• Travel & Vacation: Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History


    Standing at the banister looking down on the elephant and floors below.

    The girls were thrilled to go to the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History.  Brina especially loves anything associated to animals.  Since we did the Smithsonian Institution of National Air and Space Museum yesterday we thought this will be a great next adventure.  Thankful for some fun times together!


     Touring the National Museum of Natural History


    OOOOOOOUCH Karlie!  This one has a lot of teeth!


    Brina and Jake checking out the armadillo shell!


    Doing their names with stamp calligraphy


     Having fun exploring with my Brina Bee


    Brina reading the sign and soaking it all in


    Learning more about animals


    Wow!  Some cool looking animals!


    One big giraffe


    Checking out the fun displays


    They had a huge elephant in the middle foyer of the building.


    Touching a piece of rock from Mars…..fascinating!


    Karlie thought this rock was so cool


    Whoa….look at those rocks!


    The Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat dark blue diamond.  It has traveled from India to France to Britain and now the United States.  The Hope Diamond is also described as the “most famous diamond in the world.”


    It looks like the elephant is coming toward them!


    Super excited to visit the Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History

  • Travel & Vacation: Exploring Washington, DC – Trolley Ride, Sightseeing, and Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial

    Washington DC

    Brina all smiles and ready to go for the day.

    Our second day exploring Washington DC.  We were up early again so we can pack in a day full of fun.  Our first stop was the Union Station where we parked the van and caught a ride on the trolley.  We soaked up all the cool sights as we made our way through town.  Thankful for our time together!


    Karlie all geared up with her camera ready to take some pictures while on Washington’s Old Town Trolley!

    Washington DC

    Washington and Jefferson Monuments reflecting on the calm and peaceful Potomac River.


     Karlie thought it was hilarious that several USPS mail drop boxes were painted to look like Sponge Bob.  The reason the post office made the mail boxes to look like Sponge Bob was to encourage kids to write more letters.  I wonder if it is working?


    Riding up the escalator so we can head to the next adventure!


    Karlie walking around the Marine memorial and soaking in all the sights around her.


    Our family at the Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial in Washington DC.  It was a super sunny day so all our family pictures were a little cloudy with a rainbow on the memorial.


    The Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial in Washington DC is one of my favorite.  It shows great pride for our country and team spirit among the Marine soldiers.

     We were able to cover a lot of ground in Washington, D.C. thanks to the Old Town Trolley taking us around.  It was a well worth the cost because it was a fast and easy way to get through the city to all the major sights.  Plus we didn’t have to waste time finding parking at each place or walking everywhere.  On the second day we went further out in the morning to Arlington Cemetery than on to the Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History, Iwo Jima, and more!  We packed in a lot of fun, learning, and sight seeing on our second day in Washington D.C.  It is a great place to explore with the family!

  • Vacation & Travel: Korean & Abraham Lincoln Memorials


    Etched in the granite on the Korean War Memorial are the words “Freedom Is Not Free”

    While in Washington, D.C. we went to several memorials.  One of the memorials we visited the first day was the Korean War Veterans Memorial.  As we were walking up to look at the memorial we ran into Park Ranger JoAnn.  She asked if the girls would like for her to walk around the memorial with them and tell them more about the memorial.  The girls were thrilled to soak in more information from the park ranger.  She did great with the girls, answered all their questions, and made it fun for them too.


    Park Ranger “JoAnn” taking the girls through the Korean War Memorial. She was super sweet and explained a lot of neat details to the girls!


    One of the benefits to walking through the Memorial with a Park Ranger is that we got a lot of great information about the memorial that we probably wouldn’t have figured out on our own by just walking through.  It did take a few minutes longer, however, it was really worth it and the kids enjoyed hearing the specific details that went into making the memorial special for the soldiers who fought in the Korean War.    The granite wall is in the shape of a triangle intersecting a circle.  The wall has over two thousand images etched into it that represent soldiers who served in the war from all divisions.  The etches were amazing.


