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Catching the Kids Reading

Summer Reading

Brina relaxing and reading on the couch

I love walking into a room and seeing my kids reading a good book.  There is one kid in particular in our family that is always reading any time she gets a chance while the other one I do a silent cheer every time I see her pull out a book to read on her own.  It is great seeing them get swept away into the story and hearing their little giggles as they are reading fun part makes me smile.

Reading came really easy for one of our girls while the other one it has been a lot harder.  Thankfully we were able to figure out what was holding her back (dyslexia) and have spent the last few years working with reading tutors to help her develop her reading skills.  It has felt like a long (and sometimes painful) process for both me as a Mom and my sweet girl, but we have gone so far.  Anytime I see her reading on her own it makes my heart so happy.  I love my girls and always want to encourage them as they learn various skills throughout their lives even if it means putting forth a lot of extra time and effort on my part.


All smiles as she relaxes and reads

Summer Reading

Soaking up a good story