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Birthday Celebration

Our Sweet Brina

The weekend after we got back in town we took the girls to Outback for their birthday lunch.  It was nice to have a quiet lunch with them, talk, and celebrate their birthday.  I still cannot believe my girls are growing up so quickly.  There is so much to be thankful for in our lives.

Our Karlie girl

Brina giggling…always love hearing my girls laugh!

Sweet Karlie with a big smile

Sirloin tips and fries, can’t ask for a better birthday dinner at Outback! 🙂  The girls both wanted steak for their birthday lunch.

Brina’s little gift to Karlie.  Love that she wrote a cute message to Karlie  – “I love you!”  I took each of them out at different times to pick out a gift for their sister.  Brina used her money to go to Goodwill and pick out a bunch of used “chapter” books for Karlie to read. It was so cute helping her look through the books and pick out ones Karlie would like.  Karlie was very surprised Brina found so many books and been enjoying reading them.

Karlie’s “secret” birthday message to Brina.  It says “K(arlie) L(oves) Y(ou) Brina!”  Karlie picked up some really cute crafts for Brina.  Brina has been found painting and doing a variety of crafts over the past few weeks!

Aw…Karlie got a gift from Brina

My Handsome Man!  Enjoying some time with his girls!