• Travel & Vacation: Splashing Around at Lake Milford


    Grandpa’s ready to go swimming!

    We spent the majority of our day in the water at Lake Milford.  On our final full day at the lake we swam near the cabins so everyone could come and go as they wanted.  It was a lot of fun being able to swim and splash around in the water.


    Nicko having fun at the lake!


    Karlie using her balancing skills!


    Brina using Jake’s shoulders as her diving board so she could spring into the water!


    Karlie preparing for another big splash!


    Karlie flying through the air!


    Look out!  There goes Brina!


    Hanging out with Zachie as  he enjoys his blue Lollipop!


    First Aid Kit! Yes, Karlie discovered that zebra muscles on the rocks were not her friend (quite painful actually)!  Ouch!  Thanks Aunt Amber and Daddy for coming to her rescue!


    All the kids (and some of the big kids too) enjoyed digging in the sand on the beach!


    Becky and Zachie having fun!


    Karlie hanging out with Grandma and Uncle Lee!

  • Travel & Vacation: Boating and Fishing on Milford Lake


    Uncle Trace & Aunt Michelle fishing!  Look at the flying fish in the upper right of the picture!

    We had a blast with family at Milford Lake this summer.  During the day there were a lot of different activities going on at the same time so everyone could have fun doing something they enjoyed from swimming, fishing, tubing, water skiing, knee boarding, and more fun.  Uncle Trace was our expert fisherman that weekend!


    Brina hanging out on my brother and sister-in-law’s boat!


    Karlie on the boat at least briefly, she didn’t stay on the boat very long!


    Jake taking pictures as Brina crashes on his lap.  Lots of sun, wind, and lake fun make very tired kids!


    Brina all tuckered out and taking a power nap on the boat!  Good idea!


    Hanging out with Zachie!


    Uncle Josh teasing Nicko!


    Look there’s Grandma Penny and Zachie on the fishing boat!


    Beautiful day for fishing!

  • Travel & Vacation: Tubing, Knee Boarding, and Water Skiing at Milford Lake!


    Waving as she passes family!

    We spent the weekend at Lake Milford playing in the water!  It was fun to watch everyone go tubing, fishing, knee boarding (or boogy boarding as we grew up calling it), skiing and more.  Thankful for some time together creating memories with our extended family!


    Grandma and Zachie hanging out on the boat!


    They are having way too much fun back there on the tube!


    Karlie tubing with Aunt Megan and Uncle Josh


    Karlie got up on the knee board again this year! We knew she could do it!


    Working on getting the rope unlatched so she can hold it on her own!


    She’s doing it on her own!  Way to go Karlie!


    Karlie’s first time knee boarding with someone else!  She was so excited to be knee boarding at the same time her Daddy was knee boarding!  A big thanks to my brother for taking these pictures for us of Karlie and Jake because I was on another boat with Brina!


    Karlie knee boarding with Jake!  She could live in the water she loves everything about it!  So proud of her for doing the knee board by herself.  She said it was a lot of fun, but her arms when her arms got sore she didn’t want to stop she was having so much fun!


    Megan and Josh on the knee boards!


    Lee making it look easy!


    Waving to Nicko and Zachie on the boat!


    Swinging his way out!


    Skiing until the sun started to set!  The lake was smooth and beautiful at this time of day!

  • Travel & Vacation: Boston Museum of Science


    Our visit to the Boston Museum of Science

    Another fascinating place to visit with kids is the Boston Museum of Science!  The girls LOVED the Boston Museum of Science.  We spent the first two hours in one room they enjoyed it so much.  They probably could have spent an entire day going through everything.  We covered the majority of the museum in several hours, but they would have been happy to stay longer if we had the time.


    We went to the Lightening Show!  It was awesome!  If you look closely there is a lady in the giant “bird cage” which was struck by a large bolt of lightning.


    Anything with animals is a hit with our girls


    Mesmerized by the tornado display.


    Karlie showing her electricity capicity.


    The computer, electronics, and robotics room was a huge hit with the kids.  In this picture they are putting together pieces to build robotic components that make noise, light up, turn on fans, and more!


    Really Mom, it wasn’t me making that beeping noise!!!


    Watching to see what robotics challenge is being giving.  This was really neat!  One of the workers kept giving them harder tasks to accomplish!


    Working together to get the robotic to get through the course.  They both finished their missions and earned their certificates.


    Jake teaching Brina some computer coding skills!