    Inside a triangle shaped area across the sidewalk from the wall are 19 stainless steel statues designed by F. C. Gaylord in 1994.  Each soldier represents all of the American service branches dressed in their specific uniforms.  The soldiers are over 7 feet tall and weigh almost 1,000 pounds.  The bushes on the ground around the soldiers reflects what the ground looked like in Korean during the war.   One of the soldiers has designer Frank Gaylord’s initials and date carved into it.


    Listening to all the information.  On the opposite side of the wall (where the wreaths are located) are listed the 22 United Nation countries who were involved in the Korean War.  The wreaths are not always there, but we came during the week of July 4th.


    Karlie listening to what Park Ranger JoAnn is saying while Brina tries to count the reflections of the soldiers on the granite memorial.


    When the images of the 19 statues reflect on the memorial wall it appears that there are 38 soldiers which represents the 38th parallel where the war was fought.


    The Korean War Memorial is near the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool (an easy walking distance and the closest restroom too).  Thankful for park rangers and their willingness to share pieces of history with kids.  Our family really enjoyed learning more!


    We made it to the steps of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial.  The girls are excited to see Lincoln’s memorial!


    Daddy and Karlie


    Jake and his girls at the Lincoln Memorial


    Brina and Karlie impressed by the size of Abraham Lincoln’s Memorial


    Mommy and her girls!  It is so much fun exploring and seeing these great places with the kids now that they know more of their history.


    Sitting below Lincoln’s famous speech!  “Four score and seven years ago….”

    We had a blast exploring many awesome places in Washington, D.C.  There is so much to do and see!  We started early that morning and packed in as much as possible.  We made sure to have plenty of liquids and snacks to help keep us going throughout the day.  The girls even wore their own camel backs with water and snacks.  They were troopers as we bounced around D.C.

  • Vacation & Travel: Exploring Washington, D.C. – Union Station, Capital, Washington Monument, and Vietnam Memorial


    Outside Union Station in Washington, D.C.  The girls first comment was, “It looks like an airport with everyone carrying their luggage around to meet the trains.”

    Our family had the opportunity this summer to explore Washington, D.C.  The girls were VERY EXCITED!  They have studied, read, and heard various things about our capital city of Washington, D.C. so they were thrilled to finally get to go and see some of it for themselves.

    We stayed in a Reston which is on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.  The girls were up early the first morning ready for an adventure.  We parked the van in Union Station and caught the trolley to get around town.

    Originally, it was our plan to walk from monument to monument in Washington, D.C. but we found a good deal on the Old Town Trolley and decided that would be a great option especially for traveling around town with the kids.  I am glad we did because it was hot and we still had a lot of walking as it was with the trolley to ride between stops.  If you have kids I highly recommend riding the trolley because it helps break of the walking a little bit, gives you and the kids a chance to cool down, get a drink or snack, and rest.  The trolley drivers give you information about the various sights you are going by as well so you get a little bit of extra history information while going from one place to the next too.  The trolley’s went very close to every stop we were hoping to visit as well which made traveling around the town much easier for us.


    The Freedom Bell outside Union Station in Washington, D.C.  it says on the side of it “Proclaim Liberty Throughout….”

    Washington, D.C.

    Watching the trains come into Union Station


    Capital building!  The tent out front is for the July 4th concert!


    Karlie chatting about all the cool places as we ride the trolley to the next stop!


    You can see the Washington Monument from many directions all over town….now they know why….because it’s so tall!


    They look so small standing in front of the Washington Monument!


    Resting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for a moment while they take in the sight of the reflection pool and the Washington Monument.


    Getting ready to go visit the Vietnam Memorial.  They are standing in front of a bronze statue called “The Three Servicemen” which is part of the Washington, DC National Mall trail and commemorates the Vietnam War.


    They were shocked at all the names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.


    Reading the names….so many people and families affected by this war.


    Reading through the names with Daddy.


    Copying a name onto a sheet of paper with a pencil.


    Each girl picked out one name to copy onto their sheet of paper.


    As we were walking by the Vietnam Memorial one of the sections had these boots and jacket folded up neatly next to it.  It brought tears to my eyes thinking that someone’s family member gave their life to serve in this war.  What a special way to honor them by putting their or another family members boots next to their memorial.  It makes me thankful for those both in my family and others who have and are serving our country even though there are great risks involved.

