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Fun with the Animals


Walking the animals!

At Grandpa Russell and Grandma Penny’s house they had two dogs, cats, pony, and a horse that provided a lot of fun entertainment for the kids.  Everyday they played with the dogs, cat, and did something with the horse and pony.  Sometimes they went for carriage rides, combed them, rode the horse and pony, or led them around the pasture.  The girls enjoy anything to do with animals so these activities were a big hit!

Colorado & Kansas Summer Trip with Family

Karlie playing with Aunt Renelle’s dog!

The girls love animals and are always game to spend some extra time with any animal.  When we were in Colorado we stayed with at my cousin Renelle and Eric’s house.  They have two dogs and two cats that are in the house so the girls thought that was awesome.  They had a blast playing with all the animals (well, except for one of the cats who booked it as soon as he saw us bringing our suitcase inside the house.


Brina petting Renelle’s dog!


Buzz and Misty were very excited to see the kids back in Kansas and came running (of course they were with Grandma Penny and carrying a bucket of treats too).


Brina carry a halter and a bucket of treats for Buzz and Misty!


Heading to the pasture with Grandma to spend time with the animals!


Brina leading Misty around.


Karlie was giving Buzz some exercise too!


The dogs thought it was a great game and were running back and forth as the girls walked Misty and Buzz!


Enjoying some time with the animals!


Brina loves Misty!  Such a sweet pony!


Buzz and Misty did really well being led by kids and a lead rope!


Brina would spend hours in the pasture if we let her!


Switched!  Karlie is now leading Misty and Brina is leading Buzz around the pasture!


Going for their last walk of the evening!


Beautiful Kansas sunset!  Taken in the front yard at my parents house.