    One huge dinosaur!


    Silly mirrors!


    The musical steps were neat!  I think the girls did several sets of stairs just so they could create music!


    Yes, she is holding a skunk in her arms only a few feet from us!


    Playing for a few minutes on the seesaw!

    It was a blast exploring the Boston Museum of Science.  The girls loved it!  The only sad part is we had to go because the Museum was closing and we had to get moving on to our next stop.  We stopped outside of Boston at a Ninety-Nine restaurant!  Instead of serving bread before the meal they brought out fresh popcorn.  The kids meals included an ice cream sandwich.  It was nice to sit, relax, and talk about our fun adventures for the day.  The food was delicious too!

  • Travel & Vacation: Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History


    Standing at the banister looking down on the elephant and floors below.

    The girls were thrilled to go to the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History.  Brina especially loves anything associated to animals.  Since we did the Smithsonian Institution of National Air and Space Museum yesterday we thought this will be a great next adventure.  Thankful for some fun times together!


     Touring the National Museum of Natural History


    OOOOOOOUCH Karlie!  This one has a lot of teeth!


    Brina and Jake checking out the armadillo shell!


    Doing their names with stamp calligraphy


     Having fun exploring with my Brina Bee


    Brina reading the sign and soaking it all in


    Learning more about animals


    Wow!  Some cool looking animals!


    One big giraffe


    Checking out the fun displays


    They had a huge elephant in the middle foyer of the building.


    Touching a piece of rock from Mars…..fascinating!


    Karlie thought this rock was so cool


    Whoa….look at those rocks!


    The Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat dark blue diamond.  It has traveled from India to France to Britain and now the United States.  The Hope Diamond is also described as the “most famous diamond in the world.”


    It looks like the elephant is coming toward them!


    Super excited to visit the Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History

  • Travel & Vacation: Arlington Cemetery, Washington DC


    Arlington Cemetery

    Our first big stop on the second day of touring Washington, D.C. was Arlington Cemetery.  The girls were amazed at all the gravestone markers.  It was neat to read the names and see what wars they served in.  Just being there makes you appreciate those who serve our country and what a great sacrifice they make to serve.


    It was a little windy and required more walking at Arlington Cemetery, but it was well worth the trip.  The girls were fascinated and grateful that the soldiers were honored for their service to our nation.


    One of their favorite monuments in Arlington Cemetery included a horse.  This monument is of Field Marshal Sir John Greer Dill who was a British commander in both World War I and World War II.   He was instrumental during World War II in forming a relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.


    Changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  The change takes place in front of the Tomb of Unknown Soldiers every 3o minutes, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


    In the process of switching guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  While they are changing guards you may watch, but they ask you to remain silence out of respect for the soldiers and those family members who may be visiting their loved ones.


    It was neat to watch the process they go through to switch guards and to know that those unknown soldiers are being honored for their service.  It’s sad to think that there are many unknown soldiers, however, we are grateful for the respect they are given.  During the changing of the guards the soldier takes 21 steps because a 21 gun salute for a soldier is the highest honor given to any military soldier.  The inscription on the front column outside the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier says “Here Rests In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God”


    Walking through the inside part of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers


    Checking out the stones, names, and information as we stroll back down the hill.


    Sitting on the steps outside of the John F. Kennedy Memorial


    In front of John F. Kennedy’s memorial is an eternal flame that was lighted by Mrs. Kennedy the day of the funeral.  It is set in a 5 foot circular granite stone that is located at the head of President Kennedy’s grace and was specially designed to always remain lit with a flame even in wind and rain.


    Taking a quick rest from all the walking around Arlington Cemetery.


    Karlie and Brina looking at all the memorials.


     Mommy and her girls are Arlington Cemetery in Washington, D.C.

    Touring the Arlington Cemetery was a wonderful reminder of the many men and women who have served our country.  It gave our kids a greater appreciation for those in service.  Thankful the opportunity to explore such a nice place with our family while we were in Washington, D.C.

  • Travel & Vacation: Exploring Washington, DC – Trolley Ride, Sightseeing, and Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial

    Washington DC

    Brina all smiles and ready to go for the day.

    Our second day exploring Washington DC.  We were up early again so we can pack in a day full of fun.  Our first stop was the Union Station where we parked the van and caught a ride on the trolley.  We soaked up all the cool sights as we made our way through town.  Thankful for our time together!


    Karlie all geared up with her camera ready to take some pictures while on Washington’s Old Town Trolley!

