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Organized Chaos: Cleaning Out the Refrigerator


Time to be cleaned

Have you ever reached into the refrigerator for something specific and couldn’t find it because everything is a mess?  I have.  Every once in awhile our refrigerators need a good cleaning and scrub down.  It is best if you do it on a regular basis.  I try to do a quick clean and organizational update every week or two, but it still need a thorough cleaning about once a month.

We are usually pretty good about eating up leftovers and not letting them go to waste, but every once in awhile something gets tucked in behind another object or in the back until it starts growing extra crunchies on it.  You pull it out thinking what’s this?  When you open the lid and take a whiff you are instantly gagging.  Yup, been there too many times.  The good news is if you clean  out your refrigerator regularly you will minimize these fun science experiments with growing mold, mush, and who knows what else.  It really doesn’t take long to fully clean out the refrigerator if you take the time to maintain throughout the month.

When I do a thorough cleaning here are some steps I take to make sure it looks good and is organized:

  • Start from the top of the refrigerator and work your way down that way any crumbs that fall down you can get on the next level.
  • Do one shelf or drawer at a time.
  • Take everything off the shelf or out of the drawer.  Wipe down the shelf.  Check all the items for expiration dates.  If they have expired throw them away, if they have not expired wipe them off and put them back on the shelf only if it belongs on that specific shelf.  If it doesn’t belong on that shelf wait until you come to the shelf where it belongs to put it away.
  • Continue making your way through the refrigerator shelf by shelf until you are at the bottom and have cleaned and organized each shelf and drawer in the refrigerator.
  • Do not forget to wipe down the top, sides, and bottom inside the refrigerator as well.  These areas can get splattered with food, drinks, or contain finger prints.
  • Your refrigerator should now look shining and organized. I LOVE looking into a sparkling clean refrigerator! 🙂  If only I could figure out a way to keep it that way for a longer period of time!
  • If your refrigerator is clean, but seems to still have a smell to it (especially if there are no items that are causing it to smell)  it may be time to change your air filter in the refrigerator.  Also, putting an open box of baking soda inside the fridge will help absorb some of the extra odors.


Condiments need checked for expiration dates


Items facing every which way with some shelves or drawers over loaded while others are empty


Needs some cleaning and organization


All done and so much better!  Everything facing the correct way and on the right shelves or drawers so we can easily find items.  You need to organize your refrigerator in a way that best suites your family and your needs.  Make sure the items you want most accessible are in front or easy to reach.  Also, every refrigerator will be slightly different so do your best to make it look good, smell fresh, and organized.  Enjoy your sparkly clean fridge!


Nice, shiny, and organized!  Now I am ready to start cooking!