play clothes are on the sides.  During the Fall and Winter the jeans and pants are in the middle with the short / skirt as well as the outside play clothes are on the sides.  All the girls have to do is grab a shirt from the hanger above, a bottom (jeans, pants, shorts, or skirt) from one of the baskets and they have the majority of their outfits picked out.  When they are going to play outside they can pick a shirt and bottom out of their outside play clothes.

    They usually do pretty well with keeping the correct items in the right baskets.  Although, sometimes when they are in a hurry or if they are digging for a specific pair of jeans they don’t always keep all their items folded nicely.  For the most part they keep the baskets looking good.  If the baskets do get messed up we can just pull out one or all three baskets and fold or organize them again.

    We have been using this system for a few years now and it works well for our kids.  It helps makes those busy mornings go more smoothly.  Even though they are suppose to lay out their clothes the night before sometimes they forget or decide to switch into something else at the last minute.


    Basket on the left is full of shorts & skirts.  The middle basket is full of jeans and pants.


    The middle basket is jeans / pants and on the left side the basket is full of outside play clothes.

  • Organized Chaos: Kids Shoes


     Organized Kids Shoes

    We live in an older house.  Most days it’s fine, but there are a few things (like any house) that we would love to change.  The closets in this house are pretty small.  When the girls shared a room their closet was full even though they were babies.  All the closets had in them when we moved in was a small wooden shelf with one metal bar underneath to hang clothes on.  We have slowly been converting the closets to a rack system* which allows us to use the space we have more efficiently.

    The kids are now in their own rooms and we have updated both of their closets with the rack system.  We decided to leave a space underneath the bottom rack for their shoes.  They have enough space to stack both shoes from each set under their bottom rack and line them up.

    The shoes that are stored in their closets are slippers, sandals, crocs, dress shoes, and ones they were for special occasions.  The girls dirtier shoes like their school shoes, outside boots, and other outside shoes or sandals stay in a basket by the back door or the garage.  It makes me happy when I look into their closets and see them neat with their shoes lined up.


    Shoes lined up in the kids closet!

    *If you are looking at converting your closets to a rack system you can locate them at Lowe’s, Home Depot, or another store. 

  • Organized Chaos: Hair Accessory Organizer


    All Brina’s headbands, flowers, decorative hair ornaments organized and in one spot

    A few months ago I showed you our  Easy DIY Headband Holder.  As you can see from the pictures on this post we are still using it.  It works very well for our girls.  Since they wear more than just headbands I wanted to find a solution that would help organize all the pretty, fluffy, and decorative hair ornaments they have as well.

    My qualifications for getting these items organized:

    • Must assist in making these items more organized
    • Able to be hung in a visible location and still look nice
    • Easy to see, reach, and get access to the items when the kids need them
    • Reasonably priced organizer because I will need 2 (one in each of the kids room)
    • Something that we could hang near to the headbands (which were already hanging on the back of their closet doors).

    It took me a little longer to find the perfect organizer for these items.  Part of the reason it took longer is I wasn’t really sure what I wanted for the decorative hair accessories.  I wasn’t in a rush so I just kept an eye out for ideas while in various stores.  One day when I was going through CVS the clearance section happened to catch my eye.  I paused for a moment and these little blue and black organizers were in the clearance section marked down to $1.*  After looking at them and thinking about them I decided to pick them up and see if I could make them work for the kids hair accessories.

    It was exactly the type of item I was looking for and at a great price!  The organizer fit all the current hair accessories items I wanted to put in it plus had room for some extra ones too.  When I am on top of things (which doesn’t always happen) I will put the kids seasonal hair accessories in the extra pockets on the organizer too (ie. Christmas, July 4th, Halloween, etc… hair accessories during that specific season).

    The organizer hangs on the back of the closet door where the kids can easily reach it.  It goes right under the Easy DIY Headband Holder  so everything is available in one spot.  The items are visible and easy to reach.  It meets all my qualifications for getting the kids hair accessories organized.  These have worked very well for our family!

    *I tried to find these on the CVS website, but either they do not carry them online or they are not available.  You can look in your local store or I am sure there are other stores that carry a similar item.  This one on Amazon or something similar might work well too if you are looking for one.


    Looking down on the Easy DIY Headband Holder and Hair Accessory Organizer as it is hanging on the closet door


    Organized and ready to go!

  • Organized Chaos: Jewelry Organizer


    Necklace & Jewelry Organizer

    Having girls in the house means you are bound to have some jewelry around.  As the girls got older they continued to accumulate more necklaces.  It slowly became harder to keep the necklaces organized without them getting tangled or putting them in a spot that was hard for them to easily access.

