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November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 1)

As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

Day 1

Who:  Hair Stylist

I needed a hair cut after putting it off for several weeks so I headed to the salon.  My hair has a pretty simple and easy cut so it usually only takes a few minutes for a hair stylist.   I had never met the person who cut my hair before, but took the time to learn a little bit about her.  She has two small kids, ages 2 and 6.  For my expression of thanks today I made it a point to give her a generous tip and tell her “thank you”.

People appreciate sincere thanks.  I want to make a positive impact on the lives of others.  As I share my 30-30-30 challenge with you I hope it will spark your imagination and encourage you to share your story too.

In everything give thanks!

– 1 Thessalonians 5:18