Heart Reflections,  Intentional Living

Heart Reflections: You Are My Glue

God, you are the glue
that holds my life together.
When schedules get interrupted,
things don’t go as planned,
and life seems to be coming at me from all directions
You are what keeps me from coming apart at the seams.
On those days when I am exhausted
and it takes everything in me to keep moving forward.
You give me the strength and energy to face what lies ahead of me.
When it feels like I am spinning my wheels
and getting no where fast.
You give me a new perspective.
God thank you for being my glue.
For loving me especially when I don’t deserve it.
For bringing a song to my heart for encouragement when I need it most.
For reminding me of your word and promises.
For revealing your truth in unique and amazing ways.
For the countless ways you shower me with your mercy and grace over and over again.
Thank you God for holding my heart and life gently in your hands.
May I continue to trust as you mold and make me into the person you want me to be.