• Birthday Celebration

    Our Sweet Brina

    The weekend after we got back in town we took the girls to Outback for their birthday lunch.  It was nice to have a quiet lunch with them, talk, and celebrate their birthday.  I still cannot believe my girls are growing up so quickly.  There is so much to be thankful for in our lives.

    Our Karlie girl

    Brina giggling…always love hearing my girls laugh!

    Sweet Karlie with a big smile

    Sirloin tips and fries, can’t ask for a better birthday dinner at Outback! 🙂  The girls both wanted steak for their birthday lunch.

    Brina’s little gift to Karlie.  Love that she wrote a cute message to Karlie  – “I love you!”  I took each of them out at different times to pick out a gift for their sister.  Brina used her money to go to Goodwill and pick out a bunch of used “chapter” books for Karlie to read. It was so cute helping her look through the books and pick out ones Karlie would like.  Karlie was very surprised Brina found so many books and been enjoying reading them.

    Karlie’s “secret” birthday message to Brina.  It says “K(arlie) L(oves) Y(ou) Brina!”  Karlie picked up some really cute crafts for Brina.  Brina has been found painting and doing a variety of crafts over the past few weeks!

    Aw…Karlie got a gift from Brina

    My Handsome Man!  Enjoying some time with his girls!

  • Bouquet of Fresh Flowers

    Bouquet of flowers from my girls

    My girls know how to warm my heart.  Last week we spent some time with extended family in Vermont.  Jake’s grandpa has a green thumb and when we first moved into our house he brought down some of his iris bulbs from his garden.  Every year the girls pick some of PopPop’s flowers and bring them inside to make a fresh bouquet for a counter top.  Here is a picture of one of the bouquets they brought to me a few months ago.  Thankful for my girls and their little tokens of their appreciation that brightened my day.  Grateful for Grandpa for sharing his beautiful flowers so we can enjoy them every year.

  • Travel & Vacation: Road Trip Entertainment

    I am so thankful that our girls travel really well.  Since they were little babies we have been doing road trips and they have been real troopers every time.  The longest road trip we took with them was 40 hours (round trip).  They have a blast hanging out together reading books, doing work books, playing games, talking, listening to audiobooks, and when we go on a long trip (5 hours or more) they get to watch a couple movies.  Here are some of the ways we stay entertained on road trips:

    Karlie lounging and talking on the phone as we were driving through Charleston.  They usually keep themselves busy reading, doing workbooks, playing games or resting.

    I hear giggling coming from the backseat….when I look back this is what I see….Brina practicing her flexibility.  Hey at least they are happy on road trips! Goofy girl!

    Karlie smiling as she works on a workbook in the car!

    Brina multi-tasking….snacking and reading a book at the same time while in the back seat of the car.  Thankfully she doesn’t get carsick as often anymore!

    On this trip we stuck the basket of books, workbooks, games, etc….in between the girls.  This was great because it provided accessible entertainment for both girls at the same time and kept them a little separated so they weren’t poking or messing with each other.  They didn’t get to watch a movie on this road trip because it was only 3 hours long, but they still had a lot of fun!

  • Happy Bedrest Day!

    My sweet babies (Karlie & Brina) at 5 months old!

    I truly do have so very much to be grateful for in my life.  Eight years ago on December 1, 2004 I went on permanent bedrest after almost losing the girls at 20 weeks into my pregnancy. Thankfully with God’s help,  doctors wisdom, and the prayers of many people their lives were spared.  Jake and I had prayed for these kids for so long that the thought of losing them was overwhelming.  After surgery and several days in the hospital I was put on strict bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy.  The girls were not due until April 15, 2005 but here I was on December 1st stuck in bed for the rest of my pregnancy.  Their nursery wasn’t started, I was training my work replacement from my bed, and I was completely dependent on others for almost everything.

    My Bedrest Orders (per the doctors)

    • Allowed one 5 minute shower a day, sitting down (Jake put a step stool in the shower)
    • Drink 1 gallon of water a day to help reduce contractions
    • Must be reclined for the majority of the day / night
    • Only physical activity would be to walk to and from the bathroom (which was part of the master bedroom so it was about 5 to 7 steps each direction)
    • No more than 3 hours of work each day (included computer work and phone calls, this helped reduce any extra stress).
    • No driving or riding in a car (only exception was when Jake drove me to my weekly doctor appointment)
    • One trip in a wheel chair to the high risk and regular ob doctor each week (they happened to be one floor apart so they both coordinated my appointments).

