• Snow Days In South Carolina


    Karlie could spend an entire day outside in the cold she loves it so much!

    A couple weeks ago we had several days of snow in South Carolina.  The girls loved it.  They had a blast playing outside in the snow.  It was great having a little extra time with them.  Not sure they went a full week of school the last part of February or the first part of March with the snow days here and there.  We’ll take the extra days together though and pack in as much fun as we can.  Snow does not last long in SC so when it comes you have fun for the brief time you have with it.  As you can see from the picture above the snow on the ground behind Karlie has already melted since that morning.


    Back deck covered in snow.


    She looks so sad now that the kids are back inside….  Skipper loves snow days because the kids come out and play more.  This is the face I saw looking at us in the window shortly after the kids had come inside for lunch.  Looks like she is giving them her sad puppy eyes in hopes that they will come back outside and play again soon.  Don’t worry they were back out within 30 minutes or so.


    Oh no she is not going to through that snowball at me…..  Yes, I got beamed with snow balls quite a few times.  Our storm door got it too a couple times as Karlie waiting for me to come out.  Guess those were her practice throws!


    Waiting patiently for me to finish getting ready so I can join her outside!


    Brina pretending to plant in the snow or at least knock off the remaining snow from the planter.


    Magnolia leaves loaded with snow!


    You can still see our bulls eye target!


    The evergreens branches were heavy with the snow!

  • Sweet Snow Day Treats


    Hot Chocolate

    Usually after the kids come back in from playing in the snow they want something hot to drink.  Hot chocolate and apple cider are typically the most popular favorites in our house.  The other day we had hot chocolate with heart marshmallows which was a hit with the kids.  Snow days through us a little off schedule, but the extra time with the kids is so worth it.  Sitting around the table sipping hot chocolate, talking, and laughing is one of the best parts of having a snow day.


    Hot, delicious, and sweet!  Perfect on a cold snowy day!


    Chocolate Snow Cream.  The girls have made snow cream with me so many times over the past years that they do it all on their own now.  This is a batch they whip up during the last snow storm.

    Here are a couple of snow cream recipes we like to use:

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    Last week was super busy, but truly amazing at the same time.  The girls and I were able to join Jake at his work conference in Orlando, Florida.  While he was in his conference the girls and I bounced around town, explored, swam, went to the Disney Parks, and so much more.  We had a blast and met people literally from around the world.

    The kids were up at the break of dawn every day and were going strong until about midnight every evening.  After Jake’s conference ended we had a couple days together as a family to spend time exploring.  Thankful for our time together, the fun, memories, and the opportunity to go on the trip.  With the altered schedule and long days I was not as consistent in writing down my blessings, but as I reflect back there are many things for which I am grateful for last week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful that we woke up on time (3:00 am) and made it safely to Orlando, Florida.  Grateful for an opportunity to stretch our legs at Downtown Disney before heading to our hotel to check in and Jake start his first conference meetings.

    Tuesday – Thankful that the girls and I were able to spend the entire day at Animal Kingdom.  They did fantastic and we had a blast seeing all the animals, going on rides, safaris, watching the shows, and so much more.

    Wednesday – Thankful for a chance to play miniature golf with the kids, even though we lost 3 balls and had crazy high scores, we had grand time.  Grateful that the resort had several pools so we spent a good part of the day bouncing around from pool to pool, swimming, and splashing around with other kids at the resort.

    Thursday – Thankful that I was able to spend the day at Magic Kingdom with the girls.  Even more thankful that Jake was able to join us after lunch once his conference ended.  It was great spending time together as a family and having fun!

    Friday – Thankful for a day with the entire family at Epcot.  The girls loved the rides, shows, and learning about the different countries around the world.  Thankful for my brother’s family who watched the house and pets while we were awhile on our trip.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Furry Critters Who are Not Fans of the Snow


    Snowball and Oreo peeking out at us!

    We have two furry family members who are not big fans of the snow.  They don’t like coming out and getting their feet wet.  It is more appealing for them to just stay inside for the most part nibbling on hay, grain, drinking water, and sleeping.   They did brave it a couple times and came out for treats sometimes, but not very often.  Most of the time they would look at us like we were crazy for being out hiking around in the snow.


