• Fun with the Animals


    Walking the animals!

    At Grandpa Russell and Grandma Penny’s house they had two dogs, cats, pony, and a horse that provided a lot of fun entertainment for the kids.  Everyday they played with the dogs, cat, and did something with the horse and pony.  Sometimes they went for carriage rides, combed them, rode the horse and pony, or led them around the pasture.  The girls enjoy anything to do with animals so these activities were a big hit!

    Colorado & Kansas Summer Trip with Family

    Karlie playing with Aunt Renelle’s dog!

    The girls love animals and are always game to spend some extra time with any animal.  When we were in Colorado we stayed with at my cousin Renelle and Eric’s house.  They have two dogs and two cats that are in the house so the girls thought that was awesome.  They had a blast playing with all the animals (well, except for one of the cats who booked it as soon as he saw us bringing our suitcase inside the house.


    Brina petting Renelle’s dog!


    Buzz and Misty were very excited to see the kids back in Kansas and came running (of course they were with Grandma Penny and carrying a bucket of treats too).


    Brina carry a halter and a bucket of treats for Buzz and Misty!


    Heading to the pasture with Grandma to spend time with the animals!


    Brina leading Misty around.


    Karlie was giving Buzz some exercise too!


    The dogs thought it was a great game and were running back and forth as the girls walked Misty and Buzz!


    Enjoying some time with the animals!


    Brina loves Misty!  Such a sweet pony!


    Buzz and Misty did really well being led by kids and a lead rope!


    Brina would spend hours in the pasture if we let her!


    Switched!  Karlie is now leading Misty and Brina is leading Buzz around the pasture!


    Going for their last walk of the evening!


    Beautiful Kansas sunset!  Taken in the front yard at my parents house.

  • Travel & Vacation: Red Rocks Overlook Trail & Amphitheater


    My cousin Renelle and her husband Eric took the girls and I to see the Red Rocks!

    While we were in Colorado a few weeks ago we got to go for a hike up the Red Rocks Overlook and check out their Amphitheater!    The red rocks were huge, beautiful boulders on the side of the mountain.  It would have been neat to see them right after a rain storm, they probably look gorgeous!  In the Red Rocks Amphitheater they hold many concerts.  The Red Rocks are on over 800 acres of land and at about 6,500 feet above sea level.

    The Red Rocks Amphitheater was formed naturally.  The way the rocks line up provides an amazing acoustic setting for concerts.  There is a museum at the Red Rocks Amphitheater were you can see all the musicians who have performed.  The had all kinds of artists and groups including Bon Jovi, The Beatles, Sting, Opera Singers, and many more!


    The red rock boulders were huge!


    Brina hiking up to the top of the Red Rocks Overlook Trail.


    Cool Red Rock boulders lined the hiking trail!


    Brina taking a moment to sit down while Karlie thinks about how cool it would be to have one of those big rocks at her house (no I wouldn’t let her take one home on the plane, ha)!


    Uncle Eric, Brina, and Karlie hiking up the trail!


    Looking at the Red Rocks Amphitheater and parking lot below!


    Just as long as they piece on top doesn’t roll my direction….


    A view of the Red Rocks Amphitheater from the top of the Red Rocks Overlook Trail!  They were getting ready for a concert that evening!


    Karlie and Brina enjoying their time exploring the Red Rocks!


    What goes up….must come down!  Walking back down the trail with Aunt Renelle!


    Brina pausing to let me take a quick picture!


    A view of the Red Rocks Amphitheater from the top railing.  It seats about 10,000 people.  I bet it looks amazing at night during a concert!


    The girls had to run down all the stairs of the amphitheater!  At least they were able to get in a little extra exercise!


    Inside the Red Rocks Museum they had a wall listing all the years, dates, and musicians that have performed in the amphitheater.  They also had several other cool rooms to go through and explore.  It was a pretty neat adventure for the kids.  My cousin Renelle had been at a concert there a few years ago and said it was awesome!!!

  • Travel & Vacation: Picnic and Hike Around Lily Lake


    Karlie and Brina hanging out at Lake Lily

    We head up to Lake Lily to have a picnic, walk around the Lily Lake Loop, and enjoy the scenery.  It was a beautiful day.  A little colder than we are used to in South Carolina.  We had a wonderful day with family!


    Dad trying one of Renelle’s Wasabi Seaweed Strips!  Spicy, crispy, and delicious!


    Fun at Lake Lily!


    Renelle brought these super cool hippo treats.  The outside was a crunchy cookie dipped in white chocolate and chips of chocolate.  The inside was a creamy chocolate.


    Pausing for a picture with Grandma Penny and Aunt Mary Ann on our hike around Lake Lily.


    Karlie wanted a picture with these cool fallen tree by the lake!


