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Our Snowman – Rainbow Sherbet


Karlie and Brina proud of their colorful snowman!

Of course one of the fun activities every kid wants to do during a snow storm is build a Snowman!  While I cannot say our snowman will win any prices for being perfect or expertly made, especially since it was the girls and I who put him together, he is pretty colorful to look at.  We had a lot of fun building and creating him together!


 Since we were already doing the spray painting we decided to do something different this year with our snowman.  We call him – “Rainbow Sherbet!”


Rainbow Sherbet added a little extra color to our white yard!


The girls are hoping Rainbow Sherbet will last for a few weeks.  I am hoping he’ll last a couple days!  Once it starts warming up everything melts quickly in South Carolina!


 Karlie and Brina had the help of a certain black lab named Skipper!  She was proud of their creation too, ha!


Karlie is armed with a paint spray bottle, wonder what she is planning to paint now!