    Every time I “disobeyed” these instructions I was in the hospital that evening with severe contractions.  For example, I decided that I could walk to the kitchen only 20 steps or so away and pick up a few dishes on the counter top.  That night I was in the hospital with serious contractions.  I did this and similar things a couple other times.  The last time I was in the hospital for not following the bed rest rules the high risk doctor looked me in the eyes and said “If you cannot follow these instructions and have to come to the hospital again we will keep you in the hospital until you have the babies.  It is your choice, stay home on strict permanent bedrest and follow the guidelines we put in place for you or live in the hospital until they are delivered.”  I really think he was serious too.  After thinking about it for a few minutes I realized how selfish I was being risking the girls lives to “pick up a few dishes” in this instance.

    It was VERY difficult relying on others to do almost everything for me.  I couldn’t cook, clean, walk around, decorate, go outside, drive, ride in a car, shop….nothing……unless it was safe to do from bed and only for a limited time.  Thankfully, Jake had a more flexible work schedule and would work all morning in the office and come home in the afternoon and work from home.  During this time I learned A LOT of very important lessons.

    What I Learned While On Bedrest

    • Prayer is powerful.
    • God can perform miracles.
    • You live “Day by Day” with gratefulness because each day we made it through was better for the little ones I was carrying.
    • Thankfulness for a spouse who is kind, patient, positive, helpful, and dedicated.
    • The house will not always be clean when house guests came over
    • You can have a great time visiting with friends and family (even if everyone is sitting on my bed in the bedroom)
    • Thankfulness for Friends & Family and the MANY AMAZING blessings they bestowed on our family (bringing food, encouraging notes, cleaning, sending goodies, prayers, helping get the nursery ready, coming to spend time with me, gifts, watching movies, so much more).
    • You don’t have to be involved in everything and life goes on for everyone even though your spending your days in bed.
    • Listening to messages from church on audio is not ideal but doable.
    • Family, Friends and Strangers will never see me “pregnant”
    • I would not have a “normal” pregnancy and that’s okay we each have our own journey God chooses to take us on.
    • I will not get to shop or go to the store to pick out items I want for a baby shower registry (thankful for friends, family and online for this one as well).
    • Holiday travel and normal shopping is not an option, but people may come to see you (My sweet creative husband set up the guest bed in the living room and wheeled me down the hall in the wheelchair so I could enjoy Christmas Day in bed and in front of the tree.  My parents and brother made it out to celebrate with us that year.)
    • You can drink a gallon or more of water every day.
    • The local Multiples Club can be an wonderful resource and encouragement during a season of bedrest.
    • There is much to be thankful for even when you spend every day and night in bed.
    • Changing the bedroom / bed every night and day makes a huge difference in perspective (regular bed at night with all computer items removed from the room and during the day having throw blankets / pillows with the curtains open)
    • The stressfulness of the bedrest season has more of an impact on a spouse then I first realized.
    • You can stay busy even while on strict bedrest.
    • You can handle shots and needles when there is a great blessing at the end of the painful season.
    • Having my little brother next door was a tremendous blessing
    • It is only for a season even though strict bedrest is not ideal it is very worth it – I have two beautiful girls now!
    • It is possible to go over 5,000 minutes a month on one cell phone
    • Thankful that I had a job where I could work a couple hours a day even from bed.
    • Phone, email, mail, and internet communication was a lifeline between those I could not see or visit
    • I really should have taken more pictures…..somehow I never got a full picture of my bedrest room (Jake did an amazing job setting up the table, shelves, computer and everything.  Literally everything was within arm’s reach.)
    • Going to the doctor and getting a Big Mac on the way home could really be my biggest highlight during a bedrest week!

    I have MUCH to be grateful for in my life.  Looking back over this season in my life it was a mix of happiness and tears.  I was rejoicing in being pregnant but at the same time I struggled with relying on others to do stuff that I have always done for myself.  God taught me a lot during this time.

