• Vacation & Travel: Fun in Washington, D.C. – World War II & World War I Memorials, Trolley, White House, & Splashing in the Pool


    They wanted a picture by the Kansas one since it was the first one they spotted.

    We put some miles on our shoes walking to and from the various places in Washington, D.C. this summer.  It was awesome being able to go through the city and see the neat historical memorials and monuments with the girls.  They were fascinated and had a great time!


    Checking out all the states on the World War II Memorial.  Brina spotted “Kansas”


     Hanging out by the fountains at the World War II Memorial


    The fountains at the World War II Memorial were beautiful.  There were large pillars on each side one saying “Atlantic’ and the other “Pacific”.  On the smaller pillars were the names of the states that had soldiers who fought in the war.


    They insisted on stopping to take a picture of the reflection pool and the bird wildlife.


    A group of college students were doing a scavenger hunt competition the first day we were in Washington, D.C. One of the items on their list was to take a picture with a set of twins, here is one of the groups (several groups stopped us to ask if the girls would take a picture with them).  It actually became quite comical after the first couple of groups stopped us for a picture.  The girls thought it was hilarious and fun being a part of a college game!


    Karlie posing by the World War I Memorial


    WHAT!?  Brina stopping to get a sip as we ride the Trolley to the next location!


    The White House


    All smiles riding the escalator back to the van after a big day on the town of Washington, D.C.


    After dinner they still somehow had enough energy to go for a swim on the roof top pool!


    Karlie diving down for one of the pool toys


    Karlie having fun in the pool


    There’s Brina!


    Brina all smiles as she is ready to jump in and make a big splash!


    Look out!  Brina’s coming….

    Thankful for a fun day in Washington, D.C. with the family.  It was worth the stop to see all the neat places.  The girls were super excited to explore different places that they had studied about in Social Studies.  I think all of us crashed quickly that night once we hit the bed after a fun filled day of adventures, history, and fun!

  • Vacation & Travel: Korean & Abraham Lincoln Memorials


    Etched in the granite on the Korean War Memorial are the words “Freedom Is Not Free”

    While in Washington, D.C. we went to several memorials.  One of the memorials we visited the first day was the Korean War Veterans Memorial.  As we were walking up to look at the memorial we ran into Park Ranger JoAnn.  She asked if the girls would like for her to walk around the memorial with them and tell them more about the memorial.  The girls were thrilled to soak in more information from the park ranger.  She did great with the girls, answered all their questions, and made it fun for them too.


    Park Ranger “JoAnn” taking the girls through the Korean War Memorial. She was super sweet and explained a lot of neat details to the girls!


    One of the benefits to walking through the Memorial with a Park Ranger is that we got a lot of great information about the memorial that we probably wouldn’t have figured out on our own by just walking through.  It did take a few minutes longer, however, it was really worth it and the kids enjoyed hearing the specific details that went into making the memorial special for the soldiers who fought in the Korean War.    The granite wall is in the shape of a triangle intersecting a circle.  The wall has over two thousand images etched into it that represent soldiers who served in the war from all divisions.  The etches were amazing.


    Inside a triangle shaped area across the sidewalk from the wall are 19 stainless steel statues designed by F. C. Gaylord in 1994.  Each soldier represents all of the American service branches dressed in their specific uniforms.  The soldiers are over 7 feet tall and weigh almost 1,000 pounds.  The bushes on the ground around the soldiers reflects what the ground looked like in Korean during the war.   One of the soldiers has designer Frank Gaylord’s initials and date carved into it.


    Listening to all the information.  On the opposite side of the wall (where the wreaths are located) are listed the 22 United Nation countries who were involved in the Korean War.  The wreaths are not always there, but we came during the week of July 4th.


    Karlie listening to what Park Ranger JoAnn is saying while Brina tries to count the reflections of the soldiers on the granite memorial.


    When the images of the 19 statues reflect on the memorial wall it appears that there are 38 soldiers which represents the 38th parallel where the war was fought.


