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First Day of School 2012

Karlie and Brina ready for their first day of school 2012

How is it possible that school is already starting again?!  It seems like summer vacation just started and in a blink of my eye it is now gone.  The girls started school this Tuesday.  They were sad to say goodbye to summer and all the fun adventures that we had together but at the same time they were excited to start school again too.

They each picked out their own backpacks, school supplies, and clothes that they wanted to wear on the first day of school.  This is the first year that they have separate teachers.  So far they have been thrilled with having different classrooms.  It has been more work for Mom and Dad because even though they are in the same grade the teacher policies, homework, and many other activities are different.


Karlie’s all ready to go!

Brina is ready for me to finish taking pictures so she can go to school!

I am praying that this school year is an amazing time of growth for both of the girls.  It is hard to see my baby girls growing up so quickly.  They are an amazing blessing in my life and I love them dearly.   I look forward to seeing all the awesome things they will learn this year!