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Snow Days In South Carolina


Karlie could spend an entire day outside in the cold she loves it so much!

A couple weeks ago we had several days of snow in South Carolina.  The girls loved it.  They had a blast playing outside in the snow.  It was great having a little extra time with them.  Not sure they went a full week of school the last part of February or the first part of March with the snow days here and there.  We’ll take the extra days together though and pack in as much fun as we can.  Snow does not last long in SC so when it comes you have fun for the brief time you have with it.  As you can see from the picture above the snow on the ground behind Karlie has already melted since that morning.


Back deck covered in snow.


She looks so sad now that the kids are back inside….  Skipper loves snow days because the kids come out and play more.  This is the face I saw looking at us in the window shortly after the kids had come inside for lunch.  Looks like she is giving them her sad puppy eyes in hopes that they will come back outside and play again soon.  Don’t worry they were back out within 30 minutes or so.


Oh no she is not going to through that snowball at me…..  Yes, I got beamed with snow balls quite a few times.  Our storm door got it too a couple times as Karlie waiting for me to come out.  Guess those were her practice throws!


Waiting patiently for me to finish getting ready so I can join her outside!


Brina pretending to plant in the snow or at least knock off the remaining snow from the planter.


Magnolia leaves loaded with snow!


You can still see our bulls eye target!


The evergreens branches were heavy with the snow!