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First Day of School “Love Notes” for the Kids

Brina and Karlie’s first day of school love notes

Every year on the first day of school we write a “love note” to the girls.  They always look forward to receiving and reading their notes.  It is something simple to do on the first day of school but it helps remind them of how much we love them especially on a busy day every year.

Love notes for the girls on their breakfast bar stools

In our family we try to do as much prep work (make lunches, lay out clothes, set out plates / bowls for breakfast, vitamins) the night before.  The girls know exactly where to find any breakfast notes or surprises.  I have found that by having items laid out the night before the mornings go much more smoothly.  The kids get a great start to each school day and it is less stressful for me.

The girls always like to read their notes on the first day of school