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Exploring Roper Mountain Science Center


Getting ready to watch the show at the Roper Mountain Science Center

The first time I took a tour of Roper Mountain Science Center was with the girls class earlier this year.  It was a blast watching a space presentation, going on a nature trail, seeing the wildlife, having a picnic and more.  The girls had so much fun.  I always knew that Roper Mountain Science Center had some activities for the kids but until I went with the girls I had no idea how much!


Karlie entertained by the show, anything to do with space is always a hit with her!


Brina having a fun time! I got to sit next to Brina for the show.

What are they looking at?   Don’t fall in the water!

Red Eared Slider Turtles (of course)!  The girls were super excited to see the turtles, these are the same kind as Shipwreck and Overboard!

Beautiful flower garden and butterflies near the butterfly crossing.

The girls had a lot of fun exploring Roper Mountain Science Center and learning a lot of great stuff.  Roper Mountain has since become one of the girls favorite places to visit.  We try to go every month or two.  It is a great learning environment if you have kids.