    The Rocky Mountains scenery is beautiful!


    Having fun in the Rocky Mountains!


    Grandpa Russell by Lake Lily!


    Gorgeous mountains around Lake Lily!


    Soaking in the scenery around the lake.


    Karlie all smiles on the hike around the lake.


    Grandpa Russell on a stroll at Lake Lily!


    Love spending time with my girls exploring.


    Karlie loves being outside!

  • Hop, Skip, Jump, Play, Swing, and Braid


    All the kids had various ways to go up and down the road before they could open their treasure box – including running, skipping, hopping on one foot, hopping on two feet, etc….

    After breakfast every morning while the cousins were here the five kids got to open up an envelope with clues leading to that days treasure chest.  Before opening the treasure chest for the day they were required to complete the tasks or solve the puzzles before locating the treasure chest.  It was something fun that they looked forward to doing every morning.  All the kids participating and had a blast completing the tasks assigned each morning.  Every morning it was something different (sometimes it was a puzzle, scavenger hunt,  physical activity, or something else).


    They are almost to the finish line!  Keep going!  They all made it and received their goodies for the day.


    Sweet girls drying off and doing some chalk drawings after a swim in the pool


    Noah and Skipper!  Skipper loved having all the kids running around and playing outside all week!


    Aunt Mirm showing the girls a neat game!



    Brina loves little kids!  She was so sweet pushing her two little cousins in the swings.  Too cute!


    Aunt Mirm wanted to try a new type of hairdo and Karlie was her test subject…..needless to say Karlie was patient, but not overly impressed with the styling.  She was a good sport about it though!


    Brina undid her braids that Aunt Mirm had done.  She loved having her snazzy crinkled hair that day!


    Brina wanted me to take a picture of the back of her hair too!

  • Family Fun at Welcome Ranch!


    Brina and Aunt Mirm swinging at Welcome Ranch

    We had the opportunity to spend an entire day with Jake’s sister Miriam and her family.  It was a fun day full of games, fun, good food, and we ended with a trip out to Welcome Ranch.  At Welcome Ranch we got to see a variety of farm animals, ride horses, go on a huge Radio Flyer Red Wagon, and have a pizza picnic at the ranch.  After all the fun at the ranch we wrapped it up with delicious ice cream at Bruster’s.  Thankful for some fun with extended family over the summer vacation.


    They had a baby goat names Eloise who was quite entertaining to watch.


     All the girls are ready to ride!


     Noah taking a turn on the horse.


     Karlie loving it!


     Uncle Paul was hilarious!


    Sweet Nadia had a blast and wasn’t even scared riding the big horse!


     Jake having fun!


     Noelle’s turn for a ride!


     Aunt Mirm all smiles!


    The kids in front of the giant red Radio Flyer wagon!  Awesome!


    Our families at Welcome Ranch!  Grateful for some fun time together this summer!

  • Outdoor Summer Activities – Pool, Games, and More!

    Summer Vacation

    We spent a good bit of our summer time in the pool when we were home.  Last year I got a blow up seesaw for the pool.  It was a big hit with the kids!  The hardest part was staying on when you were all wet!


    Having fun in the pool!


    We put crepe paper across the two doors with kids sleeping in them.  They thought it was hilarious when they woke up and were barricaded in the room.  They had a blast running through it that morning!


    Karlie reading the “clues” for the treasure hunt that morning.


    Looking for another clue!


    The girls came up with a bunch of outdoor games for the whole family to play.  One of them was a relay race in the side yard.  The Dad’s even participated!


    Another game required the teammates to hit the baseball.


    Now were ready for the bike and scooter races!


    Hula Hoop contest!


    Noah thought he was pretty smart doing it on his arm instead of around the waist!


    The youngest had the best hula hooping skills!  She won hands down as the best hula hooper in both families!


    Aunt Mirm braiding the girls hair.  The thought that was pretty cool having all the fancy braids!


    A lot of girly chitchat, giggles, and silliness going on in the back of the van.

  • Family Recipe: Karen’s Fresh Fruit Dip

    If you need a super quick recipe to throw together right before the guests arrive you should try my great Aunt Karen Younger’s Fresh Fruit Dip.  It is easy and a hit with everyone.  The fruit looks amazing next to the white dip!

    Karen’s Fresh Fruit Dip

    • 1 (8 oz) package Cream Cheese (soften)
    • 1 (7 oz) jar Marshmallow Creme

    Mix together equal parts of soft cream cheese and marshmallow creme.  Stire well together, cut up fresh fruit and dip.  Works really well with tart fruit.

    My great Aunt Karen added a note on the bottom of recipe – “No double dippers, (smile).  Enjoy!”

    Love that this recipe is quick, easy and delicious!