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Vacation & Travel: Exploring Washington, D.C. – Union Station, Capital, Washington Monument, and Vietnam Memorial


Outside Union Station in Washington, D.C.  The girls first comment was, “It looks like an airport with everyone carrying their luggage around to meet the trains.”

Our family had the opportunity this summer to explore Washington, D.C.  The girls were VERY EXCITED!  They have studied, read, and heard various things about our capital city of Washington, D.C. so they were thrilled to finally get to go and see some of it for themselves.

We stayed in a Reston which is on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.  The girls were up early the first morning ready for an adventure.  We parked the van in Union Station and caught the trolley to get around town.

Originally, it was our plan to walk from monument to monument in Washington, D.C. but we found a good deal on the Old Town Trolley and decided that would be a great option especially for traveling around town with the kids.  I am glad we did because it was hot and we still had a lot of walking as it was with the trolley to ride between stops.  If you have kids I highly recommend riding the trolley because it helps break of the walking a little bit, gives you and the kids a chance to cool down, get a drink or snack, and rest.  The trolley drivers give you information about the various sights you are going by as well so you get a little bit of extra history information while going from one place to the next too.  The trolley’s went very close to every stop we were hoping to visit as well which made traveling around the town much easier for us.


The Freedom Bell outside Union Station in Washington, D.C.  it says on the side of it “Proclaim Liberty Throughout….”

Washington, D.C.

Watching the trains come into Union Station


Capital building!  The tent out front is for the July 4th concert!


Karlie chatting about all the cool places as we ride the trolley to the next stop!


You can see the Washington Monument from many directions all over town….now they know why….because it’s so tall!


They look so small standing in front of the Washington Monument!


Resting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for a moment while they take in the sight of the reflection pool and the Washington Monument.


Getting ready to go visit the Vietnam Memorial.  They are standing in front of a bronze statue called “The Three Servicemen” which is part of the Washington, DC National Mall trail and commemorates the Vietnam War.


They were shocked at all the names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.


Reading the names….so many people and families affected by this war.


Reading through the names with Daddy.


Copying a name onto a sheet of paper with a pencil.


Each girl picked out one name to copy onto their sheet of paper.


As we were walking by the Vietnam Memorial one of the sections had these boots and jacket folded up neatly next to it.  It brought tears to my eyes thinking that someone’s family member gave their life to serve in this war.  What a special way to honor them by putting their or another family members boots next to their memorial.  It makes me thankful for those both in my family and others who have and are serving our country even though there are great risks involved.