    They would rather be hanging out inside eating hay!  Such a tough life for the goats!


    Leaning out the door to watch us.  Oreo came out more often than Snowball.


    Oreo came out to say “hi” and snag a fresh vegetable.  Snowball decided to stay inside.

  • Hiking & Tracking Animals in the Snow


    Hiking through the woods

    Most kids love to go sledding, building a snowman, make snow angels, and more crazy stuff in the snow.  One of the first things our kids want to do is take a hike in the woods.  They love going through the woods, checking out the stream, and looking for various animal tracks in the snow.  We saw a lot of animal tracks and most of them I knew what they were there was only one set that had me stumped….still haven’t quite figured it out even after looking up pictures.


    One of our favorite stops by the stream.  Always gurgling down hill even on the snowy days.


    Lots of deer tracks going through the woods after the snow and ice stopped.


    Karlie looking for animal tracks.


    Karlie loves being outside.


    Brina brought the sled and was sledding down hills on our hike.  She managed to go around most trees.


    Little tracks….


    This was the one that perplexed me, it was as big as my hand and had 5 claws (or toes).


    Lots of little bird tracks.


    Skipper goes swimming in the creek even when its icy cold and snowing!


    Little bird…


    Cat paw prints.


    Hanging out in the woods.


    Talking, walking, and having fun in the woods.


    Karlie loves getting out of school for snow days!

  • Everything Beautifully Covered in Icicles


    All the trees coated in ice!

    The past couple of weeks have been busy with changes in schedules due to the weather.  Our first big storm started as sleet went to snow and ended in more sleet.  The result was everything covered in a sheet of ice.

    The kids that it was great they got out of school.  They didn’t care that it was cold or slick they loved playing outside in it!   It was nice having some extra fun time with the kids.  With all the fun we have been having it has taken me awhile to catch up on the things around the house and get the blog pictures posted.  Hopefully, I will have you all updated on our snow and ice activities within the next couple of days! 🙂


    Brina volunteering to take out our mail.  So happy to have a “snow / ice” day from school!


    Skipper loves snow days as much as the kids.  She loves playing outside with them!


    Brina sledding.  The ice on top of the snow actually made the sledding a lot of fun for the kids.


    Karlie getting ready to go down too!


    Karlie sledding.  It’s amazing how well the sled worked even going through the leaves!


    Icicles on the back porch.


    Icicles on the jungle gym.


    My old planter is covered with ice!


    Our poor trees….they looked so sad!  They were not as happy about having the weight of ice on them.


    Icy branches!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    I have so much to be thankful for in my life.  This week as I as counting my blessings I realized that coming up with 10 things to be grateful for each day was relatively easy if I really think about it for a few minutes.  I don’t ever want to take these blessings for granted as they are a gift from my heavenly Father who truly cares about me in the good as well as the struggles I face every day.

    I want to be accountable to you too so the following are snipits of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for Brina writing me a reminder note to adjust her meal schedule because she liked one of the meals I made her so much!  My family knows me well! 🙂

    Tuesday – Thankful that Skipper is always jumping up and down excited to see me when I get home!  Such a great way to be greeted upon arriving home!

    Wednesday – Thankful for the girls curiosity and love of learning – we did a spontaneous celery and food coloring experiment before school.

    Thursday – Thankful for a chance to talk with Jake on the phone in the morning as he was getting ready for his busy day in Charleston and even more grateful to have him back home that evening.

    Friday – Thankful for a washer and dryer to help get our clothes and laundry cleaned in an efficient manner.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    A few weeks ago I had a little wake up call…  In a conversation with someone close to me it was mentioned during our discussion that I wasn’t as “positive” or “cheerful” as I used to be.  Unfortunately, I did not react very positively to the comment.  The comment hurt.  It struck a raw chord, something I already knew in my heart, but didn’t realize how much it was effecting the people around me.

    I know the comment wasn’t meant to be mean, but to call out some things that are going on my life that they have noticed recently.   I am truly thankful for people in my life who are honest, even if it hurts a little. This was a sincere concern about me and the things I have been struggling with these last few months.  When someone feels comfortable enough to speak the truth even if it is difficult to say you know they care deeply about you, your spiritual growth, and the struggles your hanging onto.

