• The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder

    Recently I finished reading The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls.  The Long Winter is book sixth book in the Little House series.  The girls LOVE reading these books.  I try to read at least a chapter to them every night and they always want me to keep on reading! Glad the girls are enjoying this series as much as I did as a little girl.  This was probably one of the hardest ones to read because the Ingalls family went through a lot of tough things during this winter season (from near starvation, freezing, and more).  The book teaches a lot about being creative with the resources around you, helping others, and working together to get through the rough season.

    Laura Ingalls and her family continue their adventures in the town of De Smet, South Dakota.  They got their homestead, but didn’t have time to winterize the little shanty before winter so they moved into the town of De Smet to live in the building that Pa had built last year.  Thankfully they had a place to stay in town because blizzard after blizzard hit the little town and cut off all the supplies for several months, including anything that was suppose to be arriving on the train.  Pa, Ma, Laura, Mary, Carrie, and baby Grace did their best to enjoy each day.

    It was a hard winter for the family with low food supplies and the cold from the  blizzards.  The book introduces many new characters into the series from their interactions with people in town during the winter months.  Almanzo Wilder and Cap Garland made a dangerous journey to find wheat so the families in town would not starve.  Even though it was a tough season many good friendships were established during these months.   The Ingalls family was creative with their cooking, heating the home, and finding ways to stay entertained while they were stuck inside during the blizzards.

  • Imagination Station – Voyage with the Vikings by Marianne Hering and Paul McCusker (Book 1)

    One afternoon earlier this month I had to take one of the girls to the doctor for a blood test so as we spent time waiting in the doctors office we started reading Imagination Station – Voyage with the Vikings by Marianne Hering and Paul McCusker (Book 1).  Later that same evening when we were back home I finished reading the last couple chapters to the girls.  If you are looking for a simple, quick, and entertaining book to read out loud to your kids this is a good one.  Your kid(s) may also enjoy reading this one independently on their own too.  This is book one of Focus on the Family’s Adventures in Odyssey series.

    One day when the cousins, Patrick and Beth, were exploring Mr. Whittaker’s place they came across his Imagination Station.  Before long they were being transported back in time on an adventure together to Greenland where they met Viking Erik the Red, Viking Leif, and more interesting people.  Your kids will be captivated by the adventures on the boat, searching for the sunstone, winning a prized sword, and watching for flying spears while learning a little bit about Vikings, Greenland, and more.

  • Travel & Vacation: Leaving on a Jet Plane

    Leaving on a Jet Plane!  Jake took this picture of an airplane flying over the ship earlier that day

    We spent most of Saturday morning on the boat enjoying breakfast, walking around, and reminiscing before heading to the Fort Lauderdale airport.  Our flights didn’t leave until later that afternoon so we had plenty of time to get to the airport, relax, and have some fun before parting ways and getting onto the planes.  Half of us were heading back to South Carolina and the other half were going to Kansas.  We ate snacks, read books, played games, slept, and were entertained by the wildlife that came to eat the crumbs the kids dropped on the floor.  Probably the most entertaining game we played was Bean Boozled, we had some good laughs with that one (a couple times we even had the couple sitting next to us laughing).

    Nicko enjoying his candy bracelet from Brina Bee!

    Nicko enjoying his candy bracelet from Brina Bee!

    Zach could sleep anywhere….here he is sleeping soundly on Grandma Penny’s lap at the airport

    Reading books in the airport

    Another form of airport entertainment in Fort Lauderdale, watching the pigeons come in and pick up the crumbs that the kids dropped on the floor.  This one was right next to my foot!  The birds came several times within inches from us.  The kids would eventually get so excited watching them that they would scare the birds away but in a few minutes they would come back again.  Although it was kind of gross the kids were entertained and fascinated by the birds (they kept wanting to feed the birds more).

    This guy was right next to Amber’s boot and backpack.  He wasn’t very scared of us, he was more interested in getting the crumbs off the floor.

  • On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder

    Last week I finished reading On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls.  This is the fourth book of the Little House series.  In this book Laura and her family start their time in Minnesota on Plum Creek in a little sod house.  Later Pa builds a new house with manufactured boards, glass windows and a hinged door.

    The wild game at Plum Creek was more scarce because it was a more settled area but they did find plenty of fish in the creek.  They were close enough to town that the family could attend church on Sundays and Laura and Mary could go to school.  The land was good and the wheat crop looked great until the grasshoppers came which meant Pa had to look for work elsewhere.

    It has been a lot of fun reading about Laura’s adventures with the girls.  I am reading the same books to the girls that I read as a little girl.  They are always eager to have me read the next chapter to them.

  • Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume

    I started reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume to the girls while we were on the cruise.  The girls loved hearing about Peter, Fudge, and their adventures so much that they begged me to continue reading it.  I finished reading this book to the girls earlier this week.  They thought the book was hilarious and wanted to know if there were any more books.

