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Roper Mountain Science Center – Animals and Activities

Wow!  Look at all those tiny legs on this one!

Our girls love any trips we take to Roper Mountain Science Center!  There is so much to see, learn, and explore.  Whenever possible we try to go to their second Saturday events because they are a big hit with our kids.  The second Saturday events have a theme and the kids can do anything from holding animals, crafts, participate in events, and much more.  They have everything from animals, ocean life, space activities, farming, cultural events, and more!  I have even learned a few new facts about history, animals, and space too.  🙂

Karlie holding a snake

Jake holding the snake.  I am not a big fan of snakes so I was okay with not holding this snake, although I did touch it briefly…very briefly!

Look at this cool guy!

Yes, that is a huge spider that she is holding in both her hands!  A tarantula actually!

Brina holding a box turtle

Karlie wanted to hold the box turtle too

Super soft……Chinchilla!

Is it a baby pig, baby squirrel, or baby chipmunk Brina is holding????  None of those,  it is actually baby mouse (the mouse is only 1 day old)!

Those are some big “pinchers” inside that large shell!

Stingray coming towards me

Karlie had to pet the stingrays a few times

Now there’s a big snake!  She didn’t hold it very long because it was heavy!

Doing a craft together in the one room school house.

Watching and listening to how they did things a long time ago.

Petting the chickens

Fascinating demonstration….


Grinding up the corn kernels to feed to the animals