• Fun Around Town: Safari Bus Ride & Beautiful Peacocks at Hollywild Animal Park (Wellford, SC)


    Heading out on the Safari Ride at Hollywild

    The kids loved the Safari Bus Ride at Hollywild Animal Park.  They had a grand time feeding and petting the animals that walked up to the bus.  It was neat to see a variety of animals on the trip.

    We have come to Hollywild for their Holiday Lights Safari Benefit as well as a couple times when they were younger.  Once we were there for a party with friends which was a lot of fun.  It was neat watching the kids and animals interact on the Safari.

    In previous visits I don’t remember seeing so many peacocks.  They seemed to be everywhere (or maybe we just had the same ones following us around).  They were beautiful!  The males had their feathers all spiked up and shaking to get the attention of the pretty female peacocks or to shoo away any person or animal that got too close.  I have never seen peacocks up their feathers so much.  It was fascinating to watch them.  The male peacock is the one that has all the bold beautiful colors with a long tail feathers.  The female peacock has a lot of similar colors, but not as vibrant and shorter tail.

    For more information about our adventure at Hollywild you can check out our post:


    These were the only guys you couldn’t feed by hand from the Safari Bus because they have sharp beaks, but you could toss them some treats.  They were the first ones to great us on the tour.


    Animals on the hill grazing peacefully.


    Someone’s not afraid to get right up close to the Safari Bus!


    Karlie getting her treat ready for the animals.


    She enjoyed feeding the animals.


    Hand feeding deer, so much fun!


    Brina tried to feed as many as she could.


    Look at that tongue!


    Brina wanted to pet every one that came by our side of the Safari Bus.


    So soft…Brina loved the hair of this one.


    Petting the buffalo now

    Fun Around Town - Hollwild Animal Park (SC) P1140828c

    We couldn’t take a picture of our Safari Bus on the ride, but here’s the other bus that went at the same time we did.


    The deer was alert and looking for more treats!


    “Tank” enjoying the shade

    Tank the Rhinoceros was featured in the following:

    • Commercials – Blue Cross / Blue Shield
    • National Ad Campaign – Land Rover
    • National TV Commercial – ZICAM
    • Tank is the only working rhinoceros in the United States


    Is that a unicorn!?


    Not a unicorn just missing one of his antlers.


    Cooling off in the pond!


    Love this picture of the peacock perched on the fence. So beautiful!


    I don’t know if this one was guarding a nest or what because I didn’t see any other peacock around, but he was intent on making sure everyone knew he was there.


    Putting down his long feathers.  I was surprised how much noise the peacock made with its feathers.  It was noisy when he put them up or down as well as when he was shaking them.  Very interesting to watch and hear it.


    Brina taking a walk with the peacock.


    I have a peacock friend nearby.  He is curious, yet cautious.


    Showing off his big beautiful feathers!


    Trying to get the attention of the female peacock in front of him.  It was neat to see what his feathers looked like from the side angle.


    Still attempting to get the lady peacock to notice him.


    Spinning around, it was interesting seeing what the backside of a peacock looks like when it’s feathers are up.


    Female peacock walking around us.

    Hollywild Animal Park Coupon Discount (Free Child’s Admission):

    • Print off the coupon for Free Child’s Admission with purchase of an Adult Admission and bring it to the park with youLimit one per family. $8 Value. This coupon is valid during our Park Season which is open Weekends in March, Daily April through Labor Day, and Weekends from Labor Day through the end of October. Please visit our website for seasonal hours prior to your visit. Coupon not valid during our Holiday Lights Safari Benefit.  Expires: 10/24/2015.

    A special thanks to U.S. Family Guide and Hollywild Animal Park for offering a special discount to our readers.  Any specific product information was provided by Hollywild Animal Park and U.S. Family Guide, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We did receive tickets so our family could visit and share our experience.

  • Fun Around Town: Hollywild Animal Park (Wellford, SC)


     Our family visiting Hollywild Animal Park

    Recently our family made a trip across town to visit Hollywild Animal Park in Wellford, South Carolina.  We already had a couple events earlier that day on that side of town so we just drove a little further and spent the afternoon having fun at Hollywild Animal Park.  It was a beautiful day and it was great seeing as well as interacting with the animals.