    When the girls were little we would spend all day in bed on December 1st to celebrate bedrest day.  We would spend the day looking at pictures, talking about how God helped us through this time and protected the girls, playing games, reading books, and watching a movie.    The girls were always amazed at how far away from their actual birthday Bedrest Day was.  Now that the girls are in school it is difficult to spend the day in bed to celebrate our Bedrest Day, but it is still fun to discuss it with the family!

    After 12 weeks of bedrest the girls made their appearance on February 18th.  Thankfully they were only in NICU for a few weeks and even though they were small they were healthy.  It is amazing to look back and see how God has carried us through even the tough seasons.  I am truly grateful for my family, friends, and the many blessings in my life.

    Loosening My Grip is a series on areas in my life I am learning to let go of slowly.  Several months ago I was studying Jonah and one of the phrases popped out at me was “Whatever you are holding on to in this life, hold it loosely so it won’t hurt when the Lord has to pry your fingers open to take it away.”  I have found that in some areas God has had to pry my fingers off of whatever I am holding onto one finger at a time.  There are areas in my life that I feel like I need control over and hold onto them tightly when God really has something so much more beautiful in store for me.  I have been learning how to let go and hold onto things more loosely so God can do His work in my life.

  • Family Activities: 3 Big Pumpkins with 6 Different Faces!

    One side of the pumpkins had a Mr. Potato Head type face on it! Karlie’s “serious” pumpkin, Grandma Penny & Great Grandma Willa’s “silly” pumpkin, and Brina’s “puppy dog” pumpkin! This side of the pumpkin took a lot less time to do.  It was super easy and if you don’t want to mess with carving or cleaning out a pumpkin this is a great alternative. The girls loved picking out the pieces for their pumpkins and designing a face.

    We were super excited to have Grandma Penny and Great Grandma Willa come visit us for a few days in October.  During their visit we were able to squeeze in a lot of fun activities.  One of the activities was carving pumpkins!  The girls had a blast hanging out with both Grandmas and have a lot of great memories of their time with us.  Thankful that they were able to come visit us.  🙂

    The other side of the pumpkins had the carved version on it which was perfect for the evening.  Karlie’s “scary” pumpkin, Grandma Penny & Great Grandma Willa’s “cat” pumpkin, and Brina’s “happy” pumpkin sitting on the front porch.

    The PROCESS……

    Scooping out the pumpkin seeds

    Gross……slimy pumpkin hands!

    Karlie designed her own “scary” pumpkin face complete with eyelashes!  She drew her face on a piece of paper and Jake helped her transfer it to her pumpkin.  So proud of her scary pumpkin!

    Brina wanted a “happy” pumpkin!

    Trying to get Skip-A-Doo to pose with them in front of the pumpkins…..ha!  Skipper wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but I have to give them credit for trying to get her to cooperate for the picture!

    The girls had a lot of fun doing the pumpkins with Grandma Penny and Great Grandma Willa.  They thought it was neat having a “2 sided” pumpkin with different faces on each side.  The jack-o-lantern that they carved was their night pumpkin and the silly faces were their day pumpkins.  We used the pumpkins seeds to make 3 Seasoned Pumpkin Seed recipes.  Did you carve or decorate pumpkins?  I would love to see your pumpkins, feel free to post a link to your pictures in the comment section below!

  • The Best Stuff in Life is FREE!

    I have come to learn that most treasured things in life really are “free”!  You cannot purchase these items and they come spontaneously and sincerely from the giver.  They are little wonderful gifts to those on the receiving end.  It is easy to get wrapped up in the day to day life and not realize that some of the best stuff that we can get in our lifetime is free.  These simple acts of kindness can be a huge blessing to us on a tough day.  As a Mom I am thankful for girls who freely and generously shower me with these blessings quite frequently.

    Here are some of the BEST things in my life that are free:

    • A hug from a child
    • Word of encouragement from a friend
    • Smile from a stranger
    • A handful of freshly picked dandelions, weeds, or flowers picked from the yard
    • Simple act of kindness
    • A handwritten note in the mail
    • And Many More Special Blessings

    I can think of so many more amazing blessings in my life that a free yet have a positive impact on my life as well as on the lives of others.  Another thought to consider is……how often do I give these gifts to others?  Often times it is when you demonstrate to your children, family and friends these blessing that you’ll see the ripple effect and eventually the other side of it.

    What are some ways you are a blessing to others?  Does it take much time or cost you too much to make a positive impact on the lives of the people around you?