    Washington DC

    Washington and Jefferson Monuments reflecting on the calm and peaceful Potomac River.


     Karlie thought it was hilarious that several USPS mail drop boxes were painted to look like Sponge Bob.  The reason the post office made the mail boxes to look like Sponge Bob was to encourage kids to write more letters.  I wonder if it is working?


    Riding up the escalator so we can head to the next adventure!


    Karlie walking around the Marine memorial and soaking in all the sights around her.


    Our family at the Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial in Washington DC.  It was a super sunny day so all our family pictures were a little cloudy with a rainbow on the memorial.


    The Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial in Washington DC is one of my favorite.  It shows great pride for our country and team spirit among the Marine soldiers.

     We were able to cover a lot of ground in Washington, D.C. thanks to the Old Town Trolley taking us around.  It was a well worth the cost because it was a fast and easy way to get through the city to all the major sights.  Plus we didn’t have to waste time finding parking at each place or walking everywhere.  On the second day we went further out in the morning to Arlington Cemetery than on to the Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History, Iwo Jima, and more!  We packed in a lot of fun, learning, and sight seeing on our second day in Washington D.C.  It is a great place to explore with the family!

  • Vacation & Travel: Fun in Washington, D.C. – World War II & World War I Memorials, Trolley, White House, & Splashing in the Pool


    They wanted a picture by the Kansas one since it was the first one they spotted.

    We put some miles on our shoes walking to and from the various places in Washington, D.C. this summer.  It was awesome being able to go through the city and see the neat historical memorials and monuments with the girls.  They were fascinated and had a great time!


    Checking out all the states on the World War II Memorial.  Brina spotted “Kansas”


     Hanging out by the fountains at the World War II Memorial


    The fountains at the World War II Memorial were beautiful.  There were large pillars on each side one saying “Atlantic’ and the other “Pacific”.  On the smaller pillars were the names of the states that had soldiers who fought in the war.


    They insisted on stopping to take a picture of the reflection pool and the bird wildlife.


    A group of college students were doing a scavenger hunt competition the first day we were in Washington, D.C. One of the items on their list was to take a picture with a set of twins, here is one of the groups (several groups stopped us to ask if the girls would take a picture with them).  It actually became quite comical after the first couple of groups stopped us for a picture.  The girls thought it was hilarious and fun being a part of a college game!


    Karlie posing by the World War I Memorial


    WHAT!?  Brina stopping to get a sip as we ride the Trolley to the next location!


    The White House


    All smiles riding the escalator back to the van after a big day on the town of Washington, D.C.


    After dinner they still somehow had enough energy to go for a swim on the roof top pool!


    Karlie diving down for one of the pool toys


    Karlie having fun in the pool


    There’s Brina!


    Brina all smiles as she is ready to jump in and make a big splash!


    Look out!  Brina’s coming….

    Thankful for a fun day in Washington, D.C. with the family.  It was worth the stop to see all the neat places.  The girls were super excited to explore different places that they had studied about in Social Studies.  I think all of us crashed quickly that night once we hit the bed after a fun filled day of adventures, history, and fun!

  • Vacation & Travel: Smithsonian Institution – National Air & Space Museum


    Jake and his girls at the Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C.!

    Our family was able to spend some time at the Smithsonian Institution of National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. this summer.  The first time we drove by the building and Karlie saw the sign she was ready to go explore it!  The Smithsonian Institution buildings that we went into were really nice, very educational, and the best part is that they are FREE!  You cannot bring in any food or drinks, but there are water fountains and a McDonald’s at one end of the Museum if you get hungry.


    So excited to explore this building that they had to get a picture by the sign!


    Over-the-top excited to go into the Air and Space Museum


    Both girls love science and learning, however, Karlie loves anything relating to space so this adventure was a big hit with her!


    So many things to look at and explore in the Air & Space Museum.  As you can see Jake is the only one actually looking at me, ha!  Thanks Babe!  The other two were mesmerized by all the displays!


    Karlie all smiles as she touches a piece of moon rock.  This particular piece was brought back from the moon on Apollo 17 in December 1972.


    Brina touching the moon rock….how cool to think that it was once on the moon!


    Jake is so good about showing the girls the various items and explaining it to them.  They love soaking up all the cool information!


    Having fun at the Smithsonian Institute National Air and Space Museum!


    We thought the room with all the history about how planes and other flying items were created was pretty neat!


