• Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a wonderful week packed with adventures and memories with family and friends.  We were able to spend time with people we hadn’t seen in quite awhile and meet some sweet little ones (new nieces and nephews that we are meeting for the first time).  The girls have had a blast meeting the sweet babies, playing with family and friends, spending time with cute animals, and making memories with a lot of people in our lives.  Thankful for an opportunity to travel and catch up with family from a variety of different areas.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful for an opportunity to spend a day with my cousin Renelle and her family.  We even were able to go to Estates Park, a hike, and visit to Bear Lake.  It was great spending time with family and in the Rocky Mountains!

    Tuesday – Thankful for a chance to explore the Denver Museum of Science and Nature.  The girls especially loved the Robotic Revolution exhibit!  We spent a few hours there prior to going to the airport.

    Wednesday – Thankful for safety as we flew back on South Carolina.  Our flight was delayed, but we made it home with about 2 hours to spare before heading into work.  Grateful for our friends who took really great care of our house and pets while we were away!

    Thursday – Thankful for the girls help in getting the suitcases unpacked from our trip and for a full nights sleep back in our own beds!

    Friday – Thankful that the kids had a chance to hang out with their friends from church at a pool party.

    Saturday – Thankful for an opportunity to spend time with Jake’s cousin and his family, Luke and Kristen!  Always great catching up and the kids played well together!

    Sunday – Thankful for a chance to celebrate Father’s Day with Jake.  We spent actual Father’s Day with extended family and waited until we were back home to celebrate with Jake.  It was fun hanging out together and having fun.  Thankful for Jake and everything he does for our family!

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a wonderful week packed with adventures and memories with family and friends.  We were able to spend time with people we hadn’t seen in quite awhile and meet some sweet little ones (new nieces and nephews that we are meeting for the first time).  The girls have had a blast meeting the sweet babies, playing with family and friends, spending time with cute animals, and making memories with a lot of people in our lives.  Thankful for an opportunity to travel and catch up with family from a variety of different areas.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful for the an opportunity to spend time with Jake’s cousin and family.  See a little bit of Boston with its great history.  As well as a chance to catch up with our great friends Mike and Ashley with their little ones in Maine.

    Tuesday – Thankful for friends that are like family that we can spend time with and have a blast whenever we get together.  It was wonderful catching up with Mike & Ashley.  The girls were thrilled to meet Savannah, sweet girl with lots of personality, and Bradley. Grateful for the ability to fly as we head out to see my family in the Midwest, even though going through airports can be an adventure it does save time if were are wanting to see people that are spread out over many miles and more on a specifically on a limited time frame.

    Wednesday – Thankful for a chance to spend some time on the farm in Kansas with my parents and family.  The girls always love time spending with the family and animals.

    Thursday – Thankful for time in the Midwest with extended family.  Grateful that we can see a number of people in this area.

    Friday – Thankful for another day with extended family.  The girls have grandparents, great grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and more people to enjoy time with during our stay.

    Saturday – Thankful for a safe trip to Colorado to see my cousin Renelle and her family.

    Sunday – Thankful for some time to hang out with extended family in the Denver, Fort Collins, Johnston areas.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Flashback Friday: Meeting Extended Family Members on 1st Trip to Kansas

    Grandma Doris and Brinac

    Great Grandma Doris holding Brina.

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to when the girls were just over 3 months old.  It was also their first airplane ride and visit to our Kansas family.  I have a lot of extended family members in the Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado area.  It was an adventure flying with two little ones on heart apnea monitors.  Thankfully my brother Lee flew with us and was a big help getting all the kids and their stuff into the airport.

    The biggest disadvantage to flying with twins is that you cannot sit together.  There is only one extra air mask per row on the airplanes so you cannot sit in the same row, you have to sit either behind or in front of each other if you have a “babe in arms“.  Something we were not aware of until flying with the girls the first time.

    We also realize that a lot of airport workers are not used to seeing babies on heart apnea monitors.  At one point they delayed the plane from leaving and brought the monitors up from the storage area to put them on.  Per the Doctors if we are holding them they didn’t need to be on any monitors, however, the workers insisted that they have them on.  It made one of the security guards at one airport so nervous when we took the monitors off the kids that he pushed all our stuff through without stopping to thoroughly inspect everything and immediately said “please put those monitors back on!”   I guess having tiny ones on monitors makes some people nervous.  To Jake and I it was pretty normal, we had to deal with them from day one.

    We had several family celebrations and gatherings during our long weekend in Kansas.  The girls got to meet a lot of Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins for the first time during this adventure.  They met many new faces on both the Hendrich and St. Clair sides of the family.  Thankful for kids that travel well, safety, and for time with family.

    Thankful for these precious pictures.  The girls are blessed to have so some many wonderful memories with their Grandparents, Great Grandparents, and many more extended family members.