  • Twice as Fun: A Visit From The Tooth Fairy

    My little Karlie is growing up!

    Karlie recently lost her first baby tooth which was an exciting day for the whole family.  It marked a new stage in her life which means my baby is growing up!  Although our girls know the “tooth fairy” really doesn’t exist it is fun to celebrate a new milestone in the lives of our kids.

    Brina was excited for Karlie too and shared in the celebrations but is now ready for her baby teeth to start falling out as well.  That is one hard part about having two at the same age, they are excited for each other but are ready for their turn too.  Each of us is made uniquely so we let Brina know she will have a chance to celebrate too when her big teeth come through.  I told her teeth will come in when it is perfect for her.  Those who know me realize that I have been dreading this stage of Motherhood because I just don’t like wiggly teeth.  I have to say it is amazing how much you can actually handle once you are going through it with your child.

    Here are some pictures from Karlie’s First Tooth Fairy Celebration:


    Karlie's Dollar from the "Tooth Fairy" for losing her first tooth!

    We put $1 Dollar in a butterfly Ziploc bag for Karlie losing her first tooth!  She was super excited to see cash under her pillow the next morning.  Karlie was up before the sun came up because she was so excited about losing her first tooth!

    A Special Note from the Tooth Fairy

    The front side of her present had a note from the Tooth Fairy that said – “Congratulations Karlie on getting your 1st big girl tooth!  Love, Tooth Fairy”   She thought it was super silly especially the “eyes” on the word tooth!

    A Note from the Tooth Fairy to Karlie!

    On the back side of her gift there was another note from the Tooth Fairy – “Karlie, Congratulations on losing your 1st baby tooth!  You are growing up to be a beautiful girl! Love, The Tooth Fairy”  Karlie thought it was great getting two special notes from the Tooth Fairy!


    Karlie's Tooth Fairy goodies - $1 Dollar and 1 Book!

    Karlie was super excited to find her treasure under her pillow the next morning.  I picked out shiny “star” wrapping paper for Karlie because she enjoys rockets, planets, and science.  She even kept the paper for several days after opening the gift!


    Karlie showing off her new book from the "Tooth Fairy"!

    Karlie was super excited to get a new book!  Both girls love horses so they had fun reading this book together several times over the last few days.


    Karlie's baby tooth in a little treasure chest!

    The dentist gave the Karlie a cute little yellow treasure chest to put her baby tooth in.  She was super excited about the mini treasure chest!

    It was a lot of fun celebrating the loss of Karlie’s first baby tooth.  Karlie knows that there is no such thing as “The Tooth Fairy” even though we call it the Tooth Fairy.  She was thrilled to get something special either way even if Mom and Dad are the Tooth Fairy.  As parents we feel like it is okay to celebrate the monumental moments with your kids, however, we chose let them know if something that we celebrate such as the “Tooth Fairy” is really imaginary.  We don’t want our kids growing up thinking we lied to them about something that isn’t even real.  Every family has to make a decision about what is best for their family.

    Please share with us your ideas on what you do to celebrate your children losing their teeth and what the “Tooth Fairy” brings for special goodies!

    Twice as Fun is a series on raising Twins and all the joy that comes with it.  We have been richly blessed to have twin daughters in our lives and want to share with you our thoughts, challenges, wisdom and love for raising multiples.  Our girls have different interests and hobbies but they both know how to add excitement to our lives and make us chuckle.

  • Curious Kids: Triangular Vacuums

    The neat part about having kids is that they notice the small things, the stuff we take for granted as adults.  A few months ago one of my girls wanted to know “Why does the vacuum leave triangles on the carpet?”  It perplexed them when they were watching me because the vacuum itself is a rectangle yet somehow it manages to spit out triangles onto the carpet when I vacuum the floor.  Although the triangles are not necessary I let them know that seeing the triangles indicates to Mommy that the carpet has recently been cleaned and makes the room look nice.

    They had been learning about patterns at school and this strange occurrence at home captivated their attention one day.  The triangles are created in a pattern by the way I steer the vacuum cleaner over the carpet.  It helps me know that I have cleaned the entire floor and adds an extra reward at the end.   It is the little things that you do that the kids pick up on and want to learn more about.  I don’t know for sure if they will do the same things once they are grown but at least they know why Mommy creates triangles on the floor and how to do it with a rectangle shaped vacuum.  I am thankful for kids who have the desire to learn, explore, and try to figure out how things work.  Their curiosity keeps me on my toes and allows me to continue finding ways to teach them about life.  As a Mom love this day to day education opportunity with my girls.

