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Travel & Vacation: “We Love You” Folder

Jake’s Folder of “Love” Notes

Awhile ago the girls and I made a “We Love You” folder for Jake to take with him when he travels.  Even though we love the opportunities when we can go with him it is not always possible to go with him on every trip.  When he goes on a trip and we cannot tag along we send our “We Love You” folder with him along with notes or drawings from each of us.  Jake enjoys seeing the pictures and reading the notes while he is away.  We have a blast putting something special in the folder for him.

Here are a few examples of items we have put into his “We Love You!” Folder:

Love note to Jake

Karlie’s love note to Daddy

Brina’s love note to Daddy

Drawing from Karlie

Sweet note from the girls

Note to Daddy from Karlie

Note to Daddy from Brina

I Love You note to my Handsome Man!