• Slumber Party Adventure With Cousins

    Slumber Party Activities

    Dinner time – kid friendly meal (chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, salad, blueberries, and oranges)

    The kids were so EXCITED!  We’ve been trying to get a slumber party on the calendar with their cousins for a few months now and we did it last weekend.  The kids had a blast playing together – nerf, legos, relays, games, and so much more fun activities during their stay with us.  Everyone was well behaved, full of energy, and went right to sleep as soon as they hit the sleeping bags that night.  One of our girls got up a couple of times, but my nephews we never heard another peep out of them until after 7:30 the next morning!

    After some play time the next day and breakfast we headed out on a science adventure.  We went to Roper Mountain Science Center’s 2nd Saturday event on H2O Oceans which was a blast!  The kids had a grand time together.  Thankful for some fun with the kids.


    Silly relay races….it was hard getting a clear picture with all the movement!


    Lined up for their next relay round!


    Lots of giggles and fun!


    They played a few fun games while they were here.  This was a favorite with the boys – Toy Story 3 Kerplunk game which they played well together!


    Taking turns and helping each other!

    Slumber Party Activities

    Our living room was full of sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, and giggling kids.  It only took them a few minutes to wind down and go to sleep!


    Kiddos playing with cars, trucks, planes, race tracks, and legos while Jake and I make breakfast!


    Cinnamon Crumble Breakfast Cake, Scrambled Eggs with Extra Cheese, Yogurt, Pears, and Chocolate Milk for breakfast!  My sweet nephew asked my daughters several times as we were setting the table “Can we really eat the CAKE for breakfast!?”  Why not, it’s not every weekend we have a slumber party and get cinnamon breakfast cake in the morning, ha!  While he did eat his cake first that morning, he also ate most of his scrambled eggs and other goodies too!


    Van full of kids!


    My nephews were not sure about Karlie holding a huge snake!  Although they were a little concerned at first they did eventually pet the snake, however, they did not want to hold it!


    Riding the school bus between buildings at Roper Mountain!


    So excited to ride a bus!  Sometimes the little activities provide the most fun and biggest smiles!


    Our troop at the Planetarium getting ready to watch the show!  The lighting in the planetarium made it hard to get a clear picture.


    My nephew was amazed….all the fish swimming around in every direction.  It was almost more fun to watch his expressions and hear his comments!


    Checking out the turtle!  You mean we can touch it?!


    Petting the animals!


    The bunny was so soft!


    This one always grosses me out…..baby mice…..however, the kids love holding the baby mice!


    What’s this Aunt Bridgette!?  Can I touch it!?  Lots of questions and fun exploring all the cool animals!


    This was a highlight for my nephews!  They loved digging around in the sand and water creating various lakes, rivers, dams, and more!


    Building another one together!


    Testing the items that they built to see how many golf balls they will hold before sinking!


    Saying “Hi” to the animals!



    Checking out the  sting ray!

  • STEM Event at Roper Mountain Science Center


    Jake & Brina working on her model!


      Karlie’s creation is done, now it’s ready to see if it will survive the test! She’s proud of her creation and confident it will pass the testing….


    Brina adding the finishing touches on her creation!


    All ready for testing! Proud of her cool design.


    Karlie watching carefully as they get ready to drop the big board on her creation. The goal was to make a creation out of the bag of goodies that they give you that will not change its shape once the board has been dropped on it (including none of the balloons popping). She did it!!!Brina putting her creation on the testing platform, she was concerned about her balloons popping, but it passed with flying colors! Way to go Brina!


    Jake was a pro in no time at riding the Segway!


    Brina riding a Segway all by herself, she did well!


    Karlie learning how to ride the Segway!  She’s getting the hang of it!

    STEM Event at Roper Mountain Science Center

    Karlie watching the show at the Planetarium

  • Roper Mountain Science Center

    Holding a snake

    The girls always love going to Roper Mountain Science Center.  They have second Saturday themed events that are fun for the whole family with a lot of educational information.  The animals are always a great hit with our kids.  For more information about Roper Mountain Science Center, the upcoming second Saturday events, or activities please check out Roper Mountain Science Center’s website.

    What do you think she is holding?  If you guessed baby mouse you are correct!

    So soft!  Chinchilla!

    Karlie trying to play one of the games

    Brina and Karlie having fun!

  • Roper Mountain Science Center – Animals and Activities

    Wow!  Look at all those tiny legs on this one!

    Our girls love any trips we take to Roper Mountain Science Center!  There is so much to see, learn, and explore.  Whenever possible we try to go to their second Saturday events because they are a big hit with our kids.  The second Saturday events have a theme and the kids can do anything from holding animals, crafts, participate in events, and much more.  They have everything from animals, ocean life, space activities, farming, cultural events, and more!  I have even learned a few new facts about history, animals, and space too.  🙂

    Karlie holding a snake

    Jake holding the snake.  I am not a big fan of snakes so I was okay with not holding this snake, although I did touch it briefly…very briefly!

    Look at this cool guy!

    Yes, that is a huge spider that she is holding in both her hands!  A tarantula actually!

    Brina holding a box turtle

    Karlie wanted to hold the box turtle too

    Super soft……Chinchilla!

    Is it a baby pig, baby squirrel, or baby chipmunk Brina is holding????  None of those,  it is actually baby mouse (the mouse is only 1 day old)!

  • Exploring Roper Mountain Science Center


    Getting ready to watch the show at the Roper Mountain Science Center

    The first time I took a tour of Roper Mountain Science Center was with the girls class earlier this year.  It was a blast watching a space presentation, going on a nature trail, seeing the wildlife, having a picnic and more.  The girls had so much fun.  I always knew that Roper Mountain Science Center had some activities for the kids but until I went with the girls I had no idea how much!


    Karlie entertained by the show, anything to do with space is always a hit with her!


    Brina having a fun time! I got to sit next to Brina for the show.

    What are they looking at?   Don’t fall in the water!

    Red Eared Slider Turtles (of course)!  The girls were super excited to see the turtles, these are the same kind as Shipwreck and Overboard!

    Beautiful flower garden and butterflies near the butterfly crossing.

    The girls had a lot of fun exploring Roper Mountain Science Center and learning a lot of great stuff.  Roper Mountain has since become one of the girls favorite places to visit.  We try to go every month or two.  It is a great learning environment if you have kids.