    The book is about a fourth grader Peter Hatcher and his little brother Fudge.  Fudge was always getting into Peter’s things, messing up his school work, playing with his turtle, and many other things to embarrass Peter.  Every chapter contains the daily interactions and adventures of the Hatcher family.    The story is fun and silly which captivates the young listeners attention.  We have the older version of this book from when I was a kid.  The girls love that they are reading books that I read as a kid too.

  • Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure by Jeff Brown

    While on the cruise last week I read the book Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure by Jeff Brown to the girls.  Before leaving we had them color and laminate their own Flat Stanley’s to take with them.  Both Flat Stanley’s had a blast on the cruise and were often seen looking out the window in our room at the ports, sneaking a snack from the shelf, and other random places throughout the week.

    The book was a really quick read but the girls loved it.  One afternoon as we were relaxing for a little bit before dinner I read the entire book to them.  They thought it was silly and enjoyed taking their very own Flat Stanley on adventures with them.

    In this book Flat Stanley wakes up one morning flattened by the bulletin board that fell on top of him during the night.  The book goes through the adventures that encounters while being flat from being a kite for his brother to being mailed to a friend and even helping in a museum robbery investigation.

    Whether you read the book to the kids or they read it on their own it will be a fun one for them.

    Brina and Karlie’s Flat Stanley’s waving at them from the window in our room.  The girls were tickled pink they could see them from the dock.  It definitely made our room easier to spot (I didn’t see any other Flat Stanley’s in any other windows, ha).

  • Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder

    I just finished reading the book Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls.  They were a little confused when we first started this book because they expected the next book in the series to be about the little girl Laura and her family, not about a boy named Almanzo.  Although they were unsure about it at the beginning it only took a chapter to get them hooked and back into the series.

    Farmer Boy is book three of the set we are currently reading through with the girls.  The book introduces Almanzo, Laura’s future husband.  While Laura growing up in a little house on the prairie with her parents and two sisters Almanzo was living on a big farm in New York State with his parents, one brother, and two sisters.

    The book is written from Almanzo perspective and goes through many of the things he did as a boy from chopping wood, cutting ice, planting corn, raising a prize pumpkin, training his steers, and much more!  The girls found it fascinating reading about Almanzo’s days.   They especially liked that he was found of horses.

    If you are looking for a fun book to read to your kids (both boys and girls) or have your children read themselves this is a great book.  I know the girls will be going back and reading these books again on their own after we finish with the series.  They have really enjoyed this series and learning a little bit about how Almanzo grew up fueled their excitement even more!


  • Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

    I just finished reading Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls.  I have an older version of the book (from when I was a kid), but the story is exactly the same.  They have a picture every few pages that the girls enjoyed looking at as we read together.    Brina and Karlie really enjoy these books and are always begging me to read…..just one more chapter. 🙂

    Little House on the Prairie is the second book in the Laura Ingalls Wilder series.  We read Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder first.  In this book the little girl, Laura, that we met in the first book traveled with her family out Midwest to the Kansas area.  Her Pa found a place out in the wide open space of the prairie where they built their new home, barn, started farming, trapping, and explored the area.  In this book Laura met Indians for the first time, saw a papoose, and experienced many new adventures.

  • Travel & Vacation: Road Trip Entertainment

    I am so thankful that our girls travel really well.  Since they were little babies we have been doing road trips and they have been real troopers every time.  The longest road trip we took with them was 40 hours (round trip).  They have a blast hanging out together reading books, doing work books, playing games, talking, listening to audiobooks, and when we go on a long trip (5 hours or more) they get to watch a couple movies.  Here are some of the ways we stay entertained on road trips:

    Karlie lounging and talking on the phone as we were driving through Charleston.  They usually keep themselves busy reading, doing workbooks, playing games or resting.

    I hear giggling coming from the backseat….when I look back this is what I see….Brina practicing her flexibility.  Hey at least they are happy on road trips! Goofy girl!

    Karlie smiling as she works on a workbook in the car!

    Brina multi-tasking….snacking and reading a book at the same time while in the back seat of the car.  Thankfully she doesn’t get carsick as often anymore!

    On this trip we stuck the basket of books, workbooks, games, etc….in between the girls.  This was great because it provided accessible entertainment for both girls at the same time and kept them a little separated so they weren’t poking or messing with each other.  They didn’t get to watch a movie on this road trip because it was only 3 hours long, but they still had a lot of fun!

  • Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

    I just finished leaving the book Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls.  This series was one of my favorites growing up as a kid.  The girls loved it so much that they begged to start reading the second book in the series right away.

    The book is about a little girl named Laura Ingalls who grew up to write the Little House books.  She lived in a snug little log house deep in the woods of Wisconsin in the late 1870s with her Pa, Ma, older sister Mary, and baby sister Carrie.

    This is the first book of the series and a great one to read to your kids. We have an older version of the book (from when I was a kid), but the story is exactly the same.  They even have a picture every few pages that the girls enjoyed looking at as we read together.