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Travel & Vacation: Leaving on a Jet Plane

Leaving on a Jet Plane!  Jake took this picture of an airplane flying over the ship earlier that day

We spent most of Saturday morning on the boat enjoying breakfast, walking around, and reminiscing before heading to the Fort Lauderdale airport.  Our flights didn’t leave until later that afternoon so we had plenty of time to get to the airport, relax, and have some fun before parting ways and getting onto the planes.  Half of us were heading back to South Carolina and the other half were going to Kansas.  We ate snacks, read books, played games, slept, and were entertained by the wildlife that came to eat the crumbs the kids dropped on the floor.  Probably the most entertaining game we played was Bean Boozled, we had some good laughs with that one (a couple times we even had the couple sitting next to us laughing).

Nicko enjoying his candy bracelet from Brina Bee!

Nicko enjoying his candy bracelet from Brina Bee!

Zach could sleep anywhere….here he is sleeping soundly on Grandma Penny’s lap at the airport

Reading books in the airport

Another form of airport entertainment in Fort Lauderdale, watching the pigeons come in and pick up the crumbs that the kids dropped on the floor.  This one was right next to my foot!  The birds came several times within inches from us.  The kids would eventually get so excited watching them that they would scare the birds away but in a few minutes they would come back again.  Although it was kind of gross the kids were entertained and fascinated by the birds (they kept wanting to feed the birds more).

This guy was right next to Amber’s boot and backpack.  He wasn’t very scared of us, he was more interested in getting the crumbs off the floor.

Jeremiah relaxing to some music at the airport.  He looks like either he’s serious or about to bust out laughing.

Zach are you ready for take off?!

Goodbye Fort Lauderdale.  This picture was taken from the airplane window as we were flying out of Fort Lauderdale.  The port you see in the picture is where our cruise ship left out of, in another picture (that wasn’t as clear) you can actually see one of the ships.

Karlie reading “Charlotte’s Web” while Brina snoozes on the plane

The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!