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Vacation & Travel: Korean & Abraham Lincoln Memorials


Etched in the granite on the Korean War Memorial are the words “Freedom Is Not Free”

While in Washington, D.C. we went to several memorials.  One of the memorials we visited the first day was the Korean War Veterans Memorial.  As we were walking up to look at the memorial we ran into Park Ranger JoAnn.  She asked if the girls would like for her to walk around the memorial with them and tell them more about the memorial.  The girls were thrilled to soak in more information from the park ranger.  She did great with the girls, answered all their questions, and made it fun for them too.


Park Ranger “JoAnn” taking the girls through the Korean War Memorial. She was super sweet and explained a lot of neat details to the girls!


One of the benefits to walking through the Memorial with a Park Ranger is that we got a lot of great information about the memorial that we probably wouldn’t have figured out on our own by just walking through.  It did take a few minutes longer, however, it was really worth it and the kids enjoyed hearing the specific details that went into making the memorial special for the soldiers who fought in the Korean War.    The granite wall is in the shape of a triangle intersecting a circle.  The wall has over two thousand images etched into it that represent soldiers who served in the war from all divisions.  The etches were amazing.


Inside a triangle shaped area across the sidewalk from the wall are 19 stainless steel statues designed by F. C. Gaylord in 1994.  Each soldier represents all of the American service branches dressed in their specific uniforms.  The soldiers are over 7 feet tall and weigh almost 1,000 pounds.  The bushes on the ground around the soldiers reflects what the ground looked like in Korean during the war.   One of the soldiers has designer Frank Gaylord’s initials and date carved into it.


Listening to all the information.  On the opposite side of the wall (where the wreaths are located) are listed the 22 United Nation countries who were involved in the Korean War.  The wreaths are not always there, but we came during the week of July 4th.


Karlie listening to what Park Ranger JoAnn is saying while Brina tries to count the reflections of the soldiers on the granite memorial.


When the images of the 19 statues reflect on the memorial wall it appears that there are 38 soldiers which represents the 38th parallel where the war was fought.


The Korean War Memorial is near the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool (an easy walking distance and the closest restroom too).  Thankful for park rangers and their willingness to share pieces of history with kids.  Our family really enjoyed learning more!


We made it to the steps of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial.  The girls are excited to see Lincoln’s memorial!


Daddy and Karlie


Jake and his girls at the Lincoln Memorial


Brina and Karlie impressed by the size of Abraham Lincoln’s Memorial


Mommy and her girls!  It is so much fun exploring and seeing these great places with the kids now that they know more of their history.


Sitting below Lincoln’s famous speech!  “Four score and seven years ago….”

We had a blast exploring many awesome places in Washington, D.C.  There is so much to do and see!  We started early that morning and packed in as much as possible.  We made sure to have plenty of liquids and snacks to help keep us going throughout the day.  The girls even wore their own camel backs with water and snacks.  They were troopers as we bounced around D.C.