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Family Fun: Our Cousins Came for a Visit

Nano bugs play time

Earlier this year Jake’s sister and her family came to visit us.  We had a blast spending some extra time with them.  The kids played well together and we were able to squeeze in a lot of fun activities.  Thankful for time spent with family.

Going for a ride on the go cart or “green monster” as the girls like to call it

It takes a team to change a baby doll diaper! 🙂

Yes, that is a snake in his hands!

Making litter bugs at Roper Mountain Science Center

Trying out a new game

A full hammock

Playing in the sprinkler.  They decided to have a “car wash” station!

Ring pops and jewelry making…..what a great combination.  The girls found out that Aunt Mirm has a real talent for making beaded jewelry!

The three girls brain stormed and came up with a catchy Doritos commercial.  It was pretty funny.

Fun times doing tissue paper crafts.

Such a sweetheart….love this cutie pie!

Picking out only the perfect strawberries.

On the hunt for the next juicy red strawberry.  Sweet girl, love spending time with her!

Look at the fresh picked strawberries we got….delicious!

My little kitchen helper making wildberry muffins.  She did a great job pouring and stirring.

Dessert anyone….?

Great kid, we had a lot of fun and love him of ton (he’s growing up too fast)!

Soaking up the hot South Carolina sun!

The beautiful bracelets Aunt Mirm made the girls while she was here…..adorable!

Take time this Holiday season to look back over the year and the many great memories you have made.  We have so much to be thankful for in our lives.  My heart overflows with the many blessings in my life, may I never take the special days for granted.