• Travel & Vacation: Little Notes of Love

    Hidden I love you notes on the DVD shelf

    I love my girls to pieces…..and then a little more.  It is important to me that they know how much they are loved and treasured.  One of the ways I spread the love is by writing surprise notes for them.  When I go on a trip or at random times throughout the week I put a note someplace that they will be sure to see.  It is worth investing a little extra time each week to show my family that I am thinking about them.  Several of these notes were from a trip I took earlier this year.  Here are a few other little notes of love I have shared with my kids.  Although most of the notes are simple they have a huge positive ripple effect on my kids making it worth every second I spend doing it.

    Love note to my girls.

    This particular note is posted on the hallway wall outside their bedroom door.

    Little Love Note to Karlie on the inside of her new notebook

    Brina’s Little Love Note on her new notebook

    Just in case she forgot this was on the wall next to her bed!

    Note to Brina posted right next to her bed!

    Little Love Note written on the inside of a white box and sat on the ping pong table (with a little treat for each kid.)

    There are those days when we all could use a bear hug!  When “Mom’s” not there to give a hug a sister is a great substitute!  This sign was posted on their bedroom door.

  • Travel & Vacation: Little Gifts of Love

     Our girls love horses!

    When I travel or am away from the girls for more than 24 hours I try to do something special for them.  Many times I write a note and put it on their car seat or pillow or a place I know they will see.  However, when I go on longer trips or happen to be away for several days I try to leave little gifts of love to remind them that I am thinking about them even while I am gone.

    I left this Horses! by Kathy Wilmore book for them to read while I was away on a trip earlier this year.  On the book was a bright orange flower sticky note that said:

    Brina and Karlie,  This is a book that both of you will enjoy about horses!  I love you and think about you everyday.  Looking forward to showing you pictures of our trip. Love , Mom

    I wrote the note following the circle shape of the flower so the girls thought it was fun to spin the note as they read it.  They love this book and pull it out often to look at.

    Ice cream cone bubble gum holder!

    Two little ice cream cone bubble gum holders were left hanging off the piano for the girls to find.  Another little gift of love and special treat for my sweet girls.

    Easy craft gift of love left for the girls – Pooh Paint with Water Book

    I found this Pooh Paint with book at Goodwill for 25 cents so I picked it up for the girls.  It was a great simple craft that didn’t make a huge mess for those watching the girls while we were away.  The yellow heart note reads:

    Brina and Karlie, Here’s a “fun” water painting book for you to enjoy while we are away! Love, Mom

    Each girl got a cool new cup with a note inside

    One of the little gifts of love I have done is get them a cute cup with a note inside for each girl.  This is a picture of one of the cups I gave them this year.  They both still use these cups.  The notes inside read:



    Little bucket full of goodies

    I hung one cute little bucket with a necklace, silly bands,  a popup balloon message and a note on each of the girls dressers.  The girls still have those buckets on top of their dressers full of items that mean something to them.  It was a lot of fun putting these together for girls.

    God gives us Courage book

    On Karlie’s pillow I pick a book called God Gives Us Courage.  In the note I wrote:

    Karlie, I know how you love books.  Here’s a new one for you.  Remember God is always with you and we are praying for you! Love, Mom

    Book – God Gives You Patience

    On Brina’s pillow I put a book called God Gives You Patience.  Her green heart sticky note said:

    Brina since you enjoy books here’s a new one for you!  Remember God love you and we are praying for you everyday! Love, Mom

  • First Day of School “Love Notes” for the Kids

    Brina and Karlie’s first day of school love notes

    Every year on the first day of school we write a “love note” to the girls.  They always look forward to receiving and reading their notes.  It is something simple to do on the first day of school but it helps remind them of how much we love them especially on a busy day every year.

    Love notes for the girls on their breakfast bar stools

    In our family we try to do as much prep work (make lunches, lay out clothes, set out plates / bowls for breakfast, vitamins) the night before.  The girls know exactly where to find any breakfast notes or surprises.  I have found that by having items laid out the night before the mornings go much more smoothly.  The kids get a great start to each school day and it is less stressful for me.

    The girls always like to read their notes on the first day of school