    Even though our girls are twins they have very different interests, however, they both share a interest in anything pertaining to animals.  They love animals so this trip was a lot of fun for them.  All the animals seemed very active which was fascinating to watch that day too.  You could tell they were enjoying the Spring sunshine.  The newborn baby animals were very adorable!

    The only problem we had is between my husband and I we took a lot of pictures so it was hard to narrow down some of our favorites.  We consolidated, but will probably highlight Hollywild in a couple posts in order to give you a full view our trip to this fun place.

    If you live in the Greenville area you should check out this Hollywild Animal Park if you haven’t already especially if you have kids who enjoy being around animals.  There a good variety of animals and you have opportunities for more interaction with the animals as well.  It’s a great family event to do together.  Not to mention it is educational for the kids.

    After spending an afternoon at Hollywild the girls first comments were – “Wow, that was a lot of fun!”  and  “I wished we lived closer so we could go more often!”  The kids give it a big thumbs up!

    Here are some of the pictures from the animals we met while at Hollywild Animal Park:


     The Canadian Geese were very friendly.  This one decided to pose for me.


     Brina talking with the bird.  She loves all creatures!


     Karlie found a rock to perch upon.


     On the run….Karlie doesn’t want to get left behind!


    Jake and his girls by the pond.  Right behind them in the water you could see all kinds of turtles (including Red Eared Sliders like we have at home) and fish swimming around.


     Beautiful cluster of ducks, the girls tried to get them to say AFLAC (guess that’s one commercial they remember, ha).


    Karlie had to stop and pet the pony!


    Having fun with my girls!


    This little donkey was hoping we had some yummy treats still to share.


    Brina soaking it all in.  She wanted to make sure we didn’t miss any of the animals!


    This Baboon was talking up a storm.


     He really wanted something on the outside of the cage.  We watched as he grabbed a stick to try and bring the item closer to him so he could grab it with his hand.  He was very determined to get it!


     Brina petting the pigs.


     Beautiful iris flowers that caught my attention when I turned to walk to the next animal exhibit.  Makes me think of my Grandma and Jake’s Grandpa.


    Someone’s got a tasty treat and digging in!  It was fascinating to watch him eat.


    Looks like a sharp set of teeth in its mouth!


    Intently watching the other one eat.


     Pretty bear!


     This one is getting a little closer!


     Brina loved petting this super soft dog named Andorra!


    Andorra was enjoying a good petting and laid down so Brina could continue!


    Up on his rock jungle gym.  The girls think we need to build a climbing rock structure for our goats too.  I have a feeling the goats wouldn’t be the only ones climbing around on it though.


    A little one….so cute watching him run after his Mom on long wobbly legs.


    The camel watching us approach!

    The camels were featured in the following:

    • Christmas Play – Evangel Cathedral
    • Myrle Beach Christmas Production – Dixie Stampede
    • Living Christmas Tree – Jerry Fallwell Ministries


    More content watching the kids.


    This picture makes me smile…


    Beautiful  Leopard Appaloosa was featured in the following:

    • Movie – The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking
    • Many live appearances and promotional events


    So pretty! I think it is hoping for a treat!


    We had a great time at Hollywild Animal Park!

    Hollywild Animal Park Coupon Discount (Free Child’s Admission):

    • Print off the coupon for Free Child’s Admission with purchase of an Adult Admission and bring it to the park with youLimit one per family. $8 Value. This coupon is valid during our Park Season which is open Weekends in March, Daily April through Labor Day, and Weekends from Labor Day through the end of October. Please visit our website for seasonal hours prior to your visit. Coupon not valid during our Holiday Lights Safari Benefit.  Expires: 10/24/2015.

    A special thanks to U.S. Family Guide and Hollywild Animal Park for offering a special discount to our readers.  Any specific product information was provided by Hollywild Animal Park and U.S. Family Guide, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We did receive tickets so our family could visit and share our experience.

  • Fun with the Animals


    Walking the animals!

    At Grandpa Russell and Grandma Penny’s house they had two dogs, cats, pony, and a horse that provided a lot of fun entertainment for the kids.  Everyday they played with the dogs, cat, and did something with the horse and pony.  Sometimes they went for carriage rides, combed them, rode the horse and pony, or led them around the pasture.  The girls enjoy anything to do with animals so these activities were a big hit!

    Colorado & Kansas Summer Trip with Family

    Karlie playing with Aunt Renelle’s dog!

