Family,  Kids,  Life Simplified,  Organization,  Organized Chaos

Organized Chaos: Closet Clothes Baskets


Baskets of clothes in the closet

On the bottom shelf in the kids closets we have 3 baskets of clothes.  Each of these baskets contain specific items.  The clothes are easy to access for the kids.  The baskets make good use of the space between the the hanging clothes and the bottom rack.

The 3 Baskets contain:

  1. Basket of Blue Jeans and Pants
  2. Basket of Shorts and Skirts
  3. Basket of Outside Play Clothes

In the Spring  and Summer the short and skirt basket will be in the center with the jeans / pants as well as the outside play clothes are on the sides.  During the Fall and Winter the jeans and pants are in the middle with the short / skirt as well as the outside play clothes are on the sides.  All the girls have to do is grab a shirt from the hanger above, a bottom (jeans, pants, shorts, or skirt) from one of the baskets and they have the majority of their outfits picked out.  When they are going to play outside they can pick a shirt and bottom out of their outside play clothes.

They usually do pretty well with keeping the correct items in the right baskets.  Although, sometimes when they are in a hurry or if they are digging for a specific pair of jeans they don’t always keep all their items folded nicely.  For the most part they keep the baskets looking good.  If the baskets do get messed up we can just pull out one or all three baskets and fold or organize them again.

We have been using this system for a few years now and it works well for our kids.  It helps makes those busy mornings go more smoothly.  Even though they are suppose to lay out their clothes the night before sometimes they forget or decide to switch into something else at the last minute.


Basket on the left is full of shorts & skirts.  The middle basket is full of jeans and pants.


The middle basket is jeans / pants and on the left side the basket is full of outside play clothes.