    The Korean War Memorial is near the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool (an easy walking distance and the closest restroom too).  Thankful for park rangers and their willingness to share pieces of history with kids.  Our family really enjoyed learning more!


    We made it to the steps of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial.  The girls are excited to see Lincoln’s memorial!


    Daddy and Karlie


    Jake and his girls at the Lincoln Memorial


    Brina and Karlie impressed by the size of Abraham Lincoln’s Memorial


    Mommy and her girls!  It is so much fun exploring and seeing these great places with the kids now that they know more of their history.


    Sitting below Lincoln’s famous speech!  “Four score and seven years ago….”

    We had a blast exploring many awesome places in Washington, D.C.  There is so much to do and see!  We started early that morning and packed in as much as possible.  We made sure to have plenty of liquids and snacks to help keep us going throughout the day.  The girls even wore their own camel backs with water and snacks.  They were troopers as we bounced around D.C.

  • Vacation & Travel: Smithsonian Institution – National Air & Space Museum


    Jake and his girls at the Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C.!

    Our family was able to spend some time at the Smithsonian Institution of National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. this summer.  The first time we drove by the building and Karlie saw the sign she was ready to go explore it!  The Smithsonian Institution buildings that we went into were really nice, very educational, and the best part is that they are FREE!  You cannot bring in any food or drinks, but there are water fountains and a McDonald’s at one end of the Museum if you get hungry.


    So excited to explore this building that they had to get a picture by the sign!


    Over-the-top excited to go into the Air and Space Museum


    Both girls love science and learning, however, Karlie loves anything relating to space so this adventure was a big hit with her!


    So many things to look at and explore in the Air & Space Museum.  As you can see Jake is the only one actually looking at me, ha!  Thanks Babe!  The other two were mesmerized by all the displays!


    Karlie all smiles as she touches a piece of moon rock.  This particular piece was brought back from the moon on Apollo 17 in December 1972.


    Brina touching the moon rock….how cool to think that it was once on the moon!


    Jake is so good about showing the girls the various items and explaining it to them.  They love soaking up all the cool information!


    Having fun at the Smithsonian Institute National Air and Space Museum!


    We thought the room with all the history about how planes and other flying items were created was pretty neat!


    Brina all smiles waiting in line for the next activity and you can see Karlie in the reflection checking to make sure her Air & Space Museum pictures were turning out!  Silly girls!


    Brina flying the plane!


    Karlie’s turn to drive!  They’ve got their eyes on what’s in front of them!  Whatever it is better look out!


    Soaking it all in….


    Wow, what a huge carrier.  Even the display model was big!  Love that they are so fascinated by the display they don’t even realize I am on the other side taking their picture.


    Having fun at the Air & Space Museum!


    Karlie wanted a picture by her favorite rocket – The Apollo!  The space rooms were a hit with Karlie!


    Karlie all smiles as she gets a picture in front of Buzz Aldrin’s astronaut suit.  Earlier this year in March she had a chance to see and hear Buzz Aldrin speak at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC!


    Mommy and her girls!


    It didn’t take Brina long to figure out all the computer activities!


    Showing Daddy what she put together on the computer!


    Fascinating, this was probably Brina’s favorite rooms with all the interactive science activities, experiments, and fun information.


    Gravity, force, magnets…..all kinds of fun activities to check out!


    This picture cracked me up – all three Karlie, Brina, and Jake have their heads down looking at the all pictures in the displays.


    Someone really liked this room!


    Having fun at the Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

    Karlie and Brina loved all the neat activities and displays at the Smithsonian Institute National Air and Space Museum!  I was shocked at how long we spent there since the time went by so quickly.  They could have spent the entire day just in this museum.  Karlie was really hoping we had “extra” time in Washington, D.C. so we could go back and go through the museum again, maybe next time sweet girl!

    It was educational, fascinating, and a fun place to explore for the whole family.  They did a great job with this museum.  Washington, D.C. is a great place to visit the only hard part is fitting in all the amazing places to visit into one trip!  We packed in as much as we could in the couple days we were there, but I am sure we’ll have to go back at some point to explore some more!