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Birthday Celebration with a KitKat & Starburst Jellybean Cake!


Jake’s Birthday Cake decorated with chocolate frosting, KitKats, and Starburst Jellybeans

We celebrated Jake’s birthday a week early this summer due to upcoming family travel.  The girls helped make the cake and created a fun topping for him.  They used two of his favorite candies KitKats and Starburst Jellybeans to decorate the cake.  It was cute hearing giggle as they decorated the cake (and ate some jellybeans I am sure).  We had a great day celebrating my Handsome Man’s birthday!  Thankful for time together to relax, have fun, and enjoy a celebration.


The backside of his KitKat and Starburst Jellybean Birthday Cake!


A slice of sugary goodness!  I highly recommend you offset the sweetness with a glass of milk, but hey it’s nice to have something sweet every once in awhile to celebrate birthdays!


Jake reading the birthday cards the girls picked out and wrote notes in for him!