• Travel & Vacation: Dry Erase Board Notes


    Karlie’s dry erase board note to Jake

    In case you already haven’t noticed our family LOVES to travel.  Occasionally when Jake travels for work the rest of us get to tag along with him.  A lot of times his days are long and we don’t always get to see him throughout the day.  On our last work trip I told the girls to bring their dry erase boards and markers so we could “leave Daddy a note” for the day.  If he came back to the hotel room and we were not there he could see our notes, know what we were up to, and hopefully feel the love that we were sending his way.  It is not always possible to know when he may have a moment to run back to the room and if we are across town we cannot make it back in time to say “hi” so this is a little way to let him know that we are thinking about him even though we couldn’t be there to give him a hug in person.

    During this recent trip all of us were up with the sun at 6 am every morning and off in our separate ways shortly thereafter.  Sometimes it would be midnight or later before we reconnected again.  Several times Jake also left a note on the back of the dry erase boards for us which the girls loved.  If he had a few minutes and knew that we would be getting back really late he would prep dinner for us so we could make it quickly while the girls were showering so they could eat, relax for a few minutes, and crash in bed.

    We ate all but one breakfast and dinner in our hotel room.  All our lunches we packed in our backpacks and would eat whenever we were exploring for that day.  To help with the preparation and meal plan we brought a hot pot (yes, like the ones you use in college) to make our meals.  We were able to make some good, quick, healthy, and inexpensive meals in our hotel room like sloppy joes, mac-n-cheese, chicken & rice, soup, and more!  It was nice to relax together at the end of the day before hitting the bed.

    Every time we left for the day each girl would get out their dry erase boards and leave a note for Jake.  I would add an note to the bottom or side of each of their notes.  They had a lot of fun doing this for him and looked forward to it every morning.


    Brina’s note to Daddy


    Karlie letting Daddy know we are going to check out the animals!


    Brina’s note to Daddy with a variety of colors.

    Monorail, Disney, Epcot, Flowers, Notes, Daddy, Pools, Dolphin Resort, Boardwalk, Swimming, Miniature Golf,

    Karlie’s note that includes a “heart family” of all of us.  Cute!


    Brina’s note with hearts and letting him know to have “fun and do a good job”!

    Walt Disney World, Magic Kindom, Disney, Orlando, FL, Travel, Vacation

    Brina’s note to Dad with my note to the love of my love.

    Dry Erase Board Notes

    Jake’s note letting us know he prepped the meal and all we had to do is add water and boil.


    Sweet note from my Handsome man!


    Note from Karlie with her and Daddy as heart people.

    The girls love their Dad so very much.  It is precious to see how they enjoy not only doing little things for him, but also how excited they get to spend some extra time with him.  Thankful for a husband who works so hard to provide for our family.  He takes good care of all of us and always makes each of us feel special.  He is thoughtful, generous, and kind.  Even though he works hard he always makes a point to spend time with us as a family.  I am blessed in many ways.

    If your spouse travels and you go along with them you can easily do this for your spouse as well.  It was super simple, but made everyone feel more connected throughout the long days apart.  I hope that it made Jake’s days a little bit brighter.

  • A Sandwich Container & Dry Erase Marker

    The best part about packing a lunch for my husband and kids is I get to sneak in a note occasionally.  These sandwich containers are great because I can write on them with dry erase markers, put them in the lunch box, and erase them before washing them once they are back home at the end of the day.  If you are looking for a super simple way to “send some love” and remind your family members how much you love them try writing in a dry erase marker on their sandwich container and see what they say about it.

  • Be My Valentine: I Will Always “Root” for You Handsome!

    Every once in awhile I like to get a special treat for my man!  It doesn’t have to be for any specific Holiday but this would be an easy way to say “I Love You” during the Valentine season.  For this special treat I picked up a six pack of IBC Rootbeer for Jake and put a sticky note on it that says “I will always “root” for you Handsome!”   I stuck the six pack with the note in the refrigerator, when Jake opens the door to get a drink he will find his cool treat.    He appreciates the thoughtfulness and the treat reminds him that I love him.  I am truly thankful for all he does for our family!

