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Travel & Vacation: Tubing, Knee Boarding, and Water Skiing at Milford Lake!


Waving as she passes family!

We spent the weekend at Lake Milford playing in the water!  It was fun to watch everyone go tubing, fishing, knee boarding (or boogy boarding as we grew up calling it), skiing and more.  Thankful for some time together creating memories with our extended family!


Grandma and Zachie hanging out on the boat!


They are having way too much fun back there on the tube!


Karlie tubing with Aunt Megan and Uncle Josh


Karlie got up on the knee board again this year! We knew she could do it!


Working on getting the rope unlatched so she can hold it on her own!


She’s doing it on her own!  Way to go Karlie!


Karlie’s first time knee boarding with someone else!  She was so excited to be knee boarding at the same time her Daddy was knee boarding!  A big thanks to my brother for taking these pictures for us of Karlie and Jake because I was on another boat with Brina!


Karlie knee boarding with Jake!  She could live in the water she loves everything about it!  So proud of her for doing the knee board by herself.  She said it was a lot of fun, but her arms when her arms got sore she didn’t want to stop she was having so much fun!


Megan and Josh on the knee boards!


Lee making it look easy!


Waving to Nicko and Zachie on the boat!


Swinging his way out!


Skiing until the sun started to set!  The lake was smooth and beautiful at this time of day!