    My first reaction was that I had a reason to be a little more frustrated recently.  It has been a tough few months.  I herniated a disc in my neck back in October and I am still in pain from it.  It has been a very slow and painful recovery so my first instinct was to excuse my behavior.  This person knows how much I have gone through these past few months so it was seen as the excuse that it was.  The purpose for the comment was to encourage me to take my focus off all the crazy stuff that has been going on and focus on the good things that God is doing in my life as well as the lives around me.

    After a couple weeks of praying, wrestling with it some more, thinking about it, and admitting I have been grumpier lately I decided I needed to do something specific.  In addition to prayer, having someone I had to be accountable to, I also needed a daily activity to refresh my memory of the good in my life.  I wanted something that would redirect my focus back to the many positive blessings everyday that have been overshadowed by some other more stressful items going on in my life.  What I decided to do is to write down at least 10 things I am thankful for each day.  I titled my list “Counting My Blessings”.  I hope that this activity will encourage and help turn my focus more on the positive things in my life.   I want to appreciate and enjoy the amazing blessings I have been given.  To be content with the season I am in at the moment.

    I want to be accountable to you as well.  The following are snipits of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for the car ride into school where I can chat with the girls about life, their days, and more!

    Tuesday – Thankful that Jake reads devotions to the girls and patiently answers their many questions about God, life, the bible, and so much more.

    Wednesday – Thankful for a chance to catch up with someone I have known for years, but haven’t seen in awhile.  Her twin grandkids are now 3 years old. I remember how excited she was waiting for them to be born.  It was great catching up for a few minutes.

    Thursday – Thankful for a fresh snow fall so the girls could have a day off school and we could build a snowman, go sledding, hike in the woods, play games, read, play, and have fun together.

    Friday – Thankful for additional time with my girls since school started two hours late due to black ice today.

  • Our Snowman – Rainbow Sherbet


    Karlie and Brina proud of their colorful snowman!

    Of course one of the fun activities every kid wants to do during a snow storm is build a Snowman!  While I cannot say our snowman will win any prices for being perfect or expertly made, especially since it was the girls and I who put him together, he is pretty colorful to look at.  We had a lot of fun building and creating him together!


     Since we were already doing the spray painting we decided to do something different this year with our snowman.  We call him – “Rainbow Sherbet!”


    Rainbow Sherbet added a little extra color to our white yard!


    The girls are hoping Rainbow Sherbet will last for a few weeks.  I am hoping he’ll last a couple days!  Once it starts warming up everything melts quickly in South Carolina!


     Karlie and Brina had the help of a certain black lab named Skipper!  She was proud of their creation too, ha!


    Karlie is armed with a paint spray bottle, wonder what she is planning to paint now!

  • Winter Wonderland!


    Brina making a snow angel

    We spent our days finding ways to have fun both inside and outside the house.  I think they spent almost as much time outside as they did inside even on those days when it was snowing the whole day.  They had so much fun.


    A sweet “I Love You”


    Karlie found a nice leafy spot for her snow angel!


    I wonder who might have wrote this one! Ha!


    Yes, we get another SNOW DAY!  YAY!!!!  So excited!

    Snow Storm

    Every morning before the kids and animals were tracking in and out of the house the deck looked beautiful all covered in a fresh coat of snow!


    One morning we measured the amount on the back deck – 3 inches overnight!  Awesome!


    Not sure how much we actually got but the kids sure have enjoyed all of it!


    A good snow storm is not complete without some snow cream.  The problem is my traditional recipe had dairy in it so I found another one and we substituted Coconut Milk.  It didn’t turn out as creamy as our old one, however, the kids still had a great time making and eating it!


    Whipping up two batches of snow ice cream – one vanilla and one chocolate!


    Karlie’s stirring up the vanilla!


    A bowl of snow cream with sprinkles on top!  Delicious!

    If you want the Snow Cream recipe it is as follows:

    4 cups Fresh Snow

    1/3 cup Sugar

    1/4 teaspoon of Vanilla

    1/2 cup Milk or Coconut Milk

    Stir everything together and enjoy!  You can add chocolate or any of your favorite toppings!