    I wanted to find something simple, easy, and reasonably priced.  It took awhile of looking around to find one that I liked and could hang on the back of their closet doors.  I ended up finding this one at our local Michaels store and bought it using a coupon.  At first I only got one because I wanted to make sure I really liked it before getting another one.  After a couple weeks I still liked it so I used another coupon and got the second one.  It has been nice to having all their necklaces organized and visible.

    Our kids are using it mostly for necklaces since they do not have pierced ears yet, but you can use it for earrings, belts, watches, scarves, rings, bracelets, ties, or a multitude of other things.  I like that it is  simple design, not too big, and yet pretty.  It hung on the back of the closet door so it is accessible for the kids to reach when they want to wear one of their special necklaces.  All of these necklaces were given to them from family or friends and have special memories so I am happy that they are now displayed well and tangle free.


    Brina’s necklaces are organized now!

  • Organized Chaos: Cleaning Out the Refrigerator


    Time to be cleaned

    Have you ever reached into the refrigerator for something specific and couldn’t find it because everything is a mess?  I have.  Every once in awhile our refrigerators need a good cleaning and scrub down.  It is best if you do it on a regular basis.  I try to do a quick clean and organizational update every week or two, but it still need a thorough cleaning about once a month.

    We are usually pretty good about eating up leftovers and not letting them go to waste, but every once in awhile something gets tucked in behind another object or in the back until it starts growing extra crunchies on it.  You pull it out thinking what’s this?  When you open the lid and take a whiff you are instantly gagging.  Yup, been there too many times.  The good news is if you clean  out your refrigerator regularly you will minimize these fun science experiments with growing mold, mush, and who knows what else.  It really doesn’t take long to fully clean out the refrigerator if you take the time to maintain throughout the month.

    When I do a thorough cleaning here are some steps I take to make sure it looks good and is organized:

    • Start from the top of the refrigerator and work your way down that way any crumbs that fall down you can get on the next level.
    • Do one shelf or drawer at a time.
    • Take everything off the shelf or out of the drawer.  Wipe down the shelf.  Check all the items for expiration dates.  If they have expired throw them away, if they have not expired wipe them off and put them back on the shelf only if it belongs on that specific shelf.  If it doesn’t belong on that shelf wait until you come to the shelf where it belongs to put it away.
    • Continue making your way through the refrigerator shelf by shelf until you are at the bottom and have cleaned and organized each shelf and drawer in the refrigerator.
    • Do not forget to wipe down the top, sides, and bottom inside the refrigerator as well.  These areas can get splattered with food, drinks, or contain finger prints.
    • Your refrigerator should now look shining and organized. I LOVE looking into a sparkling clean refrigerator! 🙂  If only I could figure out a way to keep it that way for a longer period of time!
    • If your refrigerator is clean, but seems to still have a smell to it (especially if there are no items that are causing it to smell)  it may be time to change your air filter in the refrigerator.  Also, putting an open box of baking soda inside the fridge will help absorb some of the extra odors.


    Condiments need checked for expiration dates


    Items facing every which way with some shelves or drawers over loaded while others are empty


    Needs some cleaning and organization


    All done and so much better!  Everything facing the correct way and on the right shelves or drawers so we can easily find items.  You need to organize your refrigerator in a way that best suites your family and your needs.  Make sure the items you want most accessible are in front or easy to reach.  Also, every refrigerator will be slightly different so do your best to make it look good, smell fresh, and organized.  Enjoy your sparkly clean fridge!


    Nice, shiny, and organized!  Now I am ready to start cooking!

  • Free Ebooks: Money Management Makeover, Organized Home, Diabetic Gluten Free Recipes, Create Your Mind Maps in 24 Hours, Cheapskate Living And Loving It, Valentine’s Day Perfect Paleo Cookbook Recipes, Bug Life Funny & Weird Insect Animals, Brain Health, and more!

    The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.

    Download a free copy of Organized Home: A 5 Step Plan to Stress Free Simplicity and an Organized, Clean, and De-cluttered Home by Martha Mayberry


    Download a free copy of Diabetic Gluten Free Recipes: One Stop Cookbook With Delicious Recipes That Your Diabetic Family Will Enjoy! by Natalie Johnson

    Download a free copy of Create Your Mind Maps in 24 Hours: Learn to Organize Your ideas with Mind Mapping Strategies to Think Smart and Clear, Get Logical Thinking, and Improve Skills by Christ Lewis

    Download a free copy of Cheapskate Living And Loving It: 50 Creative Ways To Save Money, Live A Frugal Lifestyle And Enjoy Life Debt Free by Kathy Stanton

    Download a free copy of Paleolithic Recipes: Passionate Paleo; Valentine’s Day Perfect Paleo Cookbook Recipes For Romance and Beyond by Victoria Love

