Family,  Fun,  Intentional Living,  Kids,  School

Water Bottle Treats

The girls love it when I put something special in their lunches!  One of their favorite surprises in their lunch box is when I make a water bottle container full goodies.  The one pictured above was done on their last day of school last year as a way to celebrate the special day with them.  Since they were in the same class last year I just sent one to share.  This one is full of chocolate and vanilla oreos, but you could put anything in the water bottle container (fruit, veggies, crackers, etc…).  I was super excited to hear they ended up sharing the cookies with their friends sitting next to them at lunch!  🙂

It is super easy to do and the kids will love it!  Take two empty water bottles and cut the bottles in half (I pinched the bottle together and used scissors to cut the bottle in half).  Wash out the bottles and make sure they are dry before filling with the treat.  After putting the food into both halves of the bottle, push the two bottles together, and place a piece of decorative tape around the middle to hold the two bottles together.  Write a note to your little one, put a hole punch in the middle, and tie it on with a ribbon.  Stick it in their lunch box and wait to hear how excited they were when they opened up their lunch box!