  • Civil War Activity – Museum & Library of Confederate History


    A picnic at the park with my girls before going to the museum!

    Recently I took the girls to the Museum and Library of Confederate History in a nearby town.  They have been studying in school various aspects of the Civil War and I thought it would be a good field trip to help them learn a little more regarding the history they are studying in school.  They had a grand time looking at all the cool items in the museum.  One of the workers took the time to go from room to room with the girls and explain in more detail many of the items on display.


    Brina and Karlie at the Museum & Library of Confederate History


    Touring the Museum & Library of Confederate History


    Checking out the cool Civil War items


    This toy cannon is similar to the one Thomas Jefferson’s son had as a child.  It was said that he attacked his toy soldiers with the cannon and occasionally a stray chicken.


    Enjoying the museum


    Karlie soaking it all in…


    Brina enjoying her time at the museum exploring.


    Karlie and Brina had fun learning more about the Civil War!

  • Multiplication CD by Twin Sisters

    This past year in school the girls started learning their Multiplication facts.  They actually had a good start with multiplication because they had been listening to the Multiplication CD by Twin Sisters for awhile now.  Karlie was actually given an award (and medal) this year for having the Highest Math Achievement in her class.

    While listening to a CD about Multiplication does not teach you everything you need to know it definitely can help give you a head start or help you pick up speed in a certain subject.  One of our girls learns very well through audio processing so any educational CD’s like this one from Twin Sisters is a big positive for her.  Both of our kids love listening to CD and audio books and this one is a bonus because they are learning something important too!

    You can get this CD online at Amazon or in several bookstores.  We actually found it for $2 at Garden Ridge in their CD clearance section.  It has definitely been with the couple dollars we invested in it!

  • CONGRATULATIONS to Our Barnes & Noble Gift Card Winner!

    The name has been drawn for the giveaway!



    for winning a

    Barnes & Noble Gift Card!

    Thanks for making a comment in honor of our Giveaway!

    An email has been sent to you with more information*

    Enjoy your next trip to Barnes & Noble!

    Also, Lynette received an extra 5 bonus entries into the drawing for having the closest guess regarding the number of books on the new bookshelf Jake made for the girls.  The actual number of books on the bookshelf when the picture was taken was 834!  Yes, I counted every book on the shelves.  Our family loves books!  Thanks for entering and being the closest Lynette! 🙂

    *Giveaway must be claimed within 5 business days of the prize being announced.  Failure to claim the prize within the allotted time frame means you forfeit the prize.  The actual gift card may or may not be identical to the one pictured above.

  • Teaching Our Children: The Number Crunch Game

    A few years ago I came up with a fun game for the girls to learn their numbers.  It was a super simple, easy, and fun way to teach them the written words for the numbers they had already learned.  I came across it the other day when I was re-organizing their educational cabinet and thought I would share it since there may be other parents looking for a fun and simple way to get their kids to learn the written numbers.  Even though our kids have pretty much out grown the game since they now know their numerical words it is still fun to pull out every once in awhile for a fun reminder.  Here’s how I put it together:

    • Wrote out the Numerical Words in a Word Document (1 to 20 then 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000, 1000000)
    • Made the words big and bold
    • Printed the words onto colorful paper (can find for a couple dollars at Walmart)
    • Laminated the words

    I used these for a variety of different games!

    Number Crunch Games (a few options):

    • Line up all the numbers from least to greatest while being timed
    • Line up all the numbers from greatest to least while being timed
    • Pick out all the odd number while being timed
    • Pick out all the even numbers
    • Sort out all the numbers before 10
    • Sort out numbers in the “teens”
    • Find all the numbers above 100
    • Locate any number ending in “O”

    There just a few ideas to get you started.  You can get creative and come up with so many more variations on ways to make learning the written numerical number learning process fun for your little ones.  The reason why I laminated the cards is because I wanted to make sure I could use them for many activities over several years (and they have have held up really nicely of the past couple of years).