    Brina all smiles waiting in line for the next activity and you can see Karlie in the reflection checking to make sure her Air & Space Museum pictures were turning out!  Silly girls!


    Brina flying the plane!


    Karlie’s turn to drive!  They’ve got their eyes on what’s in front of them!  Whatever it is better look out!


    Soaking it all in….


    Wow, what a huge carrier.  Even the display model was big!  Love that they are so fascinated by the display they don’t even realize I am on the other side taking their picture.


    Having fun at the Air & Space Museum!


    Karlie wanted a picture by her favorite rocket – The Apollo!  The space rooms were a hit with Karlie!


    Karlie all smiles as she gets a picture in front of Buzz Aldrin’s astronaut suit.  Earlier this year in March she had a chance to see and hear Buzz Aldrin speak at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC!


    Mommy and her girls!


    It didn’t take Brina long to figure out all the computer activities!


    Showing Daddy what she put together on the computer!


    Fascinating, this was probably Brina’s favorite rooms with all the interactive science activities, experiments, and fun information.


    Gravity, force, magnets…..all kinds of fun activities to check out!


    This picture cracked me up – all three Karlie, Brina, and Jake have their heads down looking at the all pictures in the displays.


    Someone really liked this room!


    Having fun at the Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

    Karlie and Brina loved all the neat activities and displays at the Smithsonian Institute National Air and Space Museum!  I was shocked at how long we spent there since the time went by so quickly.  They could have spent the entire day just in this museum.  Karlie was really hoping we had “extra” time in Washington, D.C. so we could go back and go through the museum again, maybe next time sweet girl!

    It was educational, fascinating, and a fun place to explore for the whole family.  They did a great job with this museum.  Washington, D.C. is a great place to visit the only hard part is fitting in all the amazing places to visit into one trip!  We packed in as much as we could in the couple days we were there, but I am sure we’ll have to go back at some point to explore some more!

  • Vacation & Travel: Exploring Washington, D.C. – Union Station, Capital, Washington Monument, and Vietnam Memorial


    Outside Union Station in Washington, D.C.  The girls first comment was, “It looks like an airport with everyone carrying their luggage around to meet the trains.”

    Our family had the opportunity this summer to explore Washington, D.C.  The girls were VERY EXCITED!  They have studied, read, and heard various things about our capital city of Washington, D.C. so they were thrilled to finally get to go and see some of it for themselves.

    We stayed in a Reston which is on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.  The girls were up early the first morning ready for an adventure.  We parked the van in Union Station and caught the trolley to get around town.

    Originally, it was our plan to walk from monument to monument in Washington, D.C. but we found a good deal on the Old Town Trolley and decided that would be a great option especially for traveling around town with the kids.  I am glad we did because it was hot and we still had a lot of walking as it was with the trolley to ride between stops.  If you have kids I highly recommend riding the trolley because it helps break of the walking a little bit, gives you and the kids a chance to cool down, get a drink or snack, and rest.  The trolley drivers give you information about the various sights you are going by as well so you get a little bit of extra history information while going from one place to the next too.  The trolley’s went very close to every stop we were hoping to visit as well which made traveling around the town much easier for us.


    The Freedom Bell outside Union Station in Washington, D.C.  it says on the side of it “Proclaim Liberty Throughout….”

    Washington, D.C.

    Watching the trains come into Union Station


    Capital building!  The tent out front is for the July 4th concert!


    Karlie chatting about all the cool places as we ride the trolley to the next stop!


    You can see the Washington Monument from many directions all over town….now they know why….because it’s so tall!


    They look so small standing in front of the Washington Monument!


    Resting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for a moment while they take in the sight of the reflection pool and the Washington Monument.


    Getting ready to go visit the Vietnam Memorial.  They are standing in front of a bronze statue called “The Three Servicemen” which is part of the Washington, DC National Mall trail and commemorates the Vietnam War.


    They were shocked at all the names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.


    Reading the names….so many people and families affected by this war.


    Reading through the names with Daddy.


    Copying a name onto a sheet of paper with a pencil.


    Each girl picked out one name to copy onto their sheet of paper.


    As we were walking by the Vietnam Memorial one of the sections had these boots and jacket folded up neatly next to it.  It brought tears to my eyes thinking that someone’s family member gave their life to serve in this war.  What a special way to honor them by putting their or another family members boots next to their memorial.  It makes me thankful for those both in my family and others who have and are serving our country even though there are great risks involved.