    Download a free copy of Bug Life Funny & Weird Insect Animals – Learn with Amazing Photos and Fun Facts About Bugs and Spiders by P. T. Hersom

    Download a free copy of Brain Health: How To Improve Your Memory by Rashelle Johnson

    Download a free copy of Grimm’s Fairy Tales by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm

    Download a free copy of Delicious & Healthy Recipes Series: Main Dishes: Vegetarian, non-vegetarian, Gluten free, Lactose free, Wholefoods by Katayoun Pakatchi

  • A Fresh & Clean House with the Help of Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle! #MrCleanMorePower

    Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle - She Speaks

    I LOVE it when my house smells fresh and is sparkly clean!  Spring has been in the air with the 70 degree temperatures the last few days making me get excited about doing my Spring Cleaning!    Thank you Mr. Clean and SheSpeaks for helping me  tackle my cleaning this week.    I always love it when I find great products that help me keep my house clean.  Somehow our family manages to make a mess which means regular cleaning is a must in our home.


    A few days ago an amazing package arrived on my front porch!  I was thrilled with Mr. Clean’s new product and the kids were excited about the motion light inside the box (very fascinating)!  Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle has 2.5x more cleaning power in every drop!


    The kids were super excited to see how it works too!  They are helping around the house doing more chores so they wanted to know if it worked (and if they could have the motion light for their own special project).

    Mr Clean Liquid Muscle - She Speaks

    I’ve got my cleaning bucket, sponge, and a new bottle of Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle!


    It had a wonderful fresh scent and lots of great bubbles!  You only have to squeeze the bottle once per gallon of water because it automatically shuts off after the correct amount has been dispensed.  The good news about it only squirting the amount I need is that the kids won’t waste it when it’s their turn to use it!


    First area to tackle was the kids bathroom.  I am not sure what happened when they were brushing their teeth this morning, but somehow toothpaste was spread from one end of the counter to the other.  The kids bathroom seems to be the area I get the least excited about cleaning because I know as soon as they brush their teeth again or wash their hands the toothpaste and soap suds will be everywhere.  One of these days they will figure out how to brush their teeth and only get the toothpaste on their toothbrushes!  I guess I should be pleased that they are at least brushing their teeth even if the whole process is a little messy.


    Not only is the toothpaste all over the counter and sink, but someone left the cap off the toothpaste!  I am beginning to think they must have been doing a “toothpaste” craft, painting, or trying to use their creative juices with the amount of toothpaste I found on the counter this morning!!!


    The first wipe with Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle took all the sticky globs of toothpaste right off the sink!  Love it!!!  It worked really well and still lots of suds too!  I have used other cleaners on their sticky toothpaste mess and I had to really scrub to get it off.  Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle took one swipe followed by a rinse and it was done in just of few seconds!  So excited!


    The kids sink is once again clean and sparkly!   Let’s see how long it will last!  At least it is good to know that Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle works amazing and quickly on the toothpaste messes the kids leave behind.

    After finishing the kids bathroom I was able to get more of my Spring Cleaning done, including scrubbing down the kitchen cabinets, mopping the kitchen floor, cleaning the master bathroom and more!  Thanks for making my cleaning easier Mr. Clean!  Even my husband and kids commented on how clean, sparkly, and fresh smelling the house was when they came home!  I am already looking forward to tackling a few more Spring Cleaning projects with Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle this week!

    More information about Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle:

    A special thanks to SheSpeaks and Mr. Clean for sponsoring this post!  Any specific product information was provided by Mr. Clean and SheSpeaks, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We received a complimentary bottle of the product  for sharing information and our family’s experience.

  • Tips on Cleaning Sticky Coins

    Cup of dirty coins

    The last time I cleaned Jake’s car I found a handful of coins stuck in the bottom of one of the cup holders.  It looked like some soda had spilled on them.  They were all stuck together and I couldn’t even tell what some of them were because they had so much junk on them.  I didn’t want to throw them away or put them in our coin jar since they were glued together and very sticky.  I decided to try an experiment to see if I could clean them up a little bit.  Guess what, the experiment worked!  The coins came out looking like new!  Since it worked so well I decided to share it with you in case you every find a handful of sticky coins you need to clean as well. 🙂

    • Rinse the coins with warm water
    • Pour white vinegar into container
    • Add the dirty or sticky coins to the container
    • Let the coins soak for 5 minutes
    • Stir the coins to knock off any remaining junk
    • Let sit for another 1 to 2 minutes
    • Remove from container
    • Rinse coins again with warm water
    • Place coins on paper towel to air dry

    This is what the liquid in the container looked like after all the coins have been cleaned.  Look at all the pieces floating in the container (yuck), not to mentioned the white vinegar liquid is no longer clear after all the sticky stuff came off of the coins.


    Now I can can identify the coins.  So glad they look all shiny and new again.