• Organized Chaos: Closet Clothes Baskets


    Baskets of clothes in the closet

    On the bottom shelf in the kids closets we have 3 baskets of clothes.  Each of these baskets contain specific items.  The clothes are easy to access for the kids.  The baskets make good use of the space between the the hanging clothes and the bottom rack.

    The 3 Baskets contain:

    1. Basket of Blue Jeans and Pants
    2. Basket of Shorts and Skirts
    3. Basket of Outside Play Clothes

    In the Spring  and Summer the short and skirt basket will be in the center with the jeans / pants as well as the outside play clothes are on the sides.  During the Fall and Winter the jeans and pants are in the middle with the short / skirt as well as the outside play clothes are on the sides.  All the girls have to do is grab a shirt from the hanger above, a bottom (jeans, pants, shorts, or skirt) from one of the baskets and they have the majority of their outfits picked out.  When they are going to play outside they can pick a shirt and bottom out of their outside play clothes.

    They usually do pretty well with keeping the correct items in the right baskets.  Although, sometimes when they are in a hurry or if they are digging for a specific pair of jeans they don’t always keep all their items folded nicely.  For the most part they keep the baskets looking good.  If the baskets do get messed up we can just pull out one or all three baskets and fold or organize them again.

    We have been using this system for a few years now and it works well for our kids.  It helps makes those busy mornings go more smoothly.  Even though they are suppose to lay out their clothes the night before sometimes they forget or decide to switch into something else at the last minute.


    Basket on the left is full of shorts & skirts.  The middle basket is full of jeans and pants.


    The middle basket is jeans / pants and on the left side the basket is full of outside play clothes.

  • Beautiful Plants & Basket from My Thoughtful Husband


    Love it when he surprises me with something special!

    My husband brought home these plants as a surprise for me a couple weeks ago.  He is sweet and I love it when he does the random thoughtful gifts.  My only regret is that it was such a busy weekend I did not take a picture of the beautiful basket with both plants green and blooming.

    At this time only one plant is still alive.  Yes, I have already killed the miniature rose bush.  I love the mini roses, but have a horrible time keeping them alive for very long.  You can see pieces of my sorry looking rose plant beside the one that is pretty and still green.

    I love plants and flowers, however, I am not the best person to grow them.  Usually I either over or under water them.  I like the ones that are easy to maintain and can handle wet or dry soil and withstand lots of sun or no sun.  In other words a very strong and durable plant that handles extremes well.  Grateful for a thoughtful and caring husband.  Love my plants and basket!!!


    I love the basket the flowers came in and have already used it a couple of times since he gave it to me!


    It has been fun using this basket for surprises and goodies!  Thankful for my husband and everything he does for me.

  • Learning About Manners Picnic Basket Game by Noodleboro

    The girls have had the Learning About Manners Picnic Basket Game by Noodleboro (Playskool) for several years now.  They love it!  It is a unique game with a picnic blanket board, a picnic basket, games pieces, a story they can read, and a cd to listen too.  Many times as we are setting up the game someone will read the story and after playing the game the girls like to listen to the cd. It is a cute game about using your manners, being kind, and polite.

    • Colorful with neat game pieces (how many games come with a cool picnic basket)
    • Book  to read during story time with fun character who are learning their manners
    • Audio CD with more about the story and songs regarding using manners
    • Easy to play (recommended for ages 4 and up)
    • 2 to 4 Players
    • Object of the game – use your manners and be the first to collect all the items you need at your picnic!
    • Learning Benefits – social skills (say “please” and “thank you”), taking turns, listening, reading, and more

    We love games!   We have found that playing games is beneficial for many reasons.  It gives us quality time together as a family.  The kids learn that they will not always win (which is not always an easy lesson to learn), but the game can still be fun even if you are not the victor in every game.  It provides opportunities for us to talk and create memories together.  Games teach and help our kids practice a variety of useful skills like following directions, reading, writing, counting, taking turns, and more.

  • Guest “Welcome” Basket

    Welcome Basket

    Occasionally we have missionaries, family, or friends staying with us that have been or will be traveling.  When they stop by for a few days or weeks we try to make sure to have a “welcome” letter and basket full of goodies for them to use.  They can go through the basket and pick out any items that their family can use or take with them.  If there are some items that they won’t use they can give them away or leave them.

    One of the best parts about shopping the sales and using coupons is you have an opportunity to be a blessing to people that you meet.  I love being able to pack a basket full of products for our guests to pick out what they want or need.  It saves them a little cash plus they don’t need to make that extra trip to the store.

    Here are some of the items in the basket pictured above that was beside the guest bed for a family earlier this year:

    • Women’s Deodorant
    • Men’s Deodorant
    • Breathe Right Strips
    • Finger Nail Polish
    • Trident Gum
    • Adult Mouthwash
    • Kids Mouthwash
    • Floss – Adult & Kids
    • Sheets Energy Strips
    • Men’s Shaving Foam
    • Men’s Razors
    • Women’s Shaving Cream
    • Women’s Razors
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • New Toothbrushes (for adults & kids)
    • Antibacterial Bandaids
    • Eye Drops
    • Women’s Body Wash
    • Men’s Body Wash
    • Kids Kool Fever Busters
    • Chapstick
    • Lotion
    • Cologne
    • Perfume
    • Women’s Body Spray
    • Men’s Body Spray
    • Feminine Products
    • Adult Toothpaste
    • Kids Toothpaste
    • Contact Cleaning & Rinse Solution
    • Pens / Pencils
    • Paper
    • Kid’s Medicine
    • Adult Medicine
    • And More!!!!!

    Our family doesn’t have everything money can buy, but we have been richly blessed with many items so it is a real treat being able to share what we have with others.  If there is something specific I know a guest enjoys (food, products, or other items) I do my best to make sure it is available for them when they arrive.  I don’t always remember (or get it right) but I think it helps make your guests feel welcome when you have something to welcome them into your home.  If I don’t have a basket ready for them I try to put out a note or something little on the bed or in the guest bathroom for them.  How do you make your guests feel welcome when they come to stay in your home?