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Travel & Vacation: Rides & Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade (Orlando, FL)

Karlie having a blast shooting laser during the Buzz Lightyear ride

We went on several rides at Disney with the kids and had a lot of fun!  We were thankful for friends who guided us in the right direction and recommended certain rides for the kids.  There were some hilarious shows we went to as well.  A few rides the kids loved so much we went on them several times! 🙂  You can read more about our trip in the Walt Disney World post.

Mommy and Karlie’s screen shot from the picture they took during our first game, hilarious!

Daddy and Brina’s screen shot from the picture they took during the first game!

What did the four older ones get themselves into now!?  Such fun exploring the place with friends!

It threatened to rain as the parade was starting but we were prepared with disposable ponchos

Disney – “Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade!”

Mickey and Minnie Mouse – Your Invited, Celebrate Today!

Brina is mesmerized watching all the characters in the parade go by

Disney Parade – Cinderella’s StepMom, StepSisters, and the mice

Disney Parade – Cinderella and prince charming

Disney Parade

 The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!