• Sweet Treat from My Husband

    Chocolate Covered Strawberries

    There are so many reasons to be thankful for my husband!  Not long ago he picked up a box of Dole’s Strawberry Dippers and brought them home for me.  Such a sweetheart!  The Dole Strawberry Dippers are frozen strawberry halves covered in dark chocolate!  Absolutely…..DELICIOUS!!!  Thank you baby for the special surprise!  He knows me well!  YOUR THE BEST!!!

  • Red, White, & Blue Smoothie

    Are you ready for a smoothie now?  Here’s a picture of the one the girls call our “red, white, and blue” smoothie.  It is tasty, healthy, and easy to put together!  Perfect for the July 4th Holiday.

    Red, White & Blue Smoothie

    • 1/4 cup Blueberries (fresh or frozen)
    • 1 cup whole Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
    • 1 Banana
    • 1/4 cup Vanilla Yogurt
    • 1 cup Milk

    Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy.  You can add more or less of the fruit or dairy if you prefer.  This recipe is for a single serving so if you want it to serve more you will want to double or triple it.

  • Recipe: Mixed Fruit Smoothie

    Flash frozen strawberries we picked this summer with fresh pears, blueberries and banana

    I know it is still Winter but every once in awhile I look forward to a good smoothie for breakfast or snack.   This smoothie is rich in antioxidants and vitamins to give you that extra boost for the day!

    Mix Fruit Smoothie:

    • 3 Frozen Strawberries
    • 1 small Pear
    • 1/4 cup Blueberries
    • 1/2 Banana
    • 1/2 cup Milk

    Put all the ingredients together and blend until smooth.  Drink and enjoy!

    Mix Fruit Smoothie

  • Teaching Our Children: Joy Of Sharing

    Jars of fresh Strawberry Jam / Jelly!

    One of the best parts about being a parent is teaching our children.  When you have opportunities to show them how them demonstrate positive characteristics it helps teach them valuable lessons plus it brings great joy seeing them get excited about sharing with others.  The best part is when they initiate the action on their own, that’s when you know they are “getting it”.  We have been teaching  new words that go along with positive qualities as a family.  One of the words we recently discussed with our girls was generosity.  The old saying “it is better to give then to receive” is true, but unless it is put into action in your life and with the kids will they truly believe it.  Part of our discussion involved finding ways to put the words, like generosity, into practical use.  Here are some of the activities we did with the girls to help them understand the Joy of Sharing:

    • Picking and giving away produce from our garden to every person on our street. The majority of the families on our street are retired, but they are unable to do a garden of their own this year.  Being generous with the neighbors and those in close proximity allowed the girls the opportunity to share and learn more about those who live on our street.  They had a lot of fun and told me that they were going to pray for the garden to grow really big so we can do it again.  Loved seeing their excitement!
    • Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. We had the girls pick out some of their favorite non-perishable food items to put in a bag and had them help carry the items out to our mailbox.  These activity provided us an opportunity to explain why we were giving the food away, who the food was going to, and to give praise that we had the extra blessings to share with those in our local community.
    • Sharing with Siblings & Friends – as a child (and sometimes as an adult) it can be hard to share.  Whether it is a toy, book, food, house or really anything.  We have been encouraging the girls to share with each other and friends.  For example, many times our neighbors grandkids will come over to our house to play after school.  One of the first things I do when the girls get home from school is give them a snack because they each lunch at school at 10:30 in the morning.  When their friends come over from the school bus they are hungry too and it is not polite to eat / drink in front of them.  Sharing their snacks and giving their friends drinks when they come to play is part of being generous.
    • Picking Strawberries & giving away Fresh Strawberry Jam – our family went strawberry picking one weekend.  The following week I made jam while the girls were at school.  They had a lot of fun giving the jars full of fresh strawberry jam to friends.

    One important lesson to be taught is to be generous with the best.  Do we hand our friends the half eaten loaf of bread or give them the freshly baked whole loaf?  Give them the fresh whole loaf.