• Happy First Day of School Brina & Karlie

    Happy 1st Day of 6th Grade to my sweet girls!  New school year, new school, new teachers, new administration, new schedules, new start to the next chapter in my baby girls lives!  Jake and I both took the girls to school on their first day.  It felt weird driving by their old elementary school on the way to their new middle school.  They were welcomed at school by cheers.  They had a great first day!

    p1720300cIt was a lot of information and teachers to go over that first day, but they did amazing!  They are in different classes, however, some of their teachers are the same and others are different.  They are taking different electives too and have no classes the same.  The only time they see each other during the school day is walking into school, in the hallways, at lunch, and after school.  Karlie has orchestra and a STEAM elective class while Brina has physical education and Keyboarding for her two electives this 9 weeks or a semester depending on the class.  Thankful for a good first day!

    It was a whirlwind of a first day with us dropping them off at school, heading home to get Jake’s suitcase into his car so he can travel for work, and them I was off to work as well.  We didn’t snap a picture of them that first morning of school as we were moving quickly to get out the door on time.  Everyone was a little sluggish and the girls were wanting to get out the door instead of snapping pictures!   Kind of bummed I didn’t make them do it….oh well.

  • First Day of School Notes & Teacher Gifts

    P1280027cFirst day of School Notes!

    How is that time again – the first day of school?!  The summer break went by way too fast!  Thankful for the fun adventures we had while they were out for the summer.  Not sure how it is possible that they are now in 4th grade.  Ready or not it’s here and we are looking forward to another great year of learning.


    Brina’s lollipop note!


    Karlie’s lollipop note!


    Happy First Day of 4th Grade Brina!


    Happy First Day of 4th Grade Karlie!


    Note are on their bar stools and their special breakfast plates were laid out!

    School Lunch Notes Butterfly 3D Printing

    All four teacher gifts are packed and ready to go!  Complete with items requested by the teachers!

  • First Day of School “Love Notes” for the Kids

    Brina and Karlie’s first day of school love notes

    Every year on the first day of school we write a “love note” to the girls.  They always look forward to receiving and reading their notes.  It is something simple to do on the first day of school but it helps remind them of how much we love them especially on a busy day every year.

    Love notes for the girls on their breakfast bar stools

    In our family we try to do as much prep work (make lunches, lay out clothes, set out plates / bowls for breakfast, vitamins) the night before.  The girls know exactly where to find any breakfast notes or surprises.  I have found that by having items laid out the night before the mornings go much more smoothly.  The kids get a great start to each school day and it is less stressful for me.

    The girls always like to read their notes on the first day of school

  • First Day of School 2012

    Karlie and Brina ready for their first day of school 2012

    How is it possible that school is already starting again?!  It seems like summer vacation just started and in a blink of my eye it is now gone.  The girls started school this Tuesday.  They were sad to say goodbye to summer and all the fun adventures that we had together but at the same time they were excited to start school again too.

    They each picked out their own backpacks, school supplies, and clothes that they wanted to wear on the first day of school.  This is the first year that they have separate teachers.  So far they have been thrilled with having different classrooms.  It has been more work for Mom and Dad because even though they are in the same grade the teacher policies, homework, and many other activities are different.


    Karlie’s all ready to go!

    Brina is ready for me to finish taking pictures so she can go to school!

    I am praying that this school year is an amazing time of growth for both of the girls.  It is hard to see my baby girls growing up so quickly.  They are an amazing blessing in my life and I love them dearly.   I look forward to seeing all the awesome things they will learn this year!

  • Raising Multiples: First School Day of First Grade!

    The girls recently started school, their first day of first grade went really well. After a wonderful summer together of traveling and memories we were getting them ready for school  They were excited to go to school to learn and see their friends but also told me that they would miss their time at home, (aw….such sweethearts)!   Here’s a few snapshots from their first day of school.

    First day of School lunches are packed and ready to go!

     This year we are packing lunches every day except Fridays, which is pizza or special lunch day.  They were very excited about picking out and making food to pack in their lunches.  I was impressed at how well they adjusted and how much initiative they took cleaning out their bags every day.  The girls received their lunch bags from some great friends, they came in handy last year and again this year.

    Brina's lunch

    Brina is our loves flowers, pink, orange, and anything girly so this is perfect for her.  One of the concerns Moms with Twins, Triplets or higher multiples is making sure to develop their individuality.   The girls were THRILLED to have different lunch boxes with their names on it.

    Karlie's lunch

    One of Karlie’s favorite colors is black (she has loved space and planets for years)!   These thoughtful gifts came from a good friend with triplets who has been a huge encouragement to me since she found out I was pregnant with the girls.

    Notes we put into their school lunch on the first day of first grade!

    The girls see some of the “notes” that I send in Daddy’s lunch and always enjoy it when they get one as well.  As a special surprise occasionally I will stick in a note to them.  They both thanked us for their first lunch box “love note” of the school year!

    Brina and Karlie ready for their first day of 1st grade!

    You would think that at this age it would be easy to get two kids to smile at the camera, ha!  They were so worried that my taking pictures would make them late the first day of school.  Don’t worry we made it with plenty of time to spare!

    Brina's ready!

    Brina’s comment on the way to school this year was “”We will make some good friends today and have fun talking to our friends from last year!”  Glad she is excited about seeing friends and making new ones.

    Karlie's super excited to go to first grade!

    Karlie’s comment on the way to school this year was “So how many days until Summer break”!  We had been counting down until the first day of school.  She had such a fun summer together I think she was ready to start counting down until next summer.

    Our notes to our sweet girls at breakfast!

    On their breakfast plates we wrote each of them a note to read while we were cooking breakfast.

    Notes to our girls on the first day of school!

    They love getting notes and special days should be celebrated!

    Hello cutie pies, your note from Mom and Dad on your first day of First Grade!

    Our first day of school note was M&M’s.   The comment I got from them was “Silly Mommy” but they smiled reading the letter we wrote to them.

    Love making our girls smile. The first day of first grade is a great day to celebrate!

    Life is short and my babies are growing up quickly.  I want our girls to know how much we love them.  These notes only take a few moments to write but can be a tremendous encouragement to them especially as they walk into a new classroom on the first day of school.

    On the way to school!

    All buckled in and ready for school.  Yes, I took the picture at a stoplight not while driving.

    Beautiful first day of first grade for the girls!

    I was thankful to see the sun shining, a gorgeous blue sky, white puffy clouds and beautiful leafy trees on the way to school.  We truly have much to appreciate in life.

    Walking behind their teacher on their way to first grade, my babies are growing up!

    My big girls walking to their class by themselves, no assistance necessary from their Mommy.

    School day is done, they love riding home on the bus.

    Thankful for their time to learn.  Praying that their first grade year is a positive experience packed full of great educational fun.