  • Giveaway: $10 Barnes & Noble Gift Card

    I am excited to announce a new giveaway on Blessings Multiplied!   The winner of this giveaway will receive a $10 Barnes & Noble Gift Card!  The best part about this card is you can use it for books, educational items, games, puzzles, and much more.  Summer is quickly approaching and you may want to get a book for an upcoming family vacation!  We love to read in our house so any trips to a book store are considered fun and relaxing for all of us.  Here’s how to enter the giveaway:

    Enter the Giveaway (up to 5 entries per person)!

    1. Sign up to follow my blog (if you haven’t done so already) and leave a comment below telling us how you follow Blessings Multiplied.  Put a separate comment for each way you follow Blessings Multiplied (Email, Twitter, or Facebook) plus an extra entry for your bonus answer!   Each comment counts as an entry into the giveaway.
    •  Sign up to receive Blessings Multiplied via email
    • Follow on Twitter – @BlessMultiplied
    • Like us on Facebook – BlessingsMultiplied
    • BONUS – you can get a bonus entry into the drawing if you leave a separate comment below sharing what type of items you enjoy picking up at Barnes & Noble.
    • EXTRA BONUS – My husband recently built a book shelf for the kids birthday!  The kids love having their own book shelf in their room and can be found reading quietly next to the shelf several times throughout the week!  You can get extra bonus entry by making a guess on how many books we have on the kids book shelf (picture below).  The person who gets closest to the actual number of books on the shelf will get an additional 5 entries into the drawing!  🙂

    All comments must be made by May 31, 2013 at 10:00 PM EST to be entered into the drawing.  Good Luck!

    The actual gift card may or may not be identical to the one pictured above.

  • Reading Eggs – FREE Two Week Trial

    Reading Eggs is offering a Free Two Week Trial Offer.  All you have to do is sign up to try out their reading program, no credit card required. Do you have a little one that is just starting to read or one who wants to increase his or her reading skills?  Then this may be the perfect time to check out Reading Eggs program.

    You want reading to be fun and easy for your child so why not try out Reading Eggs and see if it is a good fit for your family.  Reading Eggs strives to make learning to read interesting and engaging for kids whether they are just beginning to read or increasing their reading fluency.  Through the use of reading games, activities, songs, and other resources your child will pick up great learning tools that will help them on the road to becoming a proficient reader.

    The kids will work through various maps that on their level and will earn golden eggs, ribbons, trophies, and other rewards to encourage them to continue learning more.  Reading Eggs is an interactive program that our family has used in the past for our young readers and our kids LOVED it!  They got a kick out of working through the maps, accomplishing goals, and earning rewards.  The kids can even customize their own “reading egg” avatar to match their personality.
    All you have to do is click the “free trial” button once you get to their homepage and get started!
    More information about Reading Eggs:
    • Reading Eggs was developed by an experienced team of teachers, educational writers, animators, and web developers.  People who have interacted with children and have taught kids to read.
    • Reading Eggs focuses mainly on the core reading curriculum skills and strategies that help readers develop more successful reading skills as well as builds their reading confidence level.  The program is perfect for ages 3 to 12.
    • Each reader can work through the Reading Eggs program at his or her pace so if you have a young reader and more advanced reader in your home both would be able to focus on their specific skills.
    • A more advanced reader would move through the first few maps a little more quickly because it may be more of a review for him or her until they reach a point where the information is newer and more challenging for them, whereas, a new reader would work through the first maps more slowly but steadily as they get more excited about the program and earning rewards.
    • Reading Eggs launched in the United States and Canada in 2011.  Since launching they have had over 500,000 subscribers and have presented more than 15 million lessons.

    Our readers will receive a Free Two-Week Trial Offer!  Register now for a two-week trial of the Reading Eggs program.  No credit card is required.  Help your child learn to read, increase their phonics skills, or increase their reading fluency with Reading Eggs free two-week trial!

    A special thanks to U.S. Family Guide and Reading Eggs for offering a free two-week trial to my readers.  Any specific product information was provided by Reading Eggs and U.S. Family Guide, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We received a complimentary subscription for sharing information and our family’s experience regarding Reading Eggs.