    The girls love animals and are always game to spend some extra time with any animal.  When we were in Colorado we stayed with at my cousin Renelle and Eric’s house.  They have two dogs and two cats that are in the house so the girls thought that was awesome.  They had a blast playing with all the animals (well, except for one of the cats who booked it as soon as he saw us bringing our suitcase inside the house.


    Brina petting Renelle’s dog!


    Buzz and Misty were very excited to see the kids back in Kansas and came running (of course they were with Grandma Penny and carrying a bucket of treats too).


    Brina carry a halter and a bucket of treats for Buzz and Misty!


    Heading to the pasture with Grandma to spend time with the animals!


    Brina leading Misty around.


    Karlie was giving Buzz some exercise too!


    The dogs thought it was a great game and were running back and forth as the girls walked Misty and Buzz!


    Enjoying some time with the animals!


    Brina loves Misty!  Such a sweet pony!


    Buzz and Misty did really well being led by kids and a lead rope!


    Brina would spend hours in the pasture if we let her!


    Switched!  Karlie is now leading Misty and Brina is leading Buzz around the pasture!


    Going for their last walk of the evening!


    Beautiful Kansas sunset!  Taken in the front yard at my parents house.

  • On the Farm: Horsing Around


    The kids enjoying a ride on the carriage at Grandpa and Grandma’s house!

    The horse and pony are a big highlight for the kids when visiting Grandpa and Grandma in Kansas!  The girls would probably spend a good chunk of their days out with the horse and pony if they could.  They both really enjoy animals especially horses!  Grandma Penny was kind enough to let the kids go for a ride on the horse, pony, and in the carriage.  All four of the grandkids that were visiting at the time got turns to ride!


     Grandma and the kids walking to the pasture to get the horse and pony.


    Karlie riding Buzz (or should we say on Buzz while he finds some delicious green grass to eat)!


    Brina going for a ride on Misty!


    Nathan wanted to start off leading Misty while the other three kids go for a ride on the carriage!


     Karlie leading Buzz while Brina, Nate, and Brandon go for a ride in the carriage!



     Nate and Brandon going for a carriage ride!


    Karlie and Brina riding in the carriage behind Misty!


    Brina loved petting and leading Misty around.  I think Misty was a nice size for her.


    Brandon riding Misty!


    Nathan enjoying his ride on Misty.


    Misty stopping to eat grass as Brina rides her.


    Brina didn’t mind letting Misty grab a bite to eat during her ride around the yard.


    Even Uncle Josh went for a short ride on Misty!


    Grandma leading Karlie around the yard.


    Karlie having a blast riding Misty around the yard!


    Nathan riding Buzz (Buzz is a little bigger)!


    Brandon on Misty and Nathan on Buzz!


    Brandon and Brina going for a ride on Misty!


    Karlie and Nate riding Buzz!

  • On the Farm: Wheat Harvest, Animals, Irrigation, and More!


    The girls were very excited to “help” Grandpa cut the last little bit of wheat harvest!

    Every day at Kansas is an adventure for the kids when they are visiting my parents on the farm.  They love exploring the different equipment, fields, and getting the opportunities to spend time with their grandparents while doing exciting farm activities.  It is always neat seeing them get excited about the things that I grew up with in Kansas.


    Brina and Karlie were thrilled to ride with Grandpa as he cut the last strip of wheat from harvest.


    The John Deere combine looks so big when you put the girls right in front of it.


    Bringing treats to the pony and horse!


    Riding Misty in the yard.


    Misty even got her mane breaded!  So pretty!


    Buzz standing still, but not sure about all this attention.


    Karlie petting Buzz


    Our gator crew (including the furry ones), such great helpers!


    A view of Dad and Mom’s house from the top of Windy Point.


    Walking the bridge again today!


    Grandpa instructed the four kids on what they are suppose to be doing for irrigation today.


    The race is on…..


    Midnight loves going to do irrigation too!


    Nathan concentrating on his work!


    Brandon won the race on that side!


    Our irrigation crew!  It’s a fun one!


    Helping Grandpa with irrigation!


    Even though it was freezing cold they had a blast running through the BIG SPRINKLER!


    The kids thought the sprinkler was great and were fascinated by it as well.

    On the Farm Grandparents Kansas

    Playing a game of card Monopoly with Grandma and cousins!