  • Family Celebrations: “Welcome Ranch” Birthday Party

    This year did the girls birthday party celebration at Welcome Ranch.  It was our first year doing their party outside of the house and after calling several locations we made the decision to do it at Welcome Ranch.  Brina and Karlie’s personalities and tastes are very different (one of the many joys of having twins), however, they both LOVE animals especially horses.  Jake and I booked the party and when we sat down to tell the girls they were thrilled.  They were okay that we wouldn’t be decorating the house since they would be riding horses for entertainment this year.  I think every day after telling them they would ask “Is it this week?”  When the day finally arrived they asked every few minutes “How much longer until we can ride the horses?”  Thankfully we had another activity planned with friends earlier that day so that distracted them for a couple hours.  They were very excited when we were on our way to the horse ranch to celebrate.  Here are a few pictures from our day at Welcome Ranch:

    The sign at the entrance of Welcome Ranch said "Happy Birthday Karlie 6 & Brina 6"

    The girls were thrilled to see their names on the BIG sign at the entrance of Welcome Ranch!  “We have never had such a BIG sign to wish us Happy Birthday!”  They were pleasantly surprised and excited!

    Brina and Karlie listening carefully to Ms. Lisa's instructions!

    Lisa did a wonderful job of getting the kids (and parents) attention while making the whole experience fun for everyone.  She even got a few laughs when explaining the rules.  Brina and Karlie were listening carefully so they wouldn’t miss out on anything!  They picked out their ranch hats earlier that week at Wilson’s Five & Dime store on Lauren’s Road.  I was surprised they wore the hats the entire time!

    Karlie and Brina leading the way with Ms. Lisa to the horses!

    On our way to ride the horses!  Karlie and Brina led everyone with Lisa to the horses.  They were ready to ride!

    Brina talking and riding Montana! Loving it!


    Karlie all smiles riding Chocolate their miniature horse!


    Brina having a blast at Welcome Ranch!


    Karlie riding with Daddy on Montana! Hang on tight kiddo!


    Brina LOVING her time with the horses!


    Karlie riding on Mickey!


    Brina riding like a pro on Mickey!!!


    Brina and Karlie riding together on Montana!


    Karlie riding on Chocolate!


    Mommy and Brina riding Montana!


    Karlie volunteering to ride again! Always ready for another turn on the horses!



    Brina going for another ride on Mickey!


    Brina and Karlie on top of the Firetruck!!!


    Karlie putting out the fire!


    Brina putting out the fire!


    Firetruck at Welcome Ranch


    Daddy putting out the final flames!


    One of their signs at Welcome Ranch, love it!


    Happy Birthday Brina and Karlie!!!


    Karlie and Brina taking the candles out of their cake!


    The birthday girls enjoying a slice of delicious cake - Brina and Karlie!


    The girls liked their cat - Supervisor! They thought his name was very funny!


    Karlie had so much fun she crashed in the van on the ride home, too funny!


    Brina playing with her toys on the way home, love the crazy hat hair!


    Skipper joining in the birthday fun by wearing Karlie's hat!

    The girls had a wonderful birthday party at Welcome Ranch!  Lisa, her Mom, and the crew did an amazing job.  The kids loved riding the horses petting the animals (goats, donkey, dogs, cats, etc…) eating pizza, drinking ice tea, koolaide, a delicious cake and enjoying time with their family and friends.  Thanks to Welcome Ranch for making their birthday extra special and memorable.  We had a lot of fun celebrating with everyone that came to their party.

    Happy 6th Birthday Brina and Karlie!

    WE LOVE YOU!!!

  • Book: “The Multiples Manual” by Lynn Lorenz

    A friend gave me this book “The Multiples Manual: Preparing and Caring for Twins and triplets” by Lynn Lorenz.  I had the first edition of this book.  It was one of the best books I had to read for Twins because it was easy to read, fun, and practical.  It was neat getting some insights from from a Twin  and a Mom of Triplets.  If you are having twins or triplets…..as my friend once said to me “Welcome to the ‘multiples’ club!”