    Grandma Willa and Karliec

    Great Grandma Willa talking with Karlie

    Renelle, Karlie and Grandpa Verlync

     Renelle, Karlie, and Grandpa Veryln being silly!

    Flashback Friday - Aunt Tracy and Karliec

    Aunt Tracy with Karlie.

    Aunt Vick, Karlie, Alecia,  Emily, and Brinac

     Aunt Vick and Alecia with Karlie and Emily with Brina

    Brina and Karlie getting ready for a napc

     Snoozing on the bed at Grandpa Russell’s and Grandma Penny’s house!

    Cousin Nathan being goodc

    My fun and cute nephew Nathan!  He is the girls oldest cousin on that side of the family.

    Daddy and Brinac

     Jake relaxing for a few minutes with Brina!  Thankful for all his help and willingness to travel all the way out to KS with the little ones to visit my family.  Love him so much and he is an amazing Dad to our girls.

    Lee and Jordan at Jordan's graduationc

    We got to go to my cousin Jordan’s High School Graduation while we were in KS.  Jordan’s pictured above with my brother Lee.

    Renelle and Brina at St.Clairsc

    Aunt Renelle holding a sleepy Brina.  Renelle is super good with kids.  She was my “partner-in-crime” while growing up and probably the closest thing to a “sister” I had while growing up in a house with 3 brothers!

    Whitney and Clairec

     My cousin Whitney and her niece Claire!

  • Travel & Vacation: Rocky Mountains, Glen Haven General Store, & Baldpate Inn


    Hanging out in Colorado for a few days!

    The girls and I had the opportunity to travel out to Colorado recently to visit family.  My parents drove out with us and my cousin graciously let the three of us crash at her house and my parents stayed with my Aunt and Uncle.  Thankful for some time to catch up with family and explore the area!  We had a blast in Colorado.


    We drove up by Estes Park, it was completely changed since our trip in July 2012 due to the massive flooding they had back in September 2013.  The river, rocks, and roads were totally different.  It was quite sad to see some of the damage as well as many homes and businesses that were destroyed.  We stopped at one point to get out and stretch our legs.  The girls took an opportunity to check out some cool Colorado rocks near the river.  They were still cleaning up the area, repairing the roads, homes, businesses, and bridges.


    Showing Aunt Renelle some cool stones they found.


    Looking at some stones they discovered with Grandma and Grandpa.


    When we stopped at Glen Haven two years ago and there was a strip of stores next to the Glen Haven General Store (now it is the only one left on that side of the road).  We ate their delicious and huge homemade cinnamon rolls!  Thanks Renelle for sharing!


    Renelle showing the Brina a cool goodie she got up for them!


    Anyone want to eat a bag of rocks?!   How about chocolate rocks?  Funky, but yummy!


    We made a stop at The Baldpate Inn for some coffee, hot chocolate, and tea.  The girls relaxing on the Baldpate Inn’s cool porch swing!


    Karlie checking out all the keys!  Inside the Baldpate Inn they had a room full of keys hanging on the walls and ceiling from all over the world.  They even had a key from Hilter’s house, one from a bank Jesse and Frank James robbed, and many other really neat ones!


    We finally found the stash of South Carolina keys.  They had so many keys you could look them up by name, location, or a number of other details.


    Another favorite spot Karlie found…..they had a library, music, and game room at Baldpate Inn.  She was content to sit and read!


    Relaxing on the porch at the Baldpate Inn!


    Enjoying the beautiful view as we sip our hot coffee and chocolate!


    Brina mesmerized by the hummingbirds!


    The girls and I shared a cup of hot chocolate at Baldpate Inn, delicious!


    If you are near Estes Park the Baldpate Inn is a fun place to stop by for a treat, meal, or you can stay overnight too!


    Back at Uncle Rick and Aunt Mary Ann’s sharing stories and laughs!

  • Travel & Vacation: Tubing, Knee Boarding, and Water Skiing at Milford Lake!


    Waving as she passes family!

    We spent the weekend at Lake Milford playing in the water!  It was fun to watch everyone go tubing, fishing, knee boarding (or boogy boarding as we grew up calling it), skiing and more.  Thankful for some time together creating memories with our extended family!


    Grandma and Zachie hanging out on the boat!


    They are having way too much fun back there on the tube!


    Karlie tubing with Aunt Megan and Uncle Josh


    Karlie got up on the knee board again this year! We knew she could do it!


    Working on getting the rope unlatched so she can hold it on her own!


    She’s doing it on her own!  Way to go Karlie!


    Karlie’s first time knee boarding with someone else!  She was so excited to be knee boarding at the same time her Daddy was knee boarding!  A big thanks to my brother for taking these pictures for us of Karlie and Jake because I was on another boat with Brina!


    Karlie knee boarding with Jake!  She could live in the water she loves everything about it!  So proud of her for doing the knee board by herself.  She said it was a lot of fun, but her arms when her arms got sore she didn’t want to stop she was having so much fun!


    Megan and Josh on the knee boards!