    I will always “root” for you Handsome!

  • Water Bottle Treats

    The girls love it when I put something special in their lunches!  One of their favorite surprises in their lunch box is when I make a water bottle container full goodies.  The one pictured above was done on their last day of school last year as a way to celebrate the special day with them.  Since they were in the same class last year I just sent one to share.  This one is full of chocolate and vanilla oreos, but you could put anything in the water bottle container (fruit, veggies, crackers, etc…).  I was super excited to hear they ended up sharing the cookies with their friends sitting next to them at lunch!  🙂

    It is super easy to do and the kids will love it!  Take two empty water bottles and cut the bottles in half (I pinched the bottle together and used scissors to cut the bottle in half).  Wash out the bottles and make sure they are dry before filling with the treat.  After putting the food into both halves of the bottle, push the two bottles together, and place a piece of decorative tape around the middle to hold the two bottles together.  Write a note to your little one, put a hole punch in the middle, and tie it on with a ribbon.  Stick it in their lunch box and wait to hear how excited they were when they opened up their lunch box!

  • Sweet Surprise Gifts from My Handsome Man!

    Little gift from my handsome man in the medicine cabinet!

    I love it when my sweet man leaves surprise goodies for me.  Here are some of the fun ones he left me when he went on a trip earlier this year.  Thankful for an amazing husband who loves me and is very thoughtful.  Love you Jake!

    Love notes across the floor from from my man!

    Some sweets from my sweetheart hidden in my closet!

    Yes, he even left powdered donuts on the shower nozzles, ha!

    Seed packets left in the kitchen cupboard with the coffee mugs

    Yes, even seed packets on my laptop!  So sweet!

    Seed packet on the deep freezer too!

  • I’ve got a “crush” on you!

    Sweet treat for my man

    I discovered these cute “pop” love notes from Darling Doodles and have been enjoying adding these love notes to my stash of ones to give to Jake!  He enjoys drinking Orange Crush so when it goes on sale I try to get a little for him.  This particular love note was a great one to give to my man – I’ve got a “crush” on you!

    This was a surprise I had waiting for him one day after he had been away on a work trip.  Always love having a little surprise waiting for him when he gets home after being away.  I make sure the surprises are different and are placed in random places too which gives an extra variety.  These love notes have been a great addition and been a lot of fun to use!

    I’ve got a “crush” on you!

  • Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

    Love notes for the kids at school

    One of the best parts about sending the kids to school with a lunch is you can include some special goodies or notes for them as a surprise.  After using the sandwich containers a few times I discovered something really neat…..they are perfect for “love” notes.  If you have smooth sandwich containers that you send to school with your kids or to work with your husband grab a dry erase marker and write a quick note for them.  I will often write a little note for them and erase it before putting it in the dishwasher at the end of the day.  I keep the marker on the refrigerator so I can get it easily while I am packing lunches for the family.  This takes only a couple minutes and means a lot to your family.  A short and sweet note can be the extra boost of love and encouragement they need throughout the day.

  • Travel & Vacation: “We Love You” Folder

    Jake’s Folder of “Love” Notes

    Awhile ago the girls and I made a “We Love You” folder for Jake to take with him when he travels.  Even though we love the opportunities when we can go with him it is not always possible to go with him on every trip.  When he goes on a trip and we cannot tag along we send our “We Love You” folder with him along with notes or drawings from each of us.  Jake enjoys seeing the pictures and reading the notes while he is away.  We have a blast putting something special in the folder for him.

    Here are a few examples of items we have put into his “We Love You!” Folder:

    Love note to Jake

    Karlie’s love note to Daddy

    Brina’s love note to Daddy

    Drawing from Karlie

    Sweet note from the girls

    Note to Daddy from Karlie

    Note to Daddy from Brina

    I Love You note to my Handsome Man!

