Budget,  Intentional Living,  Life Simplified

Tips on Cleaning Sticky Coins

Cup of dirty coins

The last time I cleaned Jake’s car I found a handful of coins stuck in the bottom of one of the cup holders.  It looked like some soda had spilled on them.  They were all stuck together and I couldn’t even tell what some of them were because they had so much junk on them.  I didn’t want to throw them away or put them in our coin jar since they were glued together and very sticky.  I decided to try an experiment to see if I could clean them up a little bit.  Guess what, the experiment worked!  The coins came out looking like new!  Since it worked so well I decided to share it with you in case you every find a handful of sticky coins you need to clean as well. 🙂

  • Rinse the coins with warm water
  • Pour white vinegar into container
  • Add the dirty or sticky coins to the container
  • Let the coins soak for 5 minutes
  • Stir the coins to knock off any remaining junk
  • Let sit for another 1 to 2 minutes
  • Remove from container
  • Rinse coins again with warm water
  • Place coins on paper towel to air dry

This is what the liquid in the container looked like after all the coins have been cleaned.  Look at all the pieces floating in the container (yuck), not to mentioned the white vinegar liquid is no longer clear after all the sticky stuff came off of the coins.


Now I can can identify the coins.  So glad they look all shiny and new again.