    Lee making it look easy!


    Waving to Nicko and Zachie on the boat!


    Swinging his way out!


    Skiing until the sun started to set!  The lake was smooth and beautiful at this time of day!

  • Travel & Vacation: Traveling to Kansas, Jesse James Bank Museum, and Milford Lake

    Travel to Kansas - Jesse James Bank, Lake Trip, Milford, Family

    On board and ready for take off!

    One of the reasons our family travels is because our extended family is so spread out.  This summer we headed out to Kansas to spend time with my family.  We got on the plane early Thursday morning in Greenville, SC and by mid-morning we were in Kansas City ready to go.


    We had a layover in Chicago!  The kids found it very entertaining to go on the walking sidewalks in the airport.  We didn’t get a chance to visit the actually city of Chicago, but it was good to get out and stretch our legs in the airport for a little bit between flights.  The advantage to the really early flights is the airport is not as crowded!


    Karlie found a great way to pass the time during our layover….reading!  She was so excited to found out that I had added a bunch of free kids books onto my Kindle!  She is frequently found around the house with her nose in a good book too so this did not come as a surprise.


    Brina found a good amazing animal website to check out too.


    After landing in Kansas City and getting our rental car we were off to explore the area.  Our first stop was Wendy’s for an early lunch (we had been up since 4 am).  The second stop was the Jesse James Bank Museum in Liberty, Missouri.  Not far from the Kansas City MCI airport.


    Karlie was surprised at the weight of the bank bag!  Wow!


    Learning about the Jesse James bank robbery.  Banks are very different now!


    Walking around the historical district of downtown Liberty!


    Brina walking along the edge of the water fountain!

    Travel to Kansas, Lake Milford, Family

    Riding with their cousin Nicko on the tube!


    Their faces crack me up!


    Having a blast tubing on Lake Milford with family!


    So much fun!


    Go faster Grandpa!


    They even let me go on the tube with them!  Fun times with family in Kansas!

  • Family Fun: Our Cousins Came for a Visit

    Nano bugs play time

    Earlier this year Jake’s sister and her family came to visit us.  We had a blast spending some extra time with them.  The kids played well together and we were able to squeeze in a lot of fun activities.  Thankful for time spent with family.

    Going for a ride on the go cart or “green monster” as the girls like to call it

    It takes a team to change a baby doll diaper! 🙂

    Yes, that is a snake in his hands!

    Making litter bugs at Roper Mountain Science Center

    Trying out a new game

    A full hammock

  • Family Celebrations: Catching Up with Family Over Spring Break

    Cousins Riding Together on the John Deere Gator! Fun Times!

    The girls and I had the opportunity to go visit family over their Spring Break this year.  We had a lot of fun spending time with Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and more!  It had been a few months since we had been in the Midwest yet I was amazed how much the girls remembered.  They LOVED seeing family and spending time on the farm.  Each night they would crash from their busy schedule but they would be up early the next morning ready to (as Karlie put it so nicely) “Go explore more of Kansas!”

    I am thankful the girls have an opportunity to spend time with my parents and all four Grandpa and Grandma’s on my side of the family.  Each one has a special place in my heart and I am thrilled the girls get to have such wonderful memories of them as well.  It has been a nice adventure full of old and new memories.  It was such a blessing to see so many family members throughout our stay in Kansas!

    Here are just some of the exciting activities we participating in during our stay in Kansas (I hope to have some more pictures to show in a few days):

    • Riding Horses – Brina and Karlie LOVED Sassy
    • Playing with Dogs, Cats and Farm Animals
    • Watching them Work the Calves
    • Easter Egg Hunts
    • Kids 4 Truth Activities
    • Spending Time with Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins
    • Playing with family and friends
    • Riding the Gator
    • “Hunting” (Brina’s paraphrase) for Corn Cobs for the Horse
    • Coloring Easter Eggs
    • Crafts
    • Seeing Grandpa’s Big “Sprinkler” (Center Pivot)
    • Lots of Pheasants
    • Seeing a Coyote chase the Pheasants
    • Gathering Eggs in Grandpa Verlyn’s Hen House
    • Feeding the Turkeys
    • Homemade Food (including special Waffles)
    • Hot Chocolate
    • Helping Grandpa Russell on the Farm
    • Shooting Uncle Lee & Uncle Josh with Nerf Guns
    • Puzzles
    • The Big Hole
    • The Pet Cemetery
    • Grocery Shopping with Grandma Penny
    • Reading Books with Grandpa Russell & Grandma Penny
    • Planting Flowers
    • Learning More About our Family’s History
    • AND SOOOO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!

    The girls and I had a grand time seeing so many family members and spending time in Kansas.  A big thanks to everyone for a super fun trip!  It is a Spring Break that the girls will be talking about for years.  And yes, they found out that Easter does come to Kansas too!   Although we made a lot of wonderful new memories during our trip the girls are ready to see Daddy again.  Hopefully he is ready for us!