  • Family Activities: Celebrating Valentine’s Day

    Valentine’s Day Heart “Attack” surprise for the girls

    Our family had a blast celebrating Valentine’s Day together!  Jake and I went out the Saturday before Valentine’s for a Date Night and to celebrate.  On Valentine’s Day I took goodies and helped at the girls class party as well as celebrated with the family that evening.  It was a fun relaxing time together.  The girls loved having an extra special dinner together in the candlelight as a family.    For dinner we a fun conversation as we ate steaks, baked potatoes, fresh vegetables, bread, fresh fruit salad, Cherry Limeade punch, and cheesecake.  Here is a little tidbit from our Valentine’s Day celebrations:

    Heart shaped cinnamon rolls for breakfast

    Valentine’s Day Breakfast

    Valentine’s Day “love” notes on the girls bedroom door

    Valentine’s Day fun for Brina & Karlie (looking from their room out to the hallway)

    Brina’s Goodies’ from Grandpa & Grandma

    Karlie’s goodies from Grandpa & Grandma waiting on her barstool at breakfast

    Hugs & Kisses Tigers

    Karlie’s Valentine goodies from her classmates.  (With the word “Bushta” written across the front too, silly girl)

    Brina’s Valentine envelope full of goodies from her classmates

    Jake’s dinner plate – stick of dynamite with little heart notes….

    You’re the bomb!

    You’re the extra spark in my life!

    You ignite my heart!

    My heart explodes with love for you!

    You light up my world!

    The girls loved Daddy’s sticks of dynamite made out of rolos and love notes, they couldn’t wait for him to see them!

    One of the girls plates for Valentine’s Day Dinner with the family

    Our Valentine’s Day Dinner table

    Be My Valentine decoration hanging from the ceiling fan over the dinner table

    Conversational hearts center piece

    Valentine’s Day Dinner table

    Brina & Karlie worked hard on their Valentine’s Day Cards!

    A stack of love notes for Jake to take with him on his next trip……one note for every day we are apart!

    “I Love Jacob” written in hot pink lipstick on the mirror (the girls wanted to know if it would clean off the mirror or be permanent)

    Heart balloons with love notes attached and flower petals to make the room more romantic

    It was a wonderful Valentine’s Day with our family!  We had a great time decorating, talking, celebrating, and enjoying our time together as a family.  Thankful for days when we can relax and celebrate our love for each other.  Although, we spent time this week to focus on our love it is important that this isn’t just a once a year activity.  Taking the time to celebrate our love regularly is just as important.

  • Be My Valentine: “Sweet” Treats

    “Thanks for always rooting for me!” (IBC Root Beer) and “Thanks for always being our ‘sweet’ girl!”

    Every once in awhile when the girls and Jake are gone or busy with something else I will pull together a surprise.  I am thankful for my family and blessed with a wonderful husband and two sweet girls.  Life is not always “perfect” but it is fun.

    Spending a few minutes to show appreciation to my husband or my kids is worth every minute I invest.  The best part is I do it at random times when they are not around so it truly is a surprise.  This gift was originally given to Jake and the girls on Thanksgiving Day but it can be applied very easily to Valentine’s Day celebrations as well.

    If you are looking for something easy yet sweet to do this Valentine’s Day this was one that my family enjoyed.  After putting together your gift I challenge you to go one step further make a commitment to continue being a blessing to the ones you love by surprising them with a sweet note, treat, or something special throughout the rest of the year.  Try to make it part of your routine whether it is once a week, every other week or once a month.  Showing your care makes an impact on the lives of others.

    I came up with the sayings for the girls heart “love” notes – Thanks for always being our “sweet” Brina (or Karlie)! Love, Mom and Dad  The cute “pop” love note is from Darling Doodles.    She has a template you can print